First-Order Modular Logic Programs and their Conservative Extensions (Extended Abstract) (2017)
This paper introduces first-order modular logic pro- grams, which provide a way of viewing answer set programs as consisting of many independent, meaningful modules. We also present conservative extensions of such programs. This concept helps to identify strong relationships between modular pro- grams as well as between traditional programs. For example, we illustrate how the notion of a conservative extension can be used to justify the common projection rewriting. This is a short version of a pa- per was presented at the 32nd International Conference on Logic Programming [Harrison and Lierler, 2016].
To Appear In Proceedings of the 2017 International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2017.

Amelia Harrison Ph.D. Alumni ameliaj [at] cs utexas edu
Yuliya Lierler Ph.D. Alumni ylierler [at] unomaha edu