I am a Research Scientist at
UT-Austin (Department of Computer Science) and
NNAISENSE (Intelligent Automation group).
I have been working on a DARPA-funded project as part of the
Lifelong Learning Machines (L2M) program since June'18:
STELLAR (Super Turing Evolving Lifelong Learning ARchitecture).
I am a mechanical engineer by training (B.Sc. in System Dynamics and Control, M.Sc. in Solid Mechanics and Ph.D. in Manufacturing Engineering), but optimization and its applications in various disciplines have always been in the center of
my research interests:
- Evolutionary computation for
- single, multi and many-objective & constrained optimization problems,
- training neural networks (neuroevolution) for reinforcement learning problems,
- Surrogate-based efficient blackbox optimization for compute-heavy problems,
- Additive manufacturing processes,
- Functional Generative Design for 3D printed parts or mechanisms,
- Multi-physics computer simulations of manufacturing processes.