Class SequentialChord

  extended by scale.common.Root
      extended by scale.score.Note
          extended by scale.score.chords.Chord
              extended by scale.score.chords.SequentialChord
All Implemented Interfaces:
AnnotationInterface, DisplayNode
Direct Known Subclasses:
BranchChord, EndChord, ExprChord, LoopExitChord, LoopHeaderChord, LoopInitChord, LoopPreHeaderChord, LoopTailChord, MarkerChord, NullChord

public abstract class SequentialChord
extends Chord

This class is a base class for any node in the CFG which does not alter control flow.

$Id:,v 1.47 2007-10-17 13:39:59 burrill Exp $

Copyright 2008 by the Scale Compiler Group,
Department of Computer Science
University of Massachusetts,
Amherst MA. 01003, USA
All Rights Reserved.

All superclasses of this class have only one out-going CFG edge.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class scale.score.chords.Chord
Constructor Summary
          Construct a new Chord with no out-going CFG edge.
SequentialChord(Chord next)
          Construct a new Chord with the indicated out-going CFG edge.
Method Summary
 void changeOutCfgEdge(Chord oldEdge, Chord newEdge)
          Change the out-going CFG edge indicated by the position to the new edge.
 void clearEdge(int edge)
          Clear the marker associated with the specified out-going CFG edge.
 void clearEdgeMarkers()
          Clear all the markers.
 void deleteInDataEdges()
          Remove all the in-coming adat edges.
 void deleteOutCfgEdges()
          Set the out-going CFG edge to null.
 boolean edgeMarked(int edge)
          Return the marker associated with the specified out-going CFG edge.
 int executionCostEstimate()
          Return a relative cost estimate for executing the expression.
 Vector<Declaration> getDeclList()
          Return a vector of all declarations referenced in this CFG node or null.
 Vector<Expr> getExprList()
          Return a vector of all Expr instances in this CFG node or null.
 Vector<LoadExpr> getLoadExprList()
          Return a vector of all {#link scale.score.expr.LoadExpr LoadExpr} instances in this CFG node or null.
 Chord getNextChord()
          Return the CFG out-going edge.
 Chord getOutCfgEdge(int i)
          Return the specified out-going CFG edge.
 Chord[] getOutCfgEdgeArray()
          Use this method when you may be modifying an out-going CFG edge from this Chord while iterating over the out-going edges.
 Chord getTarget()
          Return the out-going CFG edge (i.e., target of this branch).
 int indexOfOutCfgEdge(Chord to, int skip)
          This routine is needed because it is possible for more than one out-going edge from a CFG node to go the the same CFG node.
 boolean isLastInBasicBlock()
          Return true if this is the last Chord in this Basic Block.
 boolean isSequential()
          Return true if this is a sequential chord.
 void linkSubgraph(HashMap<Chord,Chord> nm)
          Link a new CFG node that contains old links.
 void linkTo(Chord child)
          Link child to parent if it's a SequentialChord and not a BranchChord or EndChord.
 void markEdge(int edge)
          Set the marker associated with the specified out-going CFG edge.
 int numOutCfgEdges()
          Return the number of out-going CFG edges.
 void pushAllOutCfgEdges(Stack<Chord> wl)
          Add the successors of this Chord to the stack.
 void pushOutCfgEdges(Stack<Chord> wl)
          Add the successors of this Chord to the stack if they haven't been visited before.
 void pushOutCfgEdges(Stack<Chord> wl, HashSet<Chord> done)
          Add the successors of this Chord to the stack if they haven't been visited before.
 void pushSortedOutCfgEdges(Stack<Chord> wl)
          Add the successors of this Chord to the stack if they haven't been visited, and all their parents have.
 void pushSortedOutCfgEdges(Stack<Chord> wl, HashSet<Chord> finished)
          Add the successors of this Chord to the stack if they haven't been visited, and all their parents have.
 void removeUseDef()
          Remove any use - def links, may - use links, etc.
 boolean replaceDecl(Declaration oldDecl, Declaration newDecl)
          Replace all occurrances of a Declaration with another Declaration.
 void replaceOutCfgEdge(Chord oldChord, Chord newChord)
          Replace the existing out-going CFG edge with a new edge.
 void setTarget(Chord target)
          Set the out-going CFG edge of this node (i.e., target of the branch).
 void setTargetUnsafe(Chord target)
          Set the out-going CFG edge of this node (i.e., target of the branch).
Methods inherited from class scale.score.chords.Chord
addInCfgEdge, changeInDataEdge, changeParentOutCfgEdge, copy, copySourceLine, deadCFGNodes, deletedCFGNodes, deleteInCfgEdge, executionOrder, expungeFromCfg, extractFromCfg, findLoopExit, findPhiChords, firstInBasicBlock, getCall, getDefExpr, getDisplayColorHint, getDisplayLabel, getDisplayShapeHint, getFirstInCfgEdge, getInCfgEdge, getInCfgEdge, getInCfgEdgeArray, getInDataEdge, getInDataEdgeArray, getLabel, getLoopHeader, getLoopHeader, getLoopNumber, getSourceLineNumber, gotoCFGNodes, inBasicBlock, indexOfInCfgEdge, insertAfterOutCfg, insertBeforeInCfg, isAssignChord, isBranch, isExprChord, isFirstInBasicBlock, isLoopExit, isLoopHeader, isLoopPreHeader, isLoopTail, isMarker, isPhiExpr, isSpecial, lastInBasicBlock, loopClean, nextVisit, nthIndexOfInCfgEdge, nullCFGNodes, numInCfgEdges, numInDataEdges, numOfInCfgEdge, parentsFinished, parentsVisited, pushAllInCfgEdges, pushChordWhenReady, pushChordWhenReady, pushInCfgEdges, pushInCfgEdges, pushInDataEdges, recordRefs, removeDeadCode, removeDualExprs, removeFromCfg, removeRefs, reorderInCfgEdgesOfCopy, replaceInCfgEdge, setLabel, setSourceLineNumber, setVisited, toStringSpecial, unlinkChord, visited
Methods inherited from class scale.score.Note
getChord, getEssentialUse, setAnnotationLevel, setReportLevel, toString, validate, visit
Methods inherited from class scale.common.Root
addAnnotation, allAnnotations, allMatchingAnnotations, getAnnotation, getDisplayName, getDisplayString, getNodeCount, getNodeID, hasAnnotation, hasEqualAnnotation, hashCode, removeAnnotation, removeAnnotations, toStringAnnotations, toStringClass, trace, trace, trace
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SequentialChord(Chord next)
Construct a new Chord with the indicated out-going CFG edge.

next - is the out-going CFG edge


public SequentialChord()
Construct a new Chord with no out-going CFG edge.

See Also:
Method Detail


public final boolean isSequential()
Return true if this is a sequential chord.

isSequential in class Chord


public void deleteOutCfgEdges()
Set the out-going CFG edge to null. This method does not maintain the validity of the CFG as the node at the other ends of the edge is not modified.

Specified by:
deleteOutCfgEdges in class Chord


public void setTarget(Chord target)
Set the out-going CFG edge of this node (i.e., target of the branch). The old out-going CFG edge, if any, is replaced. The validity of the CFG graph is maintained.

target - is the out-going CFG edge


public void setTargetUnsafe(Chord target)
Set the out-going CFG edge of this node (i.e., target of the branch). The old out-going CFG edge, if any, is replaced. The validity of the CFG graph is NOT maintained.

target - is the out-going CFG edge


public Chord getTarget()
Return the out-going CFG edge (i.e., target of this branch).


public void linkTo(Chord child)
Link child to parent if it's a SequentialChord and not a BranchChord or EndChord.

linkTo in class Chord


public final void replaceOutCfgEdge(Chord oldChord,
                                    Chord newChord)
Replace the existing out-going CFG edge with a new edge. No attempt is made to maintain the validity of the CFG graph; that is the responsibility of the caller.

Specified by:
replaceOutCfgEdge in class Chord
oldChord - is the old edge
newChord - is the new edge


public final Chord getNextChord()
Return the CFG out-going edge.

Specified by:
getNextChord in class Chord


public boolean isLastInBasicBlock()
Return true if this is the last Chord in this Basic Block.

Specified by:
isLastInBasicBlock in class Chord
See Also:
Chord.lastInBasicBlock(), Chord.isFirstInBasicBlock(), Chord.firstInBasicBlock()


public final int numOutCfgEdges()
Return the number of out-going CFG edges.

Specified by:
numOutCfgEdges in class Chord


public final Chord getOutCfgEdge(int i)
Return the specified out-going CFG edge.

Specified by:
getOutCfgEdge in class Chord


public final Chord[] getOutCfgEdgeArray()
Use this method when you may be modifying an out-going CFG edge from this Chord while iterating over the out-going edges.

Specified by:
getOutCfgEdgeArray in class Chord
an array of all of the out-going CFG edges


public final int indexOfOutCfgEdge(Chord to,
                                   int skip)
This routine is needed because it is possible for more than one out-going edge from a CFG node to go the the same CFG node. This method should be over-ridden by the derived classes for speed.

Specified by:
indexOfOutCfgEdge in class Chord
to - is the target CFG node
skip - ispecifies how many occurrances of to to skip
the index into the outgoing edges of this node that matches the specified in-coming edge of the target node.


public final void pushAllOutCfgEdges(Stack<Chord> wl)
Add the successors of this Chord to the stack.

Specified by:
pushAllOutCfgEdges in class Chord


public final void pushOutCfgEdges(Stack<Chord> wl)
Add the successors of this Chord to the stack if they haven't been visited before.

Specified by:
pushOutCfgEdges in class Chord
See Also:
Chord.nextVisit(), Chord.setVisited(), Chord.visited()


public final void pushOutCfgEdges(Stack<Chord> wl,
                                  HashSet<Chord> done)
Add the successors of this Chord to the stack if they haven't been visited before.

Specified by:
pushOutCfgEdges in class Chord
done - is the set of visited CFG nodes


public void pushSortedOutCfgEdges(Stack<Chord> wl)
Add the successors of this Chord to the stack if they haven't been visited, and all their parents have. Traversing the graph in this fashion yields a topological sort of the graph (with loop back edges removed).

Specified by:
pushSortedOutCfgEdges in class Chord


public void pushSortedOutCfgEdges(Stack<Chord> wl,
                                  HashSet<Chord> finished)
Add the successors of this Chord to the stack if they haven't been visited, and all their parents have. Traversing the graph in this fashion yields a topological sort of the graph (with loop back edges removed).

Specified by:
pushSortedOutCfgEdges in class Chord
finished - is the set of finished nodes.


public final void clearEdgeMarkers()
Clear all the markers. Each marker is associated with one out-going CFG edge..

Specified by:
clearEdgeMarkers in class Chord


public final boolean edgeMarked(int edge)
Return the marker associated with the specified out-going CFG edge.

Specified by:
edgeMarked in class Chord
edge - specifies the edge associated with the marker
true is the specified edge is marked


public final void markEdge(int edge)
Set the marker associated with the specified out-going CFG edge.

Specified by:
markEdge in class Chord
edge - specifies the edge associated with the marker


public final void clearEdge(int edge)
Clear the marker associated with the specified out-going CFG edge.

Specified by:
clearEdge in class Chord
edge - specifies the edge associated with the marker


public void deleteInDataEdges()
Remove all the in-coming adat edges.

Specified by:
deleteInDataEdges in class Chord


public void changeOutCfgEdge(Chord oldEdge,
                             Chord newEdge)
Change the out-going CFG edge indicated by the position to the new edge. The validity of the CFG graph is maintained.

Specified by:
changeOutCfgEdge in class Chord
oldEdge - the out-going CFG edge to be changed
newEdge - the new out-going CFG edge


public Vector<Declaration> getDeclList()
Return a vector of all declarations referenced in this CFG node or null.

Specified by:
getDeclList in class Chord


public Vector<LoadExpr> getLoadExprList()
Return a vector of all {#link scale.score.expr.LoadExpr LoadExpr} instances in this CFG node or null.

Specified by:
getLoadExprList in class Chord


public Vector<Expr> getExprList()
Return a vector of all Expr instances in this CFG node or null.

Specified by:
getExprList in class Chord


public boolean replaceDecl(Declaration oldDecl,
                           Declaration newDecl)
Replace all occurrances of a Declaration with another Declaration. Return true if a replace occurred.

Specified by:
replaceDecl in class Chord


public void removeUseDef()
Remove any use - def links, may - use links, etc.

Specified by:
removeUseDef in class Chord


public void linkSubgraph(HashMap<Chord,Chord> nm)
Link a new CFG node that contains old links. When a CFG node is copied, the copy has the same links as the original node. This method updates those links.

Specified by:
linkSubgraph in class Chord
nm - is a map from the old nodes to the new nodes.
See Also:
Scribble.linkSubgraph(scale.common.Vector, scale.common.HashMap, scale.common.Vector)


public int executionCostEstimate()
Return a relative cost estimate for executing the expression.

Specified by:
executionCostEstimate in class Note