Class Summary |
AbstractCvsTask |
original 1.20
NOTE: This implementation has been moved here from with
the addition of some accessors for extensibility. |
Ant |
Build a sub-project. |
Ant.Reference |
Helper class that implements the nested <reference>
element of <ant> and <antcall>. |
Antlib |
Antlib task. |
AntlibDefinition |
Base class for tasks that that can be used in antlibs. |
AntStructure |
Creates a partial DTD for Ant from the currently known tasks. |
Available |
Will set the given property if the requested resource is available at
runtime. |
Available.FileDir |
EnumeratedAttribute covering the file types to be checked for, either
file or dir. |
Basename |
Sets a property to the base name of a specified file, optionally minus a
suffix. |
BuildNumber |
Read, increment, and write a build number in a file
It will first
attempt to read a build number from a file, then set the property
"build.number" to the value that was read in (or 0 if no such value). |
BUnzip2 |
Expands a file that has been compressed with the BZIP2
algorithm. |
BZip2 |
Compresses a file with the BZIP2 algorithm. |
CallTarget |
Call another target in the same project. |
Checksum |
Used to create or verify file checksums. |
Chmod |
Chmod equivalent for unix-like environments. |
Concat |
This class contains the 'concat' task, used to concatenate a series
of files into a single stream. |
Concat.TextElement |
sub element points to a file or contains text |
ConditionTask |
Task to set a property conditionally using <uptodate>, <available>,
and many other supported conditions. |
Copy |
Copies a file or directory to a new file
or directory. |
Copydir |
Deprecated. The copydir task is deprecated since Ant 1.2. |
Copyfile |
Deprecated. The copyfile task is deprecated since Ant 1.2. |
Cvs |
Performs operations on a CVS repository. |
CVSPass |
Adds an new entry to a CVS password file. |
DefaultExcludes |
Alters the default excludes for the entire build.. |
DefBase |
Base class for Definitions
handling uri and class loading. |
Definer |
Base class for Taskdef and Typedef - handles all
the attributes for Typedef. |
Definer.Format |
Enumerated type for format attribute |
Definer.OnError |
Enumerated type for onError attribute |
Delete |
Deletes a file or directory, or set of files defined by a fileset. |
Deltree |
Deprecated. The deltree task is deprecated since Ant 1.2. |
DependSet |
Examines and removes out of date target files. |
Dirname |
Determines the directory name of the specified file. |
Ear |
Creates a EAR archive. |
Echo |
Writes a message to the Ant logging facilities. |
Echo.EchoLevel |
The enumerated values for the level attribute. |
Exec |
Deprecated. delegate to Execute
instead. |
ExecTask |
Executes a given command if the os platform is appropriate. |
Execute |
Runs an external program. |
ExecuteJava |
ExecuteOn |
Executes a given command, supplying a set of files as arguments. |
ExecuteOn.FileDirBoth |
Enumerated attribute with the values "file", "dir" and "both"
for the type attribute. |
ExecuteWatchdog |
Destroys a process running for too long. |
Exit |
Exits the active build, giving an additional message
if available. |
Expand |
Unzip a file. |
Filter |
Sets a token filter that is used by the file copy tasks
to do token substitution. |
Converts text source files to local OS formatting conventions, as
well as repair text files damaged by misconfigured or misguided editors or
file transfer programs. |
FixCRLF.AddAsisRemove |
Enumerated attribute with the values "asis", "add" and "remove". |
FixCRLF.CrLf |
Enumerated attribute with the values "asis", "cr", "lf" and "crlf". |
GenerateKey |
Generates a key in a keystore. |
GenerateKey.DistinguishedName |
GenerateKey.DnameParam |
Get |
Gets a particular file from a URL source. |
GUnzip |
Expands a file that has been compressed with the GZIP
algorithm. |
GZip |
Compresses a file with the GZIP algorithm. |
ImportTask |
Task to import another build file into the current project. |
Input |
Reads an input line from the console. |
Jar |
Creates a JAR archive. |
Jar.FilesetManifestConfig |
Java |
Launcher for Java applications. |
Javac |
Compiles Java source files. |
Javadoc |
Generates Javadoc documentation for a collection
of source code. |
Javadoc.AccessType |
EnumeratedAttribute implementation supporting the javadoc scoping
values. |
Javadoc.ExtensionInfo |
A project aware class used for Javadoc extensions which take a name
and a path such as doclet and taglet arguments. |
Javadoc.Html |
An HTML element in the javadoc. |
Javadoc.PackageName |
Used to track info about the packages to be javadoc'd |
Javadoc.SourceFile |
This class is used to manage the source files to be processed. |
JDBCTask |
Handles JDBC configuration needed by SQL type tasks. |
Jikes |
Deprecated. merged into the class Javac. |
JikesOutputParser |
Deprecated. use Jikes' exit value to detect compilation failure. |
KeySubst |
Deprecated. KeySubst is deprecated since Ant 1.1. |
LoadFile |
Load a file into a property |
LoadProperties |
Load a file's contents as Ant properties. |
LogOutputStream |
Logs each line written to this stream to the log system of ant. |
LogStreamHandler |
Logs standard output and error of a subprocess to the log system of ant. |
MacroDef |
Describe class MacroDef here. |
MacroDef.Attribute |
A nested element for the MacroDef task. |
MacroDef.NestedSequential |
The class corresponding to the sequential nested element. |
MacroDef.TemplateElement |
A nested element for the MacroDef task. |
MacroDef.Text |
A nested text element for the MacroDef task. |
MacroInstance |
The class to be placed in the ant type definition. |
MacroInstance.Element |
Embedded element in macro instance |
Manifest |
Holds the data of a jar manifest. |
Manifest.Attribute |
An attribute for the manifest. |
Manifest.Section |
A manifest section - you can nest attribute elements into sections. |
ManifestTask |
Creates a manifest file for inclusion in a JAR, Ant task wrapper
around Manifest . |
ManifestTask.Mode |
Helper class for Manifest's mode attribute. |
MatchingTask |
This is an abstract task that should be used by all those tasks that
require to include or exclude files based on pattern matching. |
Mkdir |
Creates a given directory. |
Move |
Moves a file or directory to a new file or directory. |
Pack |
Abstract Base class for pack tasks. |
Parallel |
Executes the contained tasks in separate threads, continuing
once all are completed. |
Parallel.TaskList |
Class which holds a list of tasks to execute |
Patch |
Patches a file by applying a 'diff' file to it; requires "patch" to be
on the execution path. |
PathConvert |
Converts path and classpath information to a specific target OS
format. |
PathConvert.TargetOs |
an enumeration of supported targets:
windows", "unix", "netware", and "os/2". |
PreSetDef |
The preset definition task generates a new definition
based on a current definition with some attributes or
elements preset. |
PreSetDef.PreSetDefinition |
This class contains the unknown element and the object
that is predefined. |
Property |
Sets a property by name, or set of properties (from file or
resource) in the project. |
PumpStreamHandler |
Copies standard output and error of subprocesses to standard output and
error of the parent process. |
Recorder |
Adds a listener to the current build process that records the
output to a file. |
Recorder.ActionChoices |
A list of possible values for the setAction() method. |
Recorder.VerbosityLevelChoices |
A list of possible values for the setLoglevel() method. |
RecorderEntry |
This is a class that represents a recorder. |
Redirector |
The Redirector class manages the setup and connection of
input and output redirection for an Ant task. |
Rename |
Deprecated. The rename task is deprecated since Ant 1.2. |
Replace |
Replaces all occurrences of one or more string tokens with given
values in the indicated files. |
Rmic |
Runs the rmic compiler against classes. |
SendEmail |
A task to send SMTP email. |
Sequential |
Sequential is a container task - it can contain other Ant tasks. |
SignJar |
Signs jar or zip files with the javasign command line tool. |
Sleep |
Sleep, or pause, for a period of time. |
SQLExec |
Executes a series of SQL statements on a database using JDBC. |
SQLExec.DelimiterType |
delimiters we support, "normal" and "row" |
SQLExec.OnError |
The action a task should perform on an error,
one of "continue", "stop" and "abort" |
StreamPumper |
Copies all data from an input stream to an output stream. |
SubAnt |
Calls a given target for all defined sub-builds. |
Sync |
Synchronize a local target directory from the files defined
in one or more filesets. |
Sync.MyCopy |
Subclass Copy in order to access it's file/dir maps. |
Tar |
Creates a tar archive. |
Tar.TarCompressionMethod |
Valid Modes for Compression attribute to Tar Task |
Tar.TarFileSet |
This is a FileSet with the option to specify permissions |
Tar.TarLongFileMode |
Set of options for long file handling in the task. |
Taskdef |
Adds a task definition to the current project, such that this new task can be
used in the current project. |
TaskOutputStream |
Deprecated. use LogOutputStream instead. |
TempFile |
This task sets a property to the name of a temporary file. |
Touch |
Touch a file and/or fileset(s); corresponds to the Unix touch command. |
Transform |
Has been merged into ExecuteOn, empty class for backwards compatibility. |
Tstamp |
Sets properties to the current time, or offsets from the current time. |
Tstamp.Unit |
set of valid units to use for time offsets. |
Typedef |
Adds a data type definition to the current project. |
Unpack |
Abstract Base class for unpack tasks. |
Untar |
Untar a file. |
Untar.UntarCompressionMethod |
Valid Modes for Compression attribute to Untar Task |
UpToDate |
Sets the given property if the specified target has a timestamp
greater than all of the source files. |
WaitFor |
Wait for an external event to occur. |
WaitFor.Unit |
The enumeration of units:
millisecond, second, minute, hour, day, week |
War |
An extension of <jar> to create a WAR archive. |
WhichResource |
Find a class or resource on the supplied classpath, or the
system classpath if none is supplied. |
XmlProperty |
Loads property values from a valid XML file, generating the
property names from the file's element and attribute names. |
XSLTProcess |
Processes a set of XML documents via XSLT. |
XSLTProcess.Factory |
The factory element to configure a transformer factory |
XSLTProcess.Factory.Attribute |
A JAXP factory attribute. |
XSLTProcess.OutputProperty |
Specify how the result tree should be output as specified
in the
specification. |
XSLTProcess.Param |
The Param inner class used to store XSL parameters |
Zip |
Create a Zip file. |
Zip.ArchiveState |
Holds the up-to-date status and the out-of-date resources of
the original archive. |
Zip.Duplicate |
Possible behaviors when a duplicate file is added:
"add", "preserve" or "fail" |
Zip.WhenEmpty |
Possible behaviors when there are no matching files for the task:
"fail", "skip", or "create". |