Class Chord

  extended by scale.common.Root
      extended by scale.score.Note
          extended by scale.score.chords.Chord
All Implemented Interfaces:
AnnotationInterface, DisplayNode
Direct Known Subclasses:
DecisionChord, SequentialChord

public abstract class Chord
extends Note

This class represents nodes in a CFG.

$Id:,v 1.137 2007-10-04 19:58:22 burrill Exp $

Copyright 2008 by the Scale Compiler Group,
Department of Computer Science
University of Massachusetts,
Amherst MA. 01003, USA
All Rights Reserved.

The Chord class has derived classes which are dependent on the number of out-going CFG edges. Chord nodes have no out-going data edges. This class handles the in-coming CFG edges. The derived classes must handle the out-going CFG edges.

Field Summary
protected  int lineNumber
          The source line number.
Constructor Summary
protected Chord()
Method Summary
 void addInCfgEdge(Chord node)
          Add an in-coming CFG edge.
 void changeInDataEdge(Expr oldExpr, Expr newExpr)
          This method changes an incoming data edge to point to a new expression.
abstract  void changeOutCfgEdge(Chord oldEdge, Chord newEdge)
          Change the out-going CFG edge indicated by the position to the new edge.
 void changeParentOutCfgEdge(Chord newEdge)
          Change all my predecessors to point to another CFG node.
abstract  void clearEdge(int edge)
          Clear the marker associated with the specified out-going CFG edge.
abstract  void clearEdgeMarkers()
          Clear all the markers.
abstract  Chord copy()
          Make a copy of this CFG node with the same out-going CFG edges.
 void copySourceLine(Chord from)
          Copy the source line information.
static int deadCFGNodes()
          Return the current number of dead nodes removed because they were not reachable.
static int deletedCFGNodes()
          Return the current number of dead nodes removed.
 void deleteInCfgEdge(Chord node)
          Remove an in-coming CFG edge.
abstract  void deleteInDataEdges()
          Remove all the in-coming data edges.
abstract  void deleteOutCfgEdges()
          Remove all the out-going CFG edges.
abstract  boolean edgeMarked(int edge)
          Return the marker associated with the specified out-going CFG edge.
 int executionOrder(Chord n)
          Determine the execution ordering of the two CFG nodes.
 void expungeFromCfg()
          Remove myself from the CFG.
 void extractFromCfg()
          Remove myself from the CFG but preserve me for future use.
 LoopExitChord findLoopExit(LoopHeaderChord header)
          Return the LoopExitChord instance, for the specified loop, that is reachable from this CFG node.
 Vector<PhiExprChord> findPhiChords()
          Return a vector of all of the phi chords in the basic block starting at this node.
 Chord firstInBasicBlock()
          Return the first CFG node in this basic block.
 CallExpr getCall(boolean ignorePure)
          Return the call expression or null if none.
abstract  Vector<Declaration> getDeclList()
          Return a vector of all declarations referenced in this CFG node or null.
 Expr getDefExpr()
          If this CFG node results in a variable being given a new value, return the Expr instance that specifies the variable.
 DColor getDisplayColorHint()
          Return a String specifying the color to use for coloring this node in a graphical display.
 java.lang.String getDisplayLabel()
          Return a String suitable for labeling this node in a graphical display.
 DShape getDisplayShapeHint()
          Return a String specifying a shape to use when drawing this node in a graphical display.
abstract  Vector<Expr> getExprList()
          Return a vector of all Expr instances in this CFG node or null.
 Chord getFirstInCfgEdge()
          Return the predecessor node.
 Chord getInCfgEdge()
          Return the predecessor node.
 Chord getInCfgEdge(int i)
          Return the i-th predecessor node.
 Chord[] getInCfgEdgeArray()
          Use this method when you may be modifying an in-coming CFG edge to this CFG node while iterating over the in-coming edges.
 Expr getInDataEdge(int i)
          Return the specified in-coming data edge.
 Expr[] getInDataEdgeArray()
          Use this method when you may be modifying an in-coming data edge to this expression while iterating over the in-coming edges.
 int getLabel()
          Return the integer associated with a CFG node.
abstract  Vector<LoadExpr> getLoadExprList()
          Return a vector of all LoadExpr instances in this CFG node or null.
 LoopHeaderChord getLoopHeader()
          Return the LoopHeaderChord object for the loop that contains this node.
 LoopHeaderChord getLoopHeader(int limit)
          Return the LoopHeaderChord object for the loop that contains this node.
 int getLoopNumber()
abstract  Chord getNextChord()
          Return the next CFG node in the CFG.
abstract  Chord getOutCfgEdge(int i)
          Return the specified out-going CFG edge.
abstract  Chord[] getOutCfgEdgeArray()
          Use this method when you may be modifying an out-going CFG edge from this CFG node while iterating over the out-going edges.
 int getSourceLineNumber()
          Return the source line number associated with this node or -1 if not known.
static int gotoCFGNodes()
          Return the current number of GotoChord nodes removed.
 boolean inBasicBlock(Chord first)
          Return true if this CFG node is in the basic block specified by first.
 int indexOfInCfgEdge(Chord in)
          Return the index of the specified in-coming CFG edge.
abstract  int indexOfOutCfgEdge(Chord to, int skip)
          This routine is needed because it is possible for more than one out-going CFG edge from a CFG node to go the the same CFG node.
 void insertAfterOutCfg(Chord newChord, Chord outEdge)
          Insert a new node between me and my out-going CFG edges.
 void insertBeforeInCfg(SequentialChord newChord)
          Insert a new node before me in the CFG.
 boolean isAssignChord()
          Return true if this node holds an expression that represents an assignment statement.
 boolean isBranch()
          Return true if this CFG node may have multiple out-going CFG edges.
 boolean isExprChord()
          Return true if this is an ExprChord instance.
 boolean isFirstInBasicBlock()
          Return true if this CFG node is the start of a basic block.
abstract  boolean isLastInBasicBlock()
          Return true if this is the last CFG node in this basic block.
 boolean isLoopExit()
          Return true if this CFG node is a LoopExitChord instance.
 boolean isLoopHeader()
          Return true if this CFG node is a LoopHeaderChord instance.
 boolean isLoopPreHeader()
          Return true if this CFG node is a LoopPreHeaderChord instance.
 boolean isLoopTail()
          Return true if this CFG node is a LoopTailChord instance.
 boolean isMarker()
          Return true if this is a marker CFG node.
 boolean isPhiExpr()
          Return true if this CFG node is a PhiExprChord instance.
 boolean isSequential()
          Return true if this is a SequentialChord instance.
 boolean isSpecial()
          Return true if this is CFG node was added for the convenience of the compiler and does not correspond to actual source code in the user program.
 Chord lastInBasicBlock()
          Return the last CFG node in this basic block.
abstract  void linkSubgraph(HashMap<Chord,Chord> nm)
          Link a new CFG node that contains old links.
 void linkTo(Chord child)
          Link child to parent if it's a SequentialChord instance and not a BranchChord instance or EndChord instance.
 void loopClean()
          Eliminate associated loop information.
abstract  void markEdge(int edge)
          Set the marker associated with the specified out-going CFG edge.
static void nextVisit()
          Set up for a new CFG traversal - that is, use the next color value.
 int nthIndexOfInCfgEdge(Chord in, int n)
          Return the index of the nth occurrence of the specified in-coming CFG edge.
static int nullCFGNodes()
          Return the current number of null nodes removed.
 int numInCfgEdges()
          Return the number of in-coming CFG edges.
 int numInDataEdges()
          Return the number of in-coming data edges.
 int numOfInCfgEdge(Chord in)
          Return the number of duplicate in-coming CFG edges from the specified node.
abstract  int numOutCfgEdges()
          Return the number of out-going CFG edges.
 boolean parentsFinished(HashSet<Chord> finished)
          Return true if all predecessor CFG nodes are in the finished set.
 boolean parentsVisited()
          Return true if the parents of this CFG node have been visited.
 void pushAllInCfgEdges(Stack<Chord> wl)
          Add the predecessors of this CFG node to the stack.
abstract  void pushAllOutCfgEdges(Stack<Chord> wl)
          Add the successors of this CFG node to the stack.
 void pushChordWhenReady(Stack<Chord> wl)
          Place this CFG node on the stack when all its predecessor nodes have been visited.
 int pushChordWhenReady(Stack<Chord> wl, int label)
          Place this CFG node on the stack when all its predecessor nodes have been visited.
 void pushInCfgEdges(Stack<Chord> wl)
          Add the predecessors of this CFG node to the stack if they haven't been visited before.
 void pushInCfgEdges(Stack<Chord> wl, HashSet<Chord> done)
          Add the predecessors of this CFG node to the stack if they haven't been visited before.
 void pushInDataEdges(Stack<Expr> wl)
          Push all incoming data edges on the stack.
abstract  void pushOutCfgEdges(Stack<Chord> wl)
          Add the successors of this CFG node to the stack if they haven't been visited before.
abstract  void pushOutCfgEdges(Stack<Chord> wl, HashSet<Chord> done)
          Add the successors of this CFG node to the stack if they haven't been visited before.
abstract  void pushSortedOutCfgEdges(Stack<Chord> wl)
          Add the successors of this CFG node to the stack if they haven't been visited, and all their parents have.
abstract  void pushSortedOutCfgEdges(Stack<Chord> wl, HashSet<Chord> finished)
          Add the successors of this CFG node to the stack if they haven't been visited, and all their parents have.
 void recordRefs(References refs)
          Record any variable references in this CFG node in the table of references.
static void removeDeadCode(Stack<Chord> chords)
          Remove any CFG nodes that do not have an incoming CFG edge and any un-needed nodes from the CFG.
 boolean removeDualExprs()
          Remove all DualExpr instances from the CFG.
 void removeFromCfg()
          Remove myself from the CFG.
 void removeRefs(References refs)
          Remove any variable references in this CFG node from the table of references.
abstract  void removeUseDef()
          Remove any use - def links, may - use links, etc.
 void reorderInCfgEdgesOfCopy(HashMap<Chord,Chord> nm)
          Reorder the incoming CFG edges of a new CFG node to match the order of the in-coming edges of the this CFG node.
abstract  boolean replaceDecl(Declaration oldDecl, Declaration newDecl)
          Replace all occurrances of a Declaration with another declaration.
 void replaceInCfgEdge(Chord oldChord, Chord newChord)
          Replace the existing in-coming CFG edge with a new edge.
abstract  void replaceOutCfgEdge(Chord oldChord, Chord newChord)
          Replace the existing out-going CFG edge with a new edge.
 void setLabel(int label)
          Associate an integer value with a CFG node.
 void setSourceLineNumber(int lineNumber)
          Set the source line number associated with this node.
 void setVisited()
          Associate the current color value with a CFG node.
 java.lang.String toStringSpecial()
          Return a String containing additional information about this CFG node.
 void unlinkChord()
          Break any un-needed links from a CFG node that is being deleted.
 boolean visited()
          Return true if this CFG node has been visited during the current visit (i.e., is the current color).
Methods inherited from class scale.score.Note
executionCostEstimate, getChord, getEssentialUse, setAnnotationLevel, setReportLevel, toString, validate, visit
Methods inherited from class scale.common.Root
addAnnotation, allAnnotations, allMatchingAnnotations, getAnnotation, getDisplayName, getDisplayString, getNodeCount, getNodeID, hasAnnotation, hasEqualAnnotation, hashCode, removeAnnotation, removeAnnotations, toStringAnnotations, toStringClass, trace, trace, trace
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected int lineNumber
The source line number.

Constructor Detail


protected Chord()
Method Detail


public static int deletedCFGNodes()
Return the current number of dead nodes removed.


public static int deadCFGNodes()
Return the current number of dead nodes removed because they were not reachable.


public static int nullCFGNodes()
Return the current number of null nodes removed.


public static int gotoCFGNodes()
Return the current number of GotoChord nodes removed.


public static void nextVisit()
Set up for a new CFG traversal - that is, use the next color value. This color is used to mark CFG nodes in CFG spanning algorithms.

See Also:
setVisited(), visited(), nextVisit(), pushOutCfgEdges(scale.common.Stack), pushInCfgEdges(scale.common.Stack)


public final void setLabel(int label)
Associate an integer value with a CFG node. The label is for the use of various algorithms so that they can label a CFG node with an integer value. The Domination class uses it in computing dominators.


public final int getLabel()
Return the integer associated with a CFG node.


public boolean isSequential()
Return true if this is a SequentialChord instance.


public boolean isBranch()
Return true if this CFG node may have multiple out-going CFG edges.


public boolean isLoopHeader()
Return true if this CFG node is a LoopHeaderChord instance.


public boolean isLoopPreHeader()
Return true if this CFG node is a LoopPreHeaderChord instance.


public boolean isLoopExit()
Return true if this CFG node is a LoopExitChord instance.


public boolean isLoopTail()
Return true if this CFG node is a LoopTailChord instance.


public boolean isPhiExpr()
Return true if this CFG node is a PhiExprChord instance.


public boolean isSpecial()
Return true if this is CFG node was added for the convenience of the compiler and does not correspond to actual source code in the user program.


public boolean isMarker()
Return true if this is a marker CFG node.


public boolean isExprChord()
Return true if this is an ExprChord instance.


public final void setVisited()
Associate the current color value with a CFG node. The color is for the use of CFG spanning algorithms.

See Also:
nextVisit(), visited(), pushOutCfgEdges(scale.common.Stack), pushInCfgEdges(scale.common.Stack)


public final boolean visited()
Return true if this CFG node has been visited during the current visit (i.e., is the current color).

See Also:
nextVisit(), setVisited(), pushOutCfgEdges(scale.common.Stack), pushInCfgEdges(scale.common.Stack)


public boolean parentsVisited()
Return true if the parents of this CFG node have been visited.


public boolean parentsFinished(HashSet<Chord> finished)
Return true if all predecessor CFG nodes are in the finished set.

finished - is the set to test.


public abstract void pushAllOutCfgEdges(Stack<Chord> wl)
Add the successors of this CFG node to the stack.


public abstract void pushOutCfgEdges(Stack<Chord> wl)
Add the successors of this CFG node to the stack if they haven't been visited before.

See Also:
nextVisit(), setVisited(), visited()


public abstract void pushOutCfgEdges(Stack<Chord> wl,
                                     HashSet<Chord> done)
Add the successors of this CFG node to the stack if they haven't been visited before.

done - is the set of visited CFG nodes


public abstract void pushSortedOutCfgEdges(Stack<Chord> wl)
Add the successors of this CFG node to the stack if they haven't been visited, and all their parents have. Traversing the graph in this fashion yields a topological sort of the graph (with loop back edges removed).


public abstract void pushSortedOutCfgEdges(Stack<Chord> wl,
                                           HashSet<Chord> finished)
Add the successors of this CFG node to the stack if they haven't been visited, and all their parents have. Traversing the graph in this fashion yields a topological sort of the graph (with loop back edges removed).

finished - is the set of finished nodes.


public final void pushInCfgEdges(Stack<Chord> wl)
Add the predecessors of this CFG node to the stack if they haven't been visited before.

See Also:
nextVisit(), setVisited(), visited()


public final void pushInCfgEdges(Stack<Chord> wl,
                                 HashSet<Chord> done)
Add the predecessors of this CFG node to the stack if they haven't been visited before.

done - is the set of visited CFG nodes


public final void pushAllInCfgEdges(Stack<Chord> wl)
Add the predecessors of this CFG node to the stack.


public final int pushChordWhenReady(Stack<Chord> wl,
                                    int label)
Place this CFG node on the stack when all its predecessor nodes have been visited. Assign it a label value and increment the label value by one. Note that CFG nodes past a loop exit may be pushed, and given lower label values, even though CFG nodes in the loop have not been visited. If this matters, you may want to use LoopHeaderChord.labelCFGLoopOrder().

the new label value
See Also:


public final void pushChordWhenReady(Stack<Chord> wl)
Place this CFG node on the stack when all its predecessor nodes have been visited. Note that CFG nodes past a loop exit may be pushed even though CFG nodes in the loop have not been visited.

See Also:


public java.lang.String getDisplayLabel()
Return a String suitable for labeling this node in a graphical display. This method should be over-ridden as it simplay returns the class name.

Specified by:
getDisplayLabel in interface DisplayNode
getDisplayLabel in class Root


public DColor getDisplayColorHint()
Return a String specifying the color to use for coloring this node in a graphical display. This method should be over-ridden as it simplay returns the color lightblue.

Specified by:
getDisplayColorHint in interface DisplayNode
getDisplayColorHint in class Root
See Also:


public DShape getDisplayShapeHint()
Return a String specifying a shape to use when drawing this node in a graphical display. This method should be over-ridden as it simplay returns the shape "ellipse".

Specified by:
getDisplayShapeHint in interface DisplayNode
getDisplayShapeHint in class Root
See Also:


public abstract Chord copy()
Make a copy of this CFG node with the same out-going CFG edges. The validity of the CFG graph is maintained.

a copy of this node


public final void removeFromCfg()
Remove myself from the CFG. This only works for nodes with only one out CFG edge or nodes with no in CFG edges. The validity of the CFG graph is maintained.

Each node in the CFG has a link back to the nodes that point to it. When a node is removed using removeFromCfg (), the nodes that point to the node being removed are changed to point to the successor of the node being removed. It can't do this if there is more than one successor. It this way, the node is removed but the CFG graph remains valid.

The expungeFromCfg() method does not link the parent nodes to the successor node. It breaks the CFG graph. It is up to the calling method to insure that the CFG graph is valid.

See Also:


public void unlinkChord()
Break any un-needed links from a CFG node that is being deleted.


public final void extractFromCfg()
Remove myself from the CFG but preserve me for future use. This only works for nodes with only one out CFG edge or nodes with no in CFG edges. The validity of the CFG graph is maintained.

Each node in the CFG has a link back to the nodes that point to it. When a node is removed using removeFromCfg(), the nodes that point to the node being removed are changed to point to the successor of the node being removed. It can't do this if there is more than one successor. It this way, the node is removed but the CFG graph remains valid.

The <expungeFromCfg() method does not link the parent nodes to the successor node. It breaks the CFG graph. It is up to the calling method to insure that the CFG graph is valid.

See Also:


public static void removeDeadCode(Stack<Chord> chords)
Remove any CFG nodes that do not have an incoming CFG edge and any un-needed nodes from the CFG. It doesn't remove loops that are dead code. Un-needed nodes include NullChord and GotoChord nodes.

chords - a list of all statement nodes to be checked.


public abstract void replaceOutCfgEdge(Chord oldChord,
                                       Chord newChord)
Replace the existing out-going CFG edge with a new edge. Maintaining the validity of the CFG graph is the responsibility of the caller.

oldChord - is the old edge
newChord - is the new edge


public final void replaceInCfgEdge(Chord oldChord,
                                   Chord newChord)
Replace the existing in-coming CFG edge with a new edge. If the old edge is not found, the new edge is added. Maintaining the validity of the CFG graph is the responsibility of the caller.

oldChord - is the old edge
newChord - is the new edge


public final void expungeFromCfg()
Remove myself from the CFG. Maintaining the validity of the CFG is the responsibility of the caller.

See Also:


public final void insertBeforeInCfg(SequentialChord newChord)
Insert a new node before me in the CFG. It inherits all of my in-coming Cfg edges. The validity of the CFG is maintained.

newChord - the node to be inserted.


public void linkTo(Chord child)
Link child to parent if it's a SequentialChord instance and not a BranchChord instance or EndChord instance.


public final void insertAfterOutCfg(Chord newChord,
                                    Chord outEdge)
Insert a new node between me and my out-going CFG edges. The new node inherits all of my out-going CFG edges. The validity of the CFG is maintained.

newChord - the node to be inserted.
outEdge - is my out-going CFG edge


public void addInCfgEdge(Chord node)
Add an in-coming CFG edge. Maintaining the validity of the CFG is the responsibility of the caller.

node - CFG node which is pointing to me


public final void deleteInCfgEdge(Chord node)
Remove an in-coming CFG edge. Maintaining the validity of the CFG is the responsibility of the caller.

node - specifies the in-coming CFG edge


public final Chord[] getInCfgEdgeArray()
Use this method when you may be modifying an in-coming CFG edge to this CFG node while iterating over the in-coming edges.

an enumeration of the in-coming CFG edges.


public final Chord getInCfgEdge()
Return the predecessor node. If there is more than one predecessor CFG node, this method will return null.


public final Chord getFirstInCfgEdge()
Return the predecessor node. If there is more than one predecessor CFG node, this method will return one of them. If there is none, null is returned.


public final Chord getInCfgEdge(int i)
Return the i-th predecessor node. Caution must be used when using this method while adding or removinge nodes from the CFG.


public final int numInCfgEdges()
Return the number of in-coming CFG edges.


public final int indexOfInCfgEdge(Chord in)
Return the index of the specified in-coming CFG edge. Return -1 if it's not an edge.


public final int nthIndexOfInCfgEdge(Chord in,
                                     int n)
Return the index of the nth occurrence of the specified in-coming CFG edge. This uses 0-origin indexing. Return -1 if it's not an edge.


public int numOfInCfgEdge(Chord in)
Return the number of duplicate in-coming CFG edges from the specified node.


public final void changeParentOutCfgEdge(Chord newEdge)
Change all my predecessors to point to another CFG node.


public final Chord firstInBasicBlock()
Return the first CFG node in this basic block.

See Also:
isFirstInBasicBlock(), isLastInBasicBlock(), lastInBasicBlock()


public final boolean isFirstInBasicBlock()
Return true if this CFG node is the start of a basic block. A basic block begins with a node that has more than one in-coming CFG edge or whose predecessor has more than one out-going CFG edge.

See Also:
firstInBasicBlock(), isLastInBasicBlock(), lastInBasicBlock()


public abstract boolean isLastInBasicBlock()
Return true if this is the last CFG node in this basic block.

See Also:
lastInBasicBlock(), isFirstInBasicBlock(), firstInBasicBlock()


public final Chord lastInBasicBlock()
Return the last CFG node in this basic block.

See Also:
isLastInBasicBlock(), isFirstInBasicBlock(), firstInBasicBlock()


public abstract Chord getNextChord()
Return the next CFG node in the CFG. If the there is more than one, return null.


public abstract int numOutCfgEdges()
Return the number of out-going CFG edges.


public abstract Chord getOutCfgEdge(int i)
Return the specified out-going CFG edge.


public abstract Chord[] getOutCfgEdgeArray()
Use this method when you may be modifying an out-going CFG edge from this CFG node while iterating over the out-going edges.

an array of all of the out-going CFG edges


public abstract void changeOutCfgEdge(Chord oldEdge,
                                      Chord newEdge)
Change the out-going CFG edge indicated by the position to the new edge. The validity of the CFG is maintained.

oldEdge - the out-going CFG edge to be changed
newEdge - the new out-going CFG edge


public Expr[] getInDataEdgeArray()
Use this method when you may be modifying an in-coming data edge to this expression while iterating over the in-coming edges.

Specified by:
getInDataEdgeArray in class Note
an array of in-coming data edges.


public Expr getInDataEdge(int i)
Return the specified in-coming data edge.

Specified by:
getInDataEdge in class Note


public int numInDataEdges()
Return the number of in-coming data edges.

Specified by:
numInDataEdges in class Note


public void pushInDataEdges(Stack<Expr> wl)
Push all incoming data edges on the stack.


public void changeInDataEdge(Expr oldExpr,
                             Expr newExpr)
This method changes an incoming data edge to point to a new expression.

This method ensures that the node previously pointing to this one is updated properly, as well as the node which will now point to this node.

Expr instances and CFG nodes have a fixed number of incoming data edges with specific meaning applied to each.

Specified by:
changeInDataEdge in class Note
oldExpr - is the expression to be replaced
newExpr - is the new expression


public abstract int indexOfOutCfgEdge(Chord to,
                                      int skip)
This routine is needed because it is possible for more than one out-going CFG edge from a CFG node to go the the same CFG node. This method should be over-ridden by the derived classes for speed.

to - is the target CFG node
skip - ispecifies how many occurrances of to to skip
the index into the outgoing edges of this node that matches the specified in-coming edge of the target node.


public abstract void deleteInDataEdges()
Remove all the in-coming data edges.


public abstract void deleteOutCfgEdges()
Remove all the out-going CFG edges.


public abstract void clearEdgeMarkers()
Clear all the markers. Each marker is associated with one out-going CFG edge.


public abstract boolean edgeMarked(int edge)
Return the marker associated with the specified out-going CFG edge.

edge - specifies the edge associated with the marker
true is the specified edge is marked


public abstract void markEdge(int edge)
Set the marker associated with the specified out-going CFG edge.

edge - specifies the edge associated with the marker


public abstract void clearEdge(int edge)
Clear the marker associated with the specified out-going CFG edge.

edge - specifies the edge associated with the marker


public Expr getDefExpr()
If this CFG node results in a variable being given a new value, return the Expr instance that specifies the variable.

a null or a Expr instance that defines a variable


public final int getSourceLineNumber()
Return the source line number associated with this node or -1 if not known.


public final void setSourceLineNumber(int lineNumber)
Set the source line number associated with this node.


public void copySourceLine(Chord from)
Copy the source line information.


public int executionOrder(Chord n)
Determine the execution ordering of the two CFG nodes. This routine returns either 0, 1, or -1 based on the following conditions:

NOTE - this method will not perform correctly if the Chords have not been labeled.

n - the node to compare against.
0, 1, or -1 based upon the lexical ordering.
See Also:


public LoopHeaderChord getLoopHeader()
Return the LoopHeaderChord object for the loop that contains this node. The method will return a null if the CFG node is not connected.

For LoopInitChord and LoopPreHeaderChord instances, this method returns the loop header for the loop that they are in - not the loop header for which they are the initial nodes.


public LoopHeaderChord getLoopHeader(int limit)
Return the LoopHeaderChord object for the loop that contains this node. The method will return a null if the CFG node is not connected.

For LoopInitChord and LoopPreHeaderChord instances, this method returns the loop header for the loop that they are in - not the loop header for which they are the initial nodes.

limit - is a limit on how many nodes are checked before we give up


public int getLoopNumber()


public Vector<PhiExprChord> findPhiChords()
Return a vector of all of the phi chords in the basic block starting at this node.


public void loopClean()
Eliminate associated loop information.


public boolean isAssignChord()
Return true if this node holds an expression that represents an assignment statement.


public final boolean inBasicBlock(Chord first)
Return true if this CFG node is in the basic block specified by first.


public LoopExitChord findLoopExit(LoopHeaderChord header)
Return the LoopExitChord instance, for the specified loop, that is reachable from this CFG node. Return null if none is found.


public CallExpr getCall(boolean ignorePure)
Return the call expression or null if none.

ignorePure - is true if pure function calls are to be ignored.


public abstract Vector<Declaration> getDeclList()
Return a vector of all declarations referenced in this CFG node or null.


public abstract Vector<LoadExpr> getLoadExprList()
Return a vector of all LoadExpr instances in this CFG node or null.


public abstract Vector<Expr> getExprList()
Return a vector of all Expr instances in this CFG node or null.


public abstract boolean replaceDecl(Declaration oldDecl,
                                    Declaration newDecl)
Replace all occurrances of a Declaration with another declaration. Return true if a replace occurred.


public abstract void removeUseDef()
Remove any use - def links, may - use links, etc.


public abstract void linkSubgraph(HashMap<Chord,Chord> nm)
Link a new CFG node that contains old links. When a CFG node is copied, the copy has the same links as the original node. This method updates those links.

nm - is a map from the old nodes to the new nodes.
See Also:
Scribble.linkSubgraph(scale.common.Vector, scale.common.HashMap, scale.common.Vector)


public void reorderInCfgEdgesOfCopy(HashMap<Chord,Chord> nm)
Reorder the incoming CFG edges of a new CFG node to match the order of the in-coming edges of the this CFG node.

nm - is the mapping from old nodes to new nodes
See Also:
Scribble.linkSubgraph(scale.common.Vector, scale.common.HashMap, scale.common.Vector)


public void recordRefs(References refs)
Record any variable references in this CFG node in the table of references.


public void removeRefs(References refs)
Remove any variable references in this CFG node from the table of references.


public boolean removeDualExprs()
Remove all DualExpr instances from the CFG. Use the lower form. This eliminates references to variables that may no longer be needed.


public java.lang.String toStringSpecial()
Return a String containing additional information about this CFG node.

toStringSpecial in class Root