Chandrajit Bajaj

3D Cryo-Electron Microscopy

 Introduction | Image Enhancement | Particle Picking | Classification | Reconstruction | 3D Image Segmentation | Secondary Structure | References | Acknowledgements |

3. Particle Picking

Particle detection is the first thing to do in the single particle reconstruction as soon as the Cryo-EM temp/zeyun are digitized and/or CTF-corrected. The goal of this step is to locate all particles from the Cryo-EM temp/zeyun. Since achieving high-resolution reconstruction often requires over hundreds of thousands of particles, it is extremely important to design a fast and automatic algorithm for particle detection. We have developed two methods for this task. One is based on data clustering and the other is based on Voronoi diagram and distance transform.


Clustering-based Method for Particle Picking

Details will be available later or upon request. The following pictures show two examples of particle picking on P97 particles using this method.


Fig. 1    Two examples of particle picking on P97 particles using our clustering-based method.

Computational Geometric Method for Particle Picking

Details will be available later or upon request. The following pictures show two examples of particle picking on Keyhole Limpet Hemocyanin (KLH) particles using this method.


Fig. 2    Two examples of particle picking on P97 particles using our clustering-based method.