Class FixCRLF

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class FixCRLF
extends MatchingTask

Converts text source files to local OS formatting conventions, as well as repair text files damaged by misconfigured or misguided editors or file transfer programs.

This task can take the following arguments:

Of these arguments, only sourcedir is required.

When this task executes, it will scan the srcdir based on the include and exclude properties.

This version generalises the handling of EOL characters, and allows for CR-only line endings (which I suspect is the standard on Macs.) Tab handling has also been generalised to accommodate any tabwidth from 2 to 80, inclusive. Importantly, it will leave untouched any literal TAB characters embedded within string or character constants.

Warning: do not run on binary files. Caution: run with care on carefully formatted files. This may sound obvious, but if you don't specify asis, presume that your files are going to be modified. If "tabs" is "add" or "remove", whitespace characters may be added or removed as necessary. Similarly, for CR's - in fact "eol"="crlf" or cr="add" can result in cr characters being removed in one special case accommodated, i.e., CRCRLF is regarded as a single EOL to handle cases where other programs have converted CRLF into CRCRLF.

Ant 1.1
$Revision: $ $Name: $
Sam Ruby, Peter B. West

Nested Class Summary
static class FixCRLF.AddAsisRemove
          Enumerated attribute with the values "asis", "add" and "remove".
static class FixCRLF.CrLf
          Enumerated attribute with the values "asis", "cr", "lf" and "crlf".
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class
Fields inherited from class
description, location, target, taskName, taskType, wrapper
Fields inherited from class
Constructor Summary
          Defaults the properties based on the system type.
Method Summary
 void execute()
          Executes the task.
 void setCr(FixCRLF.AddAsisRemove attr)
          Deprecated. use setEol instead.
 void setDestdir( destDir)
          Set the destination where the fixed files should be placed.
 void setEncoding(java.lang.String encoding)
          Specifies the encoding Ant expects the files to be in - defaults to the platforms default encoding.
 void setEof(FixCRLF.AddAsisRemove attr)
          Specify how DOS EOF (control-z) characters are to be handled.
 void setEol(FixCRLF.CrLf attr)
          Specify how EndOfLine characters are to be handled.
 void setFixlast(boolean fixlast)
          Specify whether a missing EOL will be added to the final line of a file.
 void setJavafiles(boolean javafiles)
          Set to true if modifying Java source files.
 void setSrcdir( srcDir)
          Set the source dir to find the source text files.
 void setTab(FixCRLF.AddAsisRemove attr)
          Specify how tab characters are to be handled.
 void setTablength(int tlength)
          Specify tab length in characters.
Methods inherited from class
add, addAnd, addContains, addContainsRegexp, addCustom, addDate, addDepend, addDepth, addDifferent, addFilename, addMajority, addModified, addNone, addNot, addOr, addPresent, addSelector, addSize, addType, appendSelector, createExclude, createExcludesFile, createInclude, createIncludesFile, createPatternSet, getDirectoryScanner, getImplicitFileSet, getSelectors, hasSelectors, selectorCount, selectorElements, setCaseSensitive, setDefaultexcludes, setExcludes, setExcludesfile, setFollowSymlinks, setIncludes, setIncludesfile, setProject, XsetIgnore, XsetItems
Methods inherited from class
getDescription, getLocation, getOwningTarget, getRuntimeConfigurableWrapper, getTaskName, getTaskType, getWrapper, handleErrorFlush, handleErrorOutput, handleFlush, handleInput, handleOutput, init, isInvalid, log, log, maybeConfigure, perform, reconfigure, setDescription, setLocation, setOwningTarget, setRuntimeConfigurableWrapper, setTaskName, setTaskType
Methods inherited from class
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public FixCRLF()
Defaults the properties based on the system type.

Method Detail


public void setSrcdir( srcDir)
Set the source dir to find the source text files.


public void setDestdir( destDir)
Set the destination where the fixed files should be placed. Default is to replace the original file.


public void setJavafiles(boolean javafiles)
Set to true if modifying Java source files.


public void setEol(FixCRLF.CrLf attr)
Specify how EndOfLine characters are to be handled.

attr - valid values:
  • asis: leave line endings alone
  • cr: convert line endings to CR
  • lf: convert line endings to LF
  • crlf: convert line endings to CRLF


public void setCr(FixCRLF.AddAsisRemove attr)
Deprecated. use setEol instead.

Specify how carriage return (CR) characters are to be handled.

attr - valid values:
  • add: ensure that there is a CR before every LF
  • asis: leave CR characters alone
  • remove: remove all CR characters


public void setTab(FixCRLF.AddAsisRemove attr)
Specify how tab characters are to be handled.

attr - valid values:
  • add: convert sequences of spaces which span a tab stop to tabs
  • asis: leave tab and space characters alone
  • remove: convert tabs to spaces


public void setTablength(int tlength)
                  throws BuildException
Specify tab length in characters.

tlength - specify the length of tab in spaces,


public void setEof(FixCRLF.AddAsisRemove attr)
Specify how DOS EOF (control-z) characters are to be handled.

attr - valid values:
  • add: ensure that there is an eof at the end of the file
  • asis: leave eof characters alone
  • remove: remove any eof character found at the end


public void setEncoding(java.lang.String encoding)
Specifies the encoding Ant expects the files to be in - defaults to the platforms default encoding.


public void setFixlast(boolean fixlast)
Specify whether a missing EOL will be added to the final line of a file.


public void execute()
             throws BuildException
Executes the task.

execute in class Task
BuildException - if something goes wrong with the build

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