Class SubscriptExpr

  extended by scale.common.Root
      extended by scale.score.Note
          extended by scale.score.expr.Expr
              extended by scale.score.expr.SubscriptExpr
All Implemented Interfaces:
AnnotationInterface, DisplayNode

public class SubscriptExpr
extends Expr

This class represents a subscript operation which computes an address of an array element (at a high-level).

$Id:,v 1.140 2007-10-17 13:40:01 burrill Exp $

Copyright 2008 by the Scale Compiler Group,
Department of Computer Science
University of Massachusetts,
Amherst MA. 01003, USA
All Rights Reserved.

Regardless of whether the source language uses row major or column major array ordering, the subscripts represented by this expression are always in row major (C style) ordering.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class scale.score.expr.Expr
Constructor Summary
SubscriptExpr(Type type, Expr array, Expr[] subscripts, Expr[] mins, Expr[] sizes)
Method Summary
 boolean addUse(Table<Declaration,SubscriptExpr> arraySubscripts)
          Add this SubscriptExpr to the table if it has a valid array reference.
 void addUses(java.util.AbstractCollection<Note> uses)
          Add all the uses of the address, specified by this SubscriptExpr instance, to the Vector.
 void addUses(java.util.AbstractCollection<Note> uses, Vector<Chord> dominated)
          Add all the uses of the address, specified by this SubscriptExpr instance, to the Vector.
 Vector<LoopHeaderChord> allRelatedLoops()
          Return loops whose indexes this subscript expression is using.
 boolean allSubscriptsOptimizationCandidates()
          Return true if all the subscripts of the subscript expression are optimization candidates.
 boolean containsDeclaration(Declaration decl)
          Return true if this expression contains a reference to the variable.
 Expr copy()
          Perform a deep copy of the expression tree.
 boolean dependsOnDeclaration(Declaration decl)
          Return true if this expression's value depends on the variable.
 boolean equivalent(Expr exp)
          Return true if the expressions are equivalent.
 boolean equivalentImp(Expr exp)
          Return true if the expressions are equivalent.
 int executionCostEstimate()
          Return a relative cost estimate for executing the expression.
 SubscriptExpr findSubscriptExpr()
          Return the SubscriptExpr that this load uses or null if none is found.
 AliasAnnote getAliasAnnote()
          Get the alias annotation associated with a Scribble operator.
 Vector<Expr> getArguments()
          Return a new vector with copies of the expression arguments.
 Expr getArray()
          Return the expression specifying the array.
 void getDeclList(java.util.AbstractCollection<Declaration> varList)
          Add all declarations referenced in this expression to the Vector.
 Expr getDimension(int i)
          Return the expression representing the dimension of the i-th subscript.
 java.lang.String getDisplayLabel()
          Return a String suitable for labeling this node in a graphical display.
 void getExprList(Vector<Expr> expList)
          Add all Expr instances in this expression to the Vector.
 Expr getIndexOrigin(int i)
          Return the expression representing the index origin of the i-th subscript.
 void getLoadExprList(Vector<LoadExpr> expList)
          Add all LoadExpr instances in this expression to the Vector.
 Expr getOperand(int position)
          Return the nth operand.
 Expr[] getOperandArray()
          Return an array of the operands to the expression.
 Expr getReference()
          Return the array associated with the subscript expression.
 Expr getSubscript(int i)
          Return the expression representing the i-th subscript.
 Expr[] getSubscripts()
          Return an enumeration of the subscripts of a subscript operator.
 boolean isDefined(Expr lv)
          The given expression is defined if the SubscriptExpr expression is defined and the given expression is the array.
 boolean isUse(Note arg)
          Return true if the argument is a use of the SubscriptExpr instance address.
 void loopClean()
          Clean up any loop related information.
 Expr lower()
          Lower the SubscriptExpr to an ArrayIndexExpr or AdditionExpr instance.
 Expr lowerIndex()
          Lower the SubscriptExpr to just the index calculation.
 int numOperands()
          Return the number of operands to this expression.
 int numSubscripts()
          Return the number of subscripts to the array.
 boolean optimizationCandidate()
          Return true if the expression can be moved without problems.
 void pushOperands(Stack<Expr> wl)
          Push all of the operands of this expression on the Stack.
 void recordRefs(Chord stmt, References refs)
          Record any variable references in this expression in the table of references.
protected  void removeOperand(int i)
          Allow some expressions such as VectorExpr to remove an operand.
 void removeRefs(Chord stmt, References refs)
          Remove any variable references in this expression from the table of references.
 void removeUseDef()
          Remove any use - def links, may - use links, etc.
 boolean replaceDecl(Declaration oldDecl, Declaration newDecl)
          Replace all occurrances of a Declaration with another Declaration.
 void setArray(Expr array)
          Set the array expression to this expression.
 void setDimension(Expr size, int i)
          Set the size of the specified dimension.
protected  void setOperand(Expr operand)
 Expr setOperand(Expr operand, int position)
          Set the nth operand of an expression.
 void setSubscripts(Expr index, int i)
          Set the index into the specified dimension.
 int sideEffects()
          Return an indication of the side effects execution of this expression may cause.
 java.lang.String toStringSpecial()
          Return any special information of a node that is not a child or annotation.
 void unlinkExpression()
          If the node is no longer needed, sever its use-def link, etc.
 void visit(Predicate p)
          Process a node by calling its associated routine.
Methods inherited from class scale.score.expr.Expr
addCast, addCast, canonical, changeInDataEdge, conditionalCopy, conditionalUnlinkExpression, deleteOutDataEdge, executionOrder, executionOrdinal, findCriticalChord, findLinearCoefficient, getAffineExpr, getAffineRepresentation, getCall, getConstantValue, getConstantValue, getCoreType, getCriticalChord, getDefExpr, getDisplayColorHint, getDisplayShapeHint, getDualExpr, getInDataEdge, getInDataEdgeArray, getLoopHeader, getLow, getLValue, getOutDataEdge, getPointedToCore, getReuseLevel, getRValue, getType, getUseDef, hasTrueFalseResult, isCast, isDefined, isLiteralExpr, isLoopInvariant, isMatchExpr, isMemoryDef, isMemRefExpr, isScalar, isSimpleExpr, mayGenerateCall, numInDataEdges, reduce, removeDualExprs, setCrossloopReuse, setOutDataEdge, setSpatialReuse, setStep, setTemporalReuse, setType, setUseDef, validate, validLValue
Methods inherited from class scale.score.Note
getChord, getEssentialUse, setAnnotationLevel, setReportLevel, toString
Methods inherited from class scale.common.Root
addAnnotation, allAnnotations, allMatchingAnnotations, getAnnotation, getDisplayName, getDisplayString, getNodeCount, getNodeID, hasAnnotation, hasEqualAnnotation, hashCode, removeAnnotation, removeAnnotations, toStringAnnotations, toStringClass, trace, trace, trace
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SubscriptExpr(Type type,
                     Expr array,
                     Expr[] subscripts,
                     Expr[] mins,
                     Expr[] sizes)
type - must be a PointerType
array - is the expression node holding address of array being subscripted
subscripts - is the vector of expressions representing array subscripts
mins - is the vector of expressions represnting the index origin for each dimension
sizes - is the vector of expressions representing the size for each dimension
Method Detail


public Expr copy()
Description copied from class: Expr
Perform a deep copy of the expression tree. By deep copy, we mean that copies are made of the expression tree.

Specified by:
copy in class Expr
a copy of this expression


public Expr getArray()
Return the expression specifying the array.


public int numSubscripts()
Return the number of subscripts to the array.


public Expr getSubscript(int i)
Return the expression representing the i-th subscript.


public Expr getIndexOrigin(int i)
Return the expression representing the index origin of the i-th subscript.


public Expr getDimension(int i)
Return the expression representing the dimension of the i-th subscript.


public void visit(Predicate p)
Description copied from class: Note
Process a node by calling its associated routine. See the "visitor" design pattern in Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software by E. Gamma, et al, Addison Wesley, ISBN 0-201-63361-2.

Each class has a visit(Predicate p) method. For example, in class ABC:

   public void visit(Predicate p)
and the class that implements Predicate has a method
   public void visitABC(Note n)
     ABC a = (ABC) n;
Thus, the class that implements Predicate can call
where n is a Note sub-class without determining which specific sub-class n is. The visit pattern basically avoids implementing a large switch statement or defining different methods in each class for some purpose.

Specified by:
visit in class Note
See Also:


public java.lang.String getDisplayLabel()
Description copied from class: Expr
Return a String suitable for labeling this node in a graphical display. This method should be over-ridden as it simplay returns the class name.

Specified by:
getDisplayLabel in interface DisplayNode
getDisplayLabel in class Expr


public boolean isDefined(Expr lv)
The given expression is defined if the SubscriptExpr expression is defined and the given expression is the array.

isDefined in class Expr
lv - the expression reprsenting the array name
true if the array is defined.


public Expr getReference()
Return the array associated with the subscript expression. We use the array name to represent the access of the array - instead of the array index value.

getReference in class Expr
null since a general expression doesn't have a variable


public final Expr[] getOperandArray()
Return an array of the operands to the expression.

Specified by:
getOperandArray in class Expr


public void setArray(Expr array)
Set the array expression to this expression.


public void setDimension(Expr size,
                         int i)
Set the size of the specified dimension.

size - is the new dimension size
i - specifies the dimension


public void setSubscripts(Expr index,
                          int i)
Set the index into the specified dimension.

index - is the new dimension index
i - specifies the dimension


protected void setOperand(Expr operand)


public Expr setOperand(Expr operand,
                       int position)
Description copied from class: Expr
Set the nth operand of an expression. This method eliminates the data edge between the previous operand expression and this expression. The new operand must not be null.

setOperand in class Expr
operand - - the new operand
position - - indicates which operand
the previous operand


public int numOperands()
Return the number of operands to this expression.

Specified by:
numOperands in class Expr


public final Expr getOperand(int position)
Return the nth operand.

getOperand in class Expr
position - the index of the operand


protected void removeOperand(int i)
Allow some expressions such as VectorExpr to remove an operand.


public Vector<Expr> getArguments()
Return a new vector with copies of the expression arguments.


public boolean equivalentImp(Expr exp)
Return true if the expressions are equivalent. Assume subscripts are AffineExpr expressions. This method should be called by the equivalentImp() method of any derived classes.


public boolean equivalent(Expr exp)
Return true if the expressions are equivalent. This method should be called by the equivalent() method of the derived classes.

equivalent in class Expr
true if classes are identical and the core types are equivalent


public Expr[] getSubscripts()
Return an enumeration of the subscripts of a subscript operator.


public boolean addUse(Table<Declaration,SubscriptExpr> arraySubscripts)
Add this SubscriptExpr to the table if it has a valid array reference. A valid subscript expression is one that dependence testing can utilize. Examples of invalid subscript expressions include

true if valid use


public void addUses(java.util.AbstractCollection<Note> uses)
Add all the uses of the address, specified by this SubscriptExpr instance, to the Vector. The uses are obtained by following the use-def links.

See Also:


public void addUses(java.util.AbstractCollection<Note> uses,
                    Vector<Chord> dominated)
Add all the uses of the address, specified by this SubscriptExpr instance, to the Vector. The CFG nodes of uses must be in the dominated list. The uses are obtained by following the use-def links.

See Also:


public boolean isUse(Note arg)
Return true if the argument is a use of the SubscriptExpr instance address.

See Also:


public java.lang.String toStringSpecial()
Description copied from class: Root
Return any special information of a node that is not a child or annotation. This method is meant to be overridden by nodes that need to provide special output.

toStringSpecial in class Expr


public Vector<LoopHeaderChord> allRelatedLoops()
Return loops whose indexes this subscript expression is using. No assumption should be made concerning the order that the loops are placed in the result.


public Expr lower()
Lower the SubscriptExpr to an ArrayIndexExpr or AdditionExpr instance. Lowering may result in a sequence of CFG nodes as well as the lowered expression. These nodes are appended to the supplied vector in the order in which they should be in the CFG. Also, some temporary variables may be created to hold intermediate results. These new variable declarations are added to the supplied vector.


public Expr lowerIndex()
Lower the SubscriptExpr to just the index calculation. Lowering may result in a sequence of CFG nodes as well as the lowered expression. These nodes are appended to the supplied vector in the order in which they should be in the CFG. Also, some temporary variables may be created to hold intermediate results. These new variable declarations are added to the supplied vector.


public void loopClean()
Clean up any loop related information.

loopClean in class Expr


public void unlinkExpression()
If the node is no longer needed, sever its use-def link, etc.

unlinkExpression in class Expr


public boolean containsDeclaration(Declaration decl)
Return true if this expression contains a reference to the variable.

containsDeclaration in class Expr
See Also:


public boolean dependsOnDeclaration(Declaration decl)
Return true if this expression's value depends on the variable. The use-def links are followed.

dependsOnDeclaration in class Expr
See Also:


public boolean allSubscriptsOptimizationCandidates()
Return true if all the subscripts of the subscript expression are optimization candidates.


public boolean optimizationCandidate()
Return true if the expression can be moved without problems. Expressions that reference global variables, non-atomic variables, etc are not optimization candidates. For a SubscriptExpr instance return false. Array accesses must be optimized using data dependence testing.

Specified by:
optimizationCandidate in class Expr
See Also:


public SubscriptExpr findSubscriptExpr()
Return the SubscriptExpr that this load uses or null if none is found. This method uses the use-def link to find an existing SubscriptExpr
findSubscriptExpr in class Expr


public AliasAnnote getAliasAnnote()
Get the alias annotation associated with a Scribble operator. Most Scribble operators do not have alias variables so this routine may return null. Typically, the alias variable information is attached to the declaration node associated with the load operations. However, we sometimes need to create alias variables to hold alias information that is not directly assigned to a user variable (e.g., **x).

getAliasAnnote in class Expr
the alias annotation associated with the expression


public void getDeclList(java.util.AbstractCollection<Declaration> varList)
Add all declarations referenced in this expression to the Vector.

Specified by:
getDeclList in class Expr


public void getLoadExprList(Vector<LoadExpr> expList)
Add all LoadExpr instances in this expression to the Vector.

Specified by:
getLoadExprList in class Expr


public void getExprList(Vector<Expr> expList)
Add all Expr instances in this expression to the Vector.

Specified by:
getExprList in class Expr


public void pushOperands(Stack<Expr> wl)
Push all of the operands of this expression on the Stack.

Specified by:
pushOperands in class Expr


public boolean replaceDecl(Declaration oldDecl,
                           Declaration newDecl)
Replace all occurrances of a Declaration with another Declaration. Return true if a replace occurred.

Specified by:
replaceDecl in class Expr
true if a replace occurred.


public void removeUseDef()
Remove any use - def links, may - use links, etc.

Specified by:
removeUseDef in class Expr


public void recordRefs(Chord stmt,
                       References refs)
Record any variable references in this expression in the table of references.

Specified by:
recordRefs in class Expr


public void removeRefs(Chord stmt,
                       References refs)
Remove any variable references in this expression from the table of references.

Specified by:
removeRefs in class Expr


public int executionCostEstimate()
Return a relative cost estimate for executing the expression.

Specified by:
executionCostEstimate in class Note


public int sideEffects()
Return an indication of the side effects execution of this expression may cause.

Specified by:
sideEffects in class Expr
See Also: