Class AutoV2VDriver

  extended by aim4.driver.Driver
      extended by aim4.driver.AutoDriver
          extended by aim4.driver.AutoV2VDriver
All Implemented Interfaces:
AutoDriverCoordinatorView, AutoDriverPilotView, DriverSimView

public class AutoV2VDriver
extends AutoDriver

An autonomous V2V driver.

Nested Class Summary
static class AutoV2VDriver.State
          Potential states that a CoordinatingDriverAgent can be in.
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class aim4.driver.Driver
currentLane, currentlyOccupiedLanes
Constructor Summary
AutoV2VDriver(AutoVehicleDriverView vehicle, BasicMap basicMap)
Method Summary
 void finalizeClaimParameters()
          Inform the driver agent that the Claim it is currently holding has stood up for the required amount of time and can be used to cross the intersection.
 AutoVehicleDriverView getVehicle()
          Get the Vehicle this DriverAgent is controlling.
 void setClaimParameters(double arrivalTime, double arrivalVelocity, Lane arrivalLane, Lane departureLane)
          Set the parameters for this driver agent's Claim.
Methods inherited from class aim4.driver.AutoDriver
act, distanceFromPrevIntersection, distanceToNextIntersection, getCurrentCoordinator, getCurrentIM, inCurrentIntersection, nextIntersectionManager
Methods inherited from class aim4.driver.Driver
addCurrentlyOccupiedLane, getCurrentLane, getCurrentlyOccupiedLanes, getDestination, getSpawnPoint, setCurrentLane, setDestination, setSpawnPoint
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface aim4.driver.AutoDriverCoordinatorView
addCurrentlyOccupiedLane, getCurrentLane, getDestination, setCurrentLane
Methods inherited from interface aim4.driver.AutoDriverPilotView
getCurrentLane, setCurrentLane

Constructor Detail


public AutoV2VDriver(AutoVehicleDriverView vehicle,
                     BasicMap basicMap)
Method Detail


public AutoVehicleDriverView getVehicle()
Get the Vehicle this DriverAgent is controlling.

Specified by:
getVehicle in interface AutoDriverPilotView
Specified by:
getVehicle in interface DriverSimView
getVehicle in class AutoDriver
the Vehicle this DriverAgent is controlling


public void setClaimParameters(double arrivalTime,
                               double arrivalVelocity,
                               Lane arrivalLane,
                               Lane departureLane)
Set the parameters for this driver agent's Claim. This method is used by the Coordinator to inform the Pilot about the Claim that the Coordinator has secured.

arrivalTime - the time at which the Vehicle should arrive at the intersection
arrivalVelocity - the minimum arrival Velocity in order to complete the Claim on time
arrivalLane - the Lane in which the Vehicle should arrive at the intersection
departureLane - the Lane in which the Vehicle should depart the intersection


public void finalizeClaimParameters()
Inform the driver agent that the Claim it is currently holding has stood up for the required amount of time and can be used to cross the intersection.

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