Class AutoDriver

  extended by aim4.driver.Driver
      extended by aim4.driver.AutoDriver
All Implemented Interfaces:
AutoDriverCoordinatorView, AutoDriverPilotView, DriverSimView
Direct Known Subclasses:
AutoV2VDriver, ProxyDriver

public class AutoDriver
extends Driver
implements AutoDriverCoordinatorView, AutoDriverPilotView

An agent that drives a AutoVehicleDriverView while coordinating with IntersectionManagers and other Vehicles. Such an agent consists of two sub-agents, a Coordinator and a Pilot. The two agents communicate by setting state in this class.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class aim4.driver.Driver
currentLane, currentlyOccupiedLanes
Constructor Summary
AutoDriver(AutoVehicleDriverView vehicle, BasicMap basicMap)
Method Summary
 void act()
          Take control actions for driving the agent's Vehicle.
 double distanceFromPrevIntersection()
          Find the distance from the previous intersection in the Lane in which the Vehicle is, from the position at which the Vehicle is.
 double distanceToNextIntersection()
          Find the distance to the next intersection in the Lane in which the Vehicle is, from the position at which the Vehicle is.
 Coordinator getCurrentCoordinator()
          Get the current coordinator of the vehicle.
 IntersectionManager getCurrentIM()
          Get the IntersectionManager with which the agent is currently interacting.
 AutoVehicleDriverView getVehicle()
          Get the Vehicle this DriverAgent is controlling.
 boolean inCurrentIntersection()
          Whether or not the Vehicle controlled by this driver agent is inside the intersection managed by the current IntersectionManager.
 IntersectionManager nextIntersectionManager()
          Find the next IntersectionManager that the Vehicle will need to interact with, in this Lane.
Methods inherited from class aim4.driver.Driver
addCurrentlyOccupiedLane, getCurrentLane, getCurrentlyOccupiedLanes, getDestination, getSpawnPoint, setCurrentLane, setDestination, setSpawnPoint
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface aim4.driver.AutoDriverCoordinatorView
addCurrentlyOccupiedLane, getCurrentLane, getDestination, setCurrentLane
Methods inherited from interface aim4.driver.AutoDriverPilotView
getCurrentLane, setCurrentLane

Constructor Detail


public AutoDriver(AutoVehicleDriverView vehicle,
                  BasicMap basicMap)
Method Detail


public void act()
Take control actions for driving the agent's Vehicle. This allows both the Coordinator and the Pilot to act (in that order).

Specified by:
act in interface DriverSimView
act in class Driver


public AutoVehicleDriverView getVehicle()
Get the Vehicle this DriverAgent is controlling.

Specified by:
getVehicle in interface AutoDriverPilotView
Specified by:
getVehicle in interface DriverSimView
Specified by:
getVehicle in class Driver
the Vehicle this DriverAgent is controlling


public Coordinator getCurrentCoordinator()
Get the current coordinator of the vehicle.

the current coordinator of the vehicle.


public IntersectionManager getCurrentIM()
Get the IntersectionManager with which the agent is currently interacting.

Specified by:
getCurrentIM in interface AutoDriverCoordinatorView
Specified by:
getCurrentIM in interface AutoDriverPilotView
the IntersectionManager with which the agent is currently interacting


public IntersectionManager nextIntersectionManager()
Find the next IntersectionManager that the Vehicle will need to interact with, in this Lane. This version overrides the version in Driver, but only to memoize it for speed.

Specified by:
nextIntersectionManager in interface AutoDriverCoordinatorView
nextIntersectionManager in class Driver
the nextIntersectionManager that the Vehicle will need to interact with, in this Lane


public double distanceToNextIntersection()
Find the distance to the next intersection in the Lane in which the Vehicle is, from the position at which the Vehicle is. This version overrides the version in Driver, but only to memoize it for speed.

Specified by:
distanceToNextIntersection in interface AutoDriverCoordinatorView
Specified by:
distanceToNextIntersection in interface AutoDriverPilotView
distanceToNextIntersection in class Driver
the distance to the next intersection given the current Lane and position of the Vehicle.


public double distanceFromPrevIntersection()
Find the distance from the previous intersection in the Lane in which the Vehicle is, from the position at which the Vehicle is. This subtracts the length of the Vehicle from the distance from the front of the Vehicle. It overrides the version in DriverAgent, but only to memoize it.

Specified by:
distanceFromPrevIntersection in interface AutoDriverCoordinatorView
distanceFromPrevIntersection in class Driver
the distance from the previous intersection given the current Lane and position of the Vehicle.


public boolean inCurrentIntersection()
Whether or not the Vehicle controlled by this driver agent is inside the intersection managed by the current IntersectionManager.

Specified by:
inCurrentIntersection in interface AutoDriverCoordinatorView
whether or not the Vehicle controlled by this CoordinatingDriverAgent is inside the intersection managed by the current IntersectionManager.

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