Class DDTransEdge

  extended by scale.score.dependence.DDEdge
      extended by scale.score.dependence.DDTransEdge

public final class DDTransEdge
extends DDEdge

This class represents the set of edges, in the data dependence graph, that have a distance of 0 and the same direction for some array in some loop. It forms a transitive closure.

$Id:,v 1.22 2007-10-04 19:58:24 burrill Exp $

Copyright 2008 by the Scale Compiler Group,
Department of Computer Science
University of Massachusetts,
Amherst MA. 01003, USA
All Rights Reserved.

An instance of this class represents a set of data dependence edges for an array where the edge distance is zero. For example if there is an edge from A to B of zero distance, and there is an edge from A to C of zero distance, then there is also an edge from B to C of zero distance.

See Also:
DDEdge, DDNormalEdge, DataDependence, DDGraph

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class scale.score.dependence.DDEdge
cAnti, cFlow, cInput, cNone, colors, cOutput, dependenceName, lineType
Constructor Summary
DDTransEdge(SubscriptExpr end1, SubscriptExpr end2, java.lang.String aname, boolean spatial)
          Create an edge for the data dependence graph.
Method Summary
 boolean addEdge(SubscriptExpr exp, boolean spatial)
          Specify another data dependence edge end point.
 boolean chkEnds(Note source, Note sink)
 boolean contains(SubscriptExpr exp)
          Return true if the expression is an end of an edge represented by this instance.
static int created()
          Return the number of instances of this class that were created.
 boolean forLoop(LoopHeaderChord loop)
          Return true if this edge has a source or sink in the specified loop.
 java.lang.String format(Note s1, Note s2, java.lang.String aname, int ddtype)
          Return a string representation of a data dependence edge.
 long[] getDDInfo()
          Return the computed data dependence information.
 int getDistance(int level)
          Return the distance for the specified level.
 int getEdgeType(Note source, Note sink)
          Return the data dependence type - flow, anti, input, or output.
 void getEnds(Vector<Note> v)
          Add the SubscriptExpr instances, that are the edge ends, to the Vector.
 void graphDependence(DisplayGraph da, boolean addChord, HashSet<Note> nodes, DDGraph graph)
          Create a graphic display of the edges represented by this instancce.
 boolean isAnyDistanceKnown()
          Return true if the distance is known at any level.
 boolean isAnyDistanceNonZero()
          Return true if any distance is unknown or not zero at any level.
 boolean isAnyDistanceNotKnown()
          Return true if the distance is not known at any level.
 boolean isDistanceKnown(int level)
          Return true if the distance is known at the specified level.
 boolean isLoopIndependentDependency()
          Return true if the edge is loop-independent dependency.
 boolean isTransitive()
          Return true if this is a transitive edge set.
 java.util.Iterator<SubscriptExpr> iterator()
          Return an iterator over the SubscriptExpr instances that are the edge ends.
 int numberEdges()
          Return a metric for the number of data dependence edges represented.
static int numberEnds()
          Return the number of data dependence edges represented.
 void printDDInfo(Note source, Note sink)
          Print to stdout the information about the data dependence.
 int removeEdge(SubscriptExpr exp)
          Remove to / from this expression.
 boolean representsAllInput()
          Return true if every edge represented is an input edge.
 java.lang.String toString()
Methods inherited from class scale.score.dependence.DDEdge
getArrayName, getNodeID, isSpatial
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public DDTransEdge(SubscriptExpr end1,
                   SubscriptExpr end2,
                   java.lang.String aname,
                   boolean spatial)
Create an edge for the data dependence graph.

end1 - is the one end of the edge
end2 - is the other end of the edge
aname - is the name of array (or scalar) involved in the dependence
spatial - is true if the edge records a spatial dependence
See Also:
DataDependence, DDGraph
Method Detail


public static int numberEnds()
Return the number of data dependence edges represented.


public static int created()
Return the number of instances of this class that were created.


public java.lang.String toString()
toString in class java.lang.Object


public java.util.Iterator<SubscriptExpr> iterator()
Return an iterator over the SubscriptExpr instances that are the edge ends.

Specified by:
iterator in class DDEdge


public boolean contains(SubscriptExpr exp)
Return true if the expression is an end of an edge represented by this instance.

Specified by:
contains in class DDEdge


public boolean representsAllInput()
Return true if every edge represented is an input edge.

Specified by:
representsAllInput in class DDEdge


public boolean addEdge(SubscriptExpr exp,
                       boolean spatial)
Specify another data dependence edge end point. If the loop containing the end point is a sub-loop or parent loop of the edge's characteristic loop and the data dependence information matches, the end point is added to this transitive edge. Only edges with zero distance should be added.

spatial - is true if the edge records a spatial dependence
true if the end point was added


public int removeEdge(SubscriptExpr exp)
Remove to / from this expression. Return the number of edge ends.


public void getEnds(Vector<Note> v)
Add the SubscriptExpr instances, that are the edge ends, to the Vector.

Specified by:
getEnds in class DDEdge


public int numberEdges()
Return a metric for the number of data dependence edges represented. This is the number of edge end points - 1.

Specified by:
numberEdges in class DDEdge


public long[] getDDInfo()
Return the computed data dependence information.

Specified by:
getDDInfo in class DDEdge


public boolean isLoopIndependentDependency()
Return true if the edge is loop-independent dependency.

Specified by:
isLoopIndependentDependency in class DDEdge


public int getDistance(int level)
Return the distance for the specified level.

Specified by:
getDistance in class DDEdge


public boolean isDistanceKnown(int level)
Return true if the distance is known at the specified level.

Specified by:
isDistanceKnown in class DDEdge


public boolean isAnyDistanceKnown()
Return true if the distance is known at any level.

Specified by:
isAnyDistanceKnown in class DDEdge


public boolean isAnyDistanceNotKnown()
Return true if the distance is not known at any level.

Specified by:
isAnyDistanceNotKnown in class DDEdge


public boolean isAnyDistanceNonZero()
Return true if any distance is unknown or not zero at any level.

Specified by:
isAnyDistanceNonZero in class DDEdge


public boolean isTransitive()
Return true if this is a transitive edge set.

Specified by:
isTransitive in class DDEdge


public int getEdgeType(Note source,
                       Note sink)
Return the data dependence type - flow, anti, input, or output. This logic depends on the CFG nodes being labeled. The source and sink must the uses of the address represented by the SubscriptExpr instances that are the ends of the data dependence edge.

Specified by:
getEdgeType in class DDEdge
See Also:
DDGraph, DataDependence


public boolean chkEnds(Note source,
                       Note sink)


public void printDDInfo(Note source,
                        Note sink)
Print to stdout the information about the data dependence.

Specified by:
printDDInfo in class DDEdge


public java.lang.String format(Note s1,
                               Note s2,
                               java.lang.String aname,
                               int ddtype)
Description copied from class: DDEdge
Return a string representation of a data dependence edge.

Specified by:
format in class DDEdge
s1 - is one end of the edge
s2 - is another end of the edge
aname - is the array name
ddtype - is the edge type


public void graphDependence(DisplayGraph da,
                            boolean addChord,
                            HashSet<Note> nodes,
                            DDGraph graph)
Create a graphic display of the edges represented by this instancce.

Specified by:
graphDependence in class DDEdge
da - is the graph display
addChord - is true if the ends of each edge should be added to the nodes set
nodes - is the set of


public boolean forLoop(LoopHeaderChord loop)
Return true if this edge has a source or sink in the specified loop.

Specified by:
forLoop in class DDEdge