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Algernon Access-Limited Logic is a language for representing knowledge in the computer, and a method for drawing conclusions and ...

QPC: Qualitative Process Compiler The latest release includes Algernon 1.3.3 but not QSIM. QPC requires QSIM...

QSIM The world is infinite, continuous, and continually changing over time. Human knowledge and human inference abilities are...

Component Library The cornerstone of our approach to building Knowledge Systems is the assembly of knowledge bases from reusable component... 2000

KM: The Knowledge Machine To encode our knowledge bases, we use the KM knowledge representation and reasoning system. KM is a powerful, frame-base...

TacTex AA Binary The binary version of our 2009 TacTex AA agent, along with many other teams' agents, are available at the ... 2009

TacTex SCM Binaries Binary versions of all TacTex SCM (2005-2008) agents, along with many other teams' agents, are available at the ... 2008

TacTex SCM Starter Agent The purpose of this agent is to serve as a starting point for new participants in the TAC SCM competition. The agent is ... 2006

Keepaway player framework source code, version 0.6 The Keepaway player framework is an implementation of all the low- and mid-level keepaway behaviors described in the pub...

     [Expand to show all 15][Minimize]
Improving Black-box Speech Recognition using Semantic Parsing The data used in the paper Improving Black-box Speech Recognition using Semantic Parsing, IJCNLP 2017 can be downloaded ... 2019

KRISPER A semantic parser learning system that learn from ambiguous training examples.... 2007

WASP A semantic parser learning system that uses statistical machine translation techniques. ... 2007

ACCEL ACCEL is a general purpose system that uses abductive reasoning to construct explanations for observed intelligent pheno... 2000

BETH An ILP system that integrates traditional top-down and bottom-up approaches to combine the strengths of each and elimina... 2000

CHILL CHILL (Constructive Heuristics Induction for Language Learning) is a general approach to the problem of inducing natural... 2000

DOLPHIN DOLPHIN is a system which combines Inductive Logic Programming (i.e. FOIL) and Explanation-Based Learning (i.e. EBG) to ... 2000

FOIDL FOIDL is an ILP system for learning first-order decision lists (ordered lists of clauses each ending in a cut). It has b... 2000

FORTE FORTE (First Order Revision of Theories from Examples) is a machine learning system for modifiying a first-order Horn-cl... 2000

ML Programs A set of standard inductive classification algorithms and software for automated experimentation and system comparison w... 2000

NEITHER NEITHER is a propositional theory refinement system that will modify a incomplete or incorrect rule base so as to make i... 2000

RAPIER RAPIER is a bottom-up inductive learning system for learning information extract rules. It has been tested on several do... 2000

Geoquery A natural-language system that answers questions on US Geography. Accessible at here.... 0000

     [Expand to show all 50][Minimize]
ContextSkillCARLA Download on GitHub.

Code relating to the experiments involv...


BiLex Download at GitHub.

A self-organizing map model of bilingual aphasia. ...


ContextSkillDrift Download on GitHub.

A gas classifier using an explicit conte...


ContextSkillFlappyBall Download at GitHub.

Context-skill model for extrapolati...


SwiftCMA Download on GitHub

SwiftCMA is a pure-Swift implementation of Co...


SwiftGenetics Download on GitHub

SwiftGenetics is a genetic algor...

Object Model Transfer JAVA Code used for Object-Model Transfer in the General Video Game Domain ... 2016

BBMS BBMS is software for Brian Boyles's Masters thesis on evolving scout agents for military simulations. It includes a simu... 2015

MM-NEAT Download at GitHub

Modular Multiobjective NEAT is a software fra...

MARLEDA Markovian Learning Estimation of Distribution Algorithm (MARLEDA) is an Estimation of Distribution Algorithm (EDA) that ... 2013

mMARLEDA The mMarleda package extends the MARLEDA software to multiobjective optim... 2013

ESL This is the C# source code for the experiments with Egalitarian Social Learning (ESL) in a robot foraging domain. The re... 2012

UT^2: Winning Botprize 2012 Entry The Botprize Competition is an annual competition to program bots that appear human-l... 2012


The borg project includes a practical algorithm...


CoSyNE C++ CoSyNE is a neuroevolution method where synapses of the network are evolved in separate subpopulations in a cooperative ... 2011

NKVis This package contains a 3D visualization tool for NK fitness landscapes. Two types of visualizations are provided: a 2011

PyEC Python package containing source code for Evolutionary Annealing along with a number of other evolutionary and stochasti... 2011

BREVE Monsters BREVE is a system for designing Artificial Life simulations available at http://spiderlan... 2010

ENSO This package contains software implementing the ENSO approach for evolving symmetric modular neural networks. It also in... 2010

NEAT C++ The NEAT package contains source code implementing the NeuroEvolution of Augmenting Topologies method. The source code i... 2010

OpenNERO OpenNERO is a general research and education platform for artificial intelligence. The platform is based on a simulatio... 2010

Sorting Networks This package contains software utilizing an approach based on symmetry and evolution to minimize the number of comparato... 2010

Austin Arboretum Foliage Corpus Photographs for use with color modeling work taken by Judah De Paula at the Austin Arboretum. Images contain mostly leav... 2007

De Paula dissertation support files The trichromatic LISSOM simulations and support scripts used to generate the data presented in the De Paula dissertation... 2007

Flowers Color Image Corpus Photographs for use with color modeling work taken by Judah De Paula at the Austin Arboretum. Images contain mostly clos... 2007

RGBtoLMS Python code to convert RGB images to simulated Long, Medium, and Short photoreceptor cone activations. The program also... 2007

rtNEAT C++ The rtNEAT package contains source code implementing the real-time NeuroEvolution of Augmenting Topologies method. In ad... 2006


The LISSOM package contains the C++, Python, and Scheme source code and examples for training and testing firing-rate...


NEAT: ANJI (Another NEAT Java Implementation) The ANJI package contains Java source code for the NeuroEvolution of Augmenting Topologies method (see the original 2004

NEAT C# The SharpNEAT package contains C# source code for the NeuroEvolution of Augmenting Topologies method (see the original <... 2003

NEAT Delphi The Delphi NEAT package contains Delphi source code for the NeuroEvolution of Augmenting Topologies method (see the orig... 2003

NEAT Matlab The Matlab NEAT package contains Matlab source code for the NeuroEvolution of Augmenting Topologies method (see the orig... 2003

ESP JAVA 1.1 The ESP package contains the source code for the Enforced Sup-Populations system written in Java. This package is a near... 2002

NEAT C++ for Microsoft Windows The Windows NEAT package contains C++ source code for the NeuroEvolution of Augmenting Topologies method (see the origin... 2002

NEAT Java (JNEAT) The JNEAT package contains Java source code for the NeuroEvolution of Augmenting Topologies method (see the original 2002

PGLISSOM This package is a simulator for the PGLISSOM model of perceptual grouping and self-organization in the visual cortex. Th... 2002

SignalSim The SignalSim Spiking Neuron package is a Tcl/Tk GUI built on top of an event-driven simulator of an interconnected net... 2002

SOFM The SOFM package contains C- and TK/TCL-code (integrated through SWIG) for the standard feature map algorithm for formi... 2002

TEAM The TEAM package contains C++ implementations of both EuA (The Eugenic Algorithm) and TEAM (The Eugenic Algorithm with M... 2002

ESP C++ The ESP package contains the source code for the Enforced Sup-Populations system written in C++. ESP is an extension t... 2000

JavaSANE The JavaSANE package contains the source code for the Hierarchical SANE system, based on SANE-C, but rewritten extensive... 1998

MIR Sentence Processing Package The MIR Sentence Processing package contains the C source code for the MIR system, as well as a selection of scripts wi... 1998

SANE-C The SANE-C package contains the source code for the Hierarchical SANE system, written in C. This package has been rewrit... 1997

Polebalancing This simulator contains the code used to compare (neuron-level) SANE to one- and two-layer adaptive heuristic critics in... 1995


This package contains the C-code and data for training and testing the DISLEX model of the lexicon, which is also par...


FGREPNET The FGREPNET package contains the C-code and data for training and testing an FGREP network in developing distributed re... 1994

HFM The HFM package contains the C-code and data for training and testing the HFM memory organization and hierarchical class... 1994

PROC The PROC package contains the C-code and data for training and testing the story processing modules of the DISCERN syste... 1994

SPEC The SPEC package contains the C-code and data for training and testing the SPEC system for processing complex sentences ... 1994

DISCERN DISCERN is a large, modular neural network system for reading, paraphrasing and answering questions about stereotypical ... 1993

Sup (answer set solver) SUP is a native answer set solver that can be seen as a combination... 2009

MAD (Modular Action Description language) The Modular Action Description language MAD was introduced is a de... 2007

Cmodels (answer set solver) Cmodels is a system that computes answer sets for either disjun... 2003

Ccalc (Causal theory calculator) The Causal Calculator CCalc is a system for representing commonsen... 2000