Class Scribble

  extended by scale.common.Root
      extended by scale.score.Scribble
All Implemented Interfaces:
AnnotationInterface, DisplayNode

public final class Scribble
extends Root

This class represents a Scribble graph (CFG).

$Id:,v 1.323 2007-10-29 13:41:44 burrill Exp $

Copyright 2008 by the Scale Compiler Group,
Department of Computer Science
University of Massachusetts,
Amherst MA. 01003, USA
All Rights Reserved.

Scribble graphs are built for one procedure at a time, so this class represents a single procedure.

Scale converts irreducible graphs into reducible graphs using node-splitting. This can create a memory & time problem when going into and out of SSA form. The problem results from generating multiple definitions of temporary, compiler-created variables. There may be thousands of them. Each one then becomes a non-local variable and requires phi-functions and re-naming. The solution adopted here is to bypass SSA form (and optimizations) for those routines that had irreducible graphs. Another solution is to change Clef2Scribble to create more complex expression trees instead of placing one expression per CFG node. This solution should provide a significant speed-up because:

The downside is that many optimizations currently depend on having simple expression trees and will need re-writting.

Scalar variables have alias information. Data dependence for scalar variables is represented by use-def links in SSA form. Array references have data dependence information represented via a DDGraph instance and no alias information.

Field Summary
static boolean doIfCombine
          Set true to combine if-then-elses where possible.
static boolean doIfConversion
          Set true to convert if-then-else to conditional expressions where possible.
static int invalidSSA
          The CFG is in an invalid SSA form.
static int LTC_TABLE_SIZE
          The number of slots to use in the loop trip count table for each loop.
static int maxImplicitLoopFactor
          If the count of possible implicit loops exceeds this value, no conversion of implicit loops to explicit loops is performed and no optimizations that require SSA form are performed.
static int notSSA
          The CFG is not in SSA form.
          Profile block execution.
static int PROFILE_EDGES
          Profile if-then-else choices.
static int PROFILE_LICNT
          Do loop instruction count profiling.
static int PROFILE_LOOPS
          Do loop iteration count profiling.
static int PROFILE_PATHS
          Do path profiling.
static boolean reportOptTimes
          Set true to report elapsed times for each optimization.
static int validSSA
          The CFG is in SSA form.
Constructor Summary
Scribble(RoutineDecl cn, SourceLanguage sourceLang, CallGraph cg)
          Creates a Scribble object to collect information about a Scribble CFG.
Method Summary
 void addDeclaration(Declaration decl)
          Add a new declaration to the set of declarations for this CFG if it is not already there.
 VariableDecl addProfiling(int profileOptions, boolean isMain)
          Add the profiling information to this CFG.
 void addWarning(int msg, java.lang.String text1, java.lang.String text2)
          Add a warning message to be displayed for this routine.
 boolean applyOptimization(Optimization opt, PlaceIndirectOps pio)
          Apply the specified optimization to the CFG.
 void applyProfInfo(ProfileInfo pf, int profileOptions)
          Obtain the profile information from a previous execution of the program and annotate the CFG with the information.
 void applyProfLoopInfo(ProfileInfo pf, Vector<LoopHeaderChord> loops)
          Apply loop trip count profiling information to the CFG.
static void cleanup()
          Clean up for profiling statistics.
 boolean containedGotos()
          Return true if the source program was unstructured.
static int deadVarCFGNodes()
          Return the number of dead nodes removed.
static int deadVariables()
          Return the number of dead variables removed.
 void exitSSA()
          If the CFG is in SSA form, exit SSA form.
protected  VariableDecl genTemp(Type t)
          Create a new temporary variable for use by the optimized code.
 void getAllDeclarations(java.util.AbstractCollection<Declaration> collection)
          Add all declarations, associated with this CFG, to the specified collection.
 BeginChord getBegin()
          Return the head of this CFG.
 Declaration getDecl(int i)
          Return the specified declaration associated with this CFG.
 DominanceFrontier getDominanceFrontier()
          Return the dominance frontier information.
 Domination getDomination()
          Return the dominator information for the CFG.
 EndChord getEnd()
          Return the tail of the CFG.
 int getLoopIcount(LoopHeaderChord loop)
          Return the loop body instruction count for a particular loop.
 int getLoopLtcUnrollCount(LoopHeaderChord loop)
          Return the unroll count determined from loop histogram profiling.
 LoopHeaderChord getLoopTree()
          Return the top loop which is the BeginChord.
 int getLoopUcount(LoopHeaderChord loopHeader)
          Return the loop body unroll count for a particular loop.
 int getNextLoopNumber()
          Provide unique loop IDs for each loop in the CFG.
 java.util.Iterator<Declaration> getNonLocalVars()
          Return a list of variables used in more than one basic block.
 DominanceFrontier getPostDominanceFrontier()
          Return the post dominance frontier information.
 Domination getPostDomination()
          Return the dominator information for the CFG.
 PPCfg getPPCfg()
          Return the path profiling-specific representation of this Scribble CFG.
 References getRefs()
          Return the reference information object.
 RoutineDecl getRoutineDecl()
          Return the routine associated with this CFG.
 SourceLanguage getSourceLanguage()
          Return the source language of the Scribble tree.
 SSA getSSA()
          Return the SSA instance for this CFG.
 java.util.Enumeration<java.lang.String> getWarnings()
          Return an enumeration of the warnings.
static Vector<Chord> grabSubgraph(Chord first, HashMap<Chord,Chord> nm, Vector<Chord> newn, Stack<Chord> wl)
          Make a copy of the CFG specified.
static int ifsCombined()
          Return the number of if-then-else nodes eliminated by combining them with another if-then-else.
static int ifsReduced()
          Return the number of if-then-else nodes changed to conditional expressions.
static int implicitLoops()
          Return the current number of implicit loops found.
 void incrementLoopInstCount(int loopNumber, int instructionCount)
 boolean inIteratedDominanceFrontier(Chord c, Chord b)
          Return true if b is in the iterated dominance frontier of c.
 int inSSA()
          Return an indication of the state of the SSA form of the CFG.
 void inSSAForm()
          Specify that the CFG is in valid SSA form.
 void instantiate(BeginChord begin, EndChord end, Vector<Declaration> declarations, boolean containedGotos)
          Attach the CFG information to the Scribble node.
 void invalidSSAForm()
          Specify that the CFG is in invalid SSA form.
static int irreducible()
          Return the number of irreducible routines.
 boolean isIrreducible()
          Return true if this routine has an irreducible CFG.
 boolean isSimpleFunction()
          Return true if the function is simple.
 void labelCFG()
          Give unique labels to all CFG nodes.
 int labelCfgForBackend(int labelIndex)
          Label the CFG nodes for the backend code generator.
 void linearize(Vector<Chord> linear)
          Append the CFG nodes to the specified vector in execution order.
static void linkSubgraph(Vector<Chord> newn, HashMap<Chord,Chord> nm, Vector<Chord> special)
          Given a mapping from old CFG nodes to new ones, create the subgraph that is the duplicate of the old graph by replacing, in the new nodes, edges to the old nodes with edges to the new nodes.
static int newCFGNodes()
          Return the number of new nodes created.
 void notSSAForm()
          Specify that the CFG is not in SSA form.
 int numDecls()
          Return the count of declarations associated with this CFG.
 void performedScalarReplacement()
          Specify that Scalar Replacement was performed on the CFG.
 void recomputeDataDependence()
          This method is called if an optimization makes any change to the CFG that would result in making the data dependence information invalid.
 void recomputeDominators()
          This method is called if an optimization makes any change to the CFG that would result in making the dominator tree invalid.
 void recomputeLoops()
          Specify that all the loop information is no longer valid for this CFG.
 void recomputeRefs()
          This method is called if an optimization makes any change to the CFG that would result in making the use - def information invalid.
 void reduceMemory()
          Reduce the amount of memory used by this instance of a Scribble graph.
 void removeDeadVariables(boolean ssa)
          Removes statements that set the value of a variable that is not used.
 void removeDeclaration(Declaration a)
          Removes a declaration from any list it might be on.
 void removeDualExprs()
          Remove all DualExpr instances from the CFG.
 boolean scalarReplacementPerformed()
          Return true if scalar replacement has been performed.
 void setLoopICEst(LoopHeaderChord loop, int instCountEstimate)
 void setLoopUC(LoopHeaderChord loop, int unrollCount)
 void setLoopUCEst(LoopHeaderChord loop, int unrollCountEst)
 java.lang.String toString()
 void validateCFG()
          Throw an error if the CFG has an invalid link.
Methods inherited from class scale.common.Root
addAnnotation, allAnnotations, allMatchingAnnotations, getAnnotation, getDisplayColorHint, getDisplayLabel, getDisplayName, getDisplayShapeHint, getDisplayString, getNodeCount, getNodeID, hasAnnotation, hasEqualAnnotation, hashCode, removeAnnotation, removeAnnotations, toStringAnnotations, toStringClass, toStringSpecial, trace, trace, trace
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int notSSA
The CFG is not in SSA form.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int validSSA
The CFG is in SSA form.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int invalidSSA
The CFG is in an invalid SSA form.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static boolean doIfCombine
Set true to combine if-then-elses where possible.


public static boolean doIfConversion
Set true to convert if-then-else to conditional expressions where possible.


public static boolean reportOptTimes
Set true to report elapsed times for each optimization.


public static int maxImplicitLoopFactor
If the count of possible implicit loops exceeds this value, no conversion of implicit loops to explicit loops is performed and no optimizations that require SSA form are performed.


public static final int PROFILE_BLOCKS
Profile block execution.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int PROFILE_EDGES
Profile if-then-else choices.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int PROFILE_PATHS
Do path profiling.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int PROFILE_LOOPS
Do loop iteration count profiling.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int PROFILE_LICNT
Do loop instruction count profiling.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int LTC_TABLE_SIZE
The number of slots to use in the loop trip count table for each loop.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public Scribble(RoutineDecl cn,
                SourceLanguage sourceLang,
                CallGraph cg)
Creates a Scribble object to collect information about a Scribble CFG.

sourceLang - the source language
Method Detail


public static int implicitLoops()
Return the current number of implicit loops found.


public static int deadVarCFGNodes()
Return the number of dead nodes removed.


public static int newCFGNodes()
Return the number of new nodes created.


public static int deadVariables()
Return the number of dead variables removed.


public static int irreducible()
Return the number of irreducible routines.


public static int ifsReduced()
Return the number of if-then-else nodes changed to conditional expressions.


public static int ifsCombined()
Return the number of if-then-else nodes eliminated by combining them with another if-then-else.


public void instantiate(BeginChord begin,
                        EndChord end,
                        Vector<Declaration> declarations,
                        boolean containedGotos)
Attach the CFG information to the Scribble node. As part of this, the dominators of the CFG nodes are determined.

begin - the starting node in the graph
end - the ending node in the graph
declarations - a vector of the Clef Declarations associated with this graph
containedGotos - true if the CFG may be irreducible


protected VariableDecl genTemp(Type t)
Create a new temporary variable for use by the optimized code. The variable definition is added to the set of variables for this CFG.


public final int getNextLoopNumber()
Provide unique loop IDs for each loop in the CFG. The BeginChord instance is loop 0.


public void inSSAForm()
Specify that the CFG is in valid SSA form.


public void invalidSSAForm()
Specify that the CFG is in invalid SSA form.


public void notSSAForm()
Specify that the CFG is not in SSA form.


public int inSSA()
Return an indication of the state of the SSA form of the CFG.


public final SSA getSSA()
Return the SSA instance for this CFG.


public void performedScalarReplacement()
Specify that Scalar Replacement was performed on the CFG.


public boolean scalarReplacementPerformed()
Return true if scalar replacement has been performed.


public void validateCFG()
Throw an error if the CFG has an invalid link.


public void reduceMemory()
Reduce the amount of memory used by this instance of a Scribble graph.

Note - this method uses nextVisit().


public boolean isSimpleFunction()
Return true if the function is simple. A simple function has no more than one loop.


public final SourceLanguage getSourceLanguage()
Return the source language of the Scribble tree.


public Domination getDomination()
Return the dominator information for the CFG.


public Domination getPostDomination()
Return the dominator information for the CFG.


public void removeDeadVariables(boolean ssa)
Removes statements that set the value of a variable that is not used. See Algorithm 19.12 in "Modern Compiler Implementation in Java" by Appel.

Note - this method uses nextVisit().

ssa - true if SSA variable coalescing has not yet been performed
See Also:


public void removeDualExprs()
Remove all DualExpr instances from the CFG. Use the lower form. This eliminates references to variables that may no longer be needed.

Note - this method uses nextVisit().


public void removeDeclaration(Declaration a)
Removes a declaration from any list it might be on.

a - is the variable


public References getRefs()
Return the reference information object.


public java.util.Iterator<Declaration> getNonLocalVars()
Return a list of variables used in more than one basic block. Create a list of non-local variables for use in creating a pruned-SSA form. This is the list of variables for which Phi functions must be inserted. The algorithm comes from Practical Improvements to the Construction and Destruction of Static Single Assignment Form by Briggs, et al, in Software - Practice and Experience, Vol 1(1), 1-28 (January 1988. This algorithm requires that multiple statements be placed into a single basic block in order to determine whether a variable reference is "non-local". Since Scribble places each statement into its own basic block, we must determine what "normally" would be in a traditional basic-block. We use an iterative algorithm because the recursive algorithm proved too costly for Fortran programs that have large basic blocks.


public DominanceFrontier getDominanceFrontier()
Return the dominance frontier information.


public DominanceFrontier getPostDominanceFrontier()
Return the post dominance frontier information.


public boolean containedGotos()
Return true if the source program was unstructured.


public final boolean isIrreducible()
Return true if this routine has an irreducible CFG.


public boolean inIteratedDominanceFrontier(Chord c,
                                           Chord b)
Return true if b is in the iterated dominance frontier of c.


public void recomputeRefs()
This method is called if an optimization makes any change to the CFG that would result in making the use - def information invalid.


public void recomputeDominators()
This method is called if an optimization makes any change to the CFG that would result in making the dominator tree invalid.


public void recomputeLoops()
Specify that all the loop information is no longer valid for this CFG.


public BeginChord getBegin()
Return the head of this CFG.


public EndChord getEnd()
Return the tail of the CFG.


public Declaration getDecl(int i)
Return the specified declaration associated with this CFG.


public int numDecls()
Return the count of declarations associated with this CFG.


public void getAllDeclarations(java.util.AbstractCollection<Declaration> collection)
Add all declarations, associated with this CFG, to the specified collection.


public void addDeclaration(Declaration decl)
Add a new declaration to the set of declarations for this CFG if it is not already there. This method is designed for optimizations that may try to define something twice such as Inlining.


public final RoutineDecl getRoutineDecl()
Return the routine associated with this CFG.


public java.lang.String toString()
toString in class Root


public LoopHeaderChord getLoopTree()
Return the top loop which is the BeginChord. The outermost code containing the loop(s) is considered to be the level 0 loop. Although technically it is not a loop, the root (level 0) is encapsulated in a LoopHeaderChord instance for consistency of representation. Nesting info is available thru the LoopHeaderChord instance.


public void recomputeDataDependence()
This method is called if an optimization makes any change to the CFG that would result in making the data dependence information invalid.


public void labelCFG()
Give unique labels to all CFG nodes. For any given node n1, node n1's label is greater than the labels of all its immediate predecessors.

Note - other algorithms may use the label field and destroy this value. An example is the computation of dominators.

Note - this method uses nextVisit().

See Also:


public int labelCfgForBackend(int labelIndex)
Label the CFG nodes for the backend code generator. Only nodes that begin a basic block are given non-zero label values. This method is intended to help code generators decide when to generate labels in the output text.

Note - this method uses nextVisit().

labelIndex - is the first label index value to use
the next label index value to use


public void linearize(Vector<Chord> linear)
Append the CFG nodes to the specified vector in execution order. All the nodes of a loop are guaranteed to be before the nodes after the loop exits.

See Also:
GlobalVarReplacement, Chord.pushChordWhenReady(Stack), LoopHeaderChord.labelCFGLoopOrder()


public boolean applyOptimization(Optimization opt,
                                 PlaceIndirectOps pio)
Apply the specified optimization to the CFG. Insure that the CFG is in the proper SSA form for the optimization first.

opt - is the optimization
pio - is the proper class instance for the alias analysis virtual variables
true if the optimization was performed


public void exitSSA()
If the CFG is in SSA form, exit SSA form.


public final void addWarning(int msg,
                             java.lang.String text1,
                             java.lang.String text2)
Add a warning message to be displayed for this routine.


public final java.util.Enumeration<java.lang.String> getWarnings()
Return an enumeration of the warnings.


public static Vector<Chord> grabSubgraph(Chord first,
                                         HashMap<Chord,Chord> nm,
                                         Vector<Chord> newn,
                                         Stack<Chord> wl)
Make a copy of the CFG specified. The new CFG is not linked (see linkSubgraph. The spanning of the CFG halts when a node is encountered that is already in the map.

first - specifies the first node to copy
nm - maps from old node to new node
newn - is a vector of the new nodes that are created
wl - is a work stack - it is empty on exit
a vector of the special nodes (e.g., Phi CFG nodes & LoopHeaderChords) in the original graph that require special treatment or null
See Also:
linkSubgraph(scale.common.Vector, scale.common.HashMap, scale.common.Vector)


public static void linkSubgraph(Vector<Chord> newn,
                                HashMap<Chord,Chord> nm,
                                Vector<Chord> special)
Given a mapping from old CFG nodes to new ones, create the subgraph that is the duplicate of the old graph by replacing, in the new nodes, edges to the old nodes with edges to the new nodes. The actual nodes in the subgraph, that are specified in the mapping, may be determined in many ways:
  1. from the dominance tree as is the case for irreducible graphs
  2. from the loop as is done for unroll
  3. from a complete routine as is done for inlining.

newn - is the list of the new nodes
nm - is the mapping from old nodes to new ones
special - is the set or original nodes that require special treatment
See Also:
grabSubgraph(scale.score.chords.Chord, scale.common.HashMap, scale.common.Vector, scale.common.Stack)


public VariableDecl addProfiling(int profileOptions,
                                 boolean isMain)
Add the profiling information to this CFG. A variable is defined that holds the profiling information. It is an struct of ten fields. The first entry points to a C string containing the name of the function.

The second entry is the size of the next two arrays. The third entry points to an array of C ints containing line numbers from the source code or is null. The fourth entry points to the array of C ints of block frequencies or is null. There is a one-to-one correspondence between the entries in the line number array and the entries in the frequency array.

The fifth entry is the size of the next two arrays. The sixth entry points to an array of C ints containing edges from the source code or is null. The seventh entry points to the array of C ints of edge frequencies or is null. There is a one-to-one correspondence between the entries in the line number array and the entries in the frequency array. The edges in the line number array are encoded as a pair (src, dst) of line numbers.

The eighth entry is the size of the next array. The ninth entry points to an array of C ints of path numbers. The tenth entry points to an array of C ints of path frequencies or is null.

The eleventh entry is the number of loops. The twelfth entry is the loop trip count histogram (LTCH) table, which has size numLoops * LTC_TABLE_SIZE.

Note - this method uses nextVisit().

profileOptions - specifies which profiling instrumentation to insert
isMain - - is true if this is the "main" entry node
the variable definition for the profiling information


public void applyProfInfo(ProfileInfo pf,
                          int profileOptions)
Obtain the profile information from a previous execution of the program and annotate the CFG with the information.

The user's program is first modified to produce the profiling information by inserting operations into the CFG. This insertion occurs just prior to code generation. The user requests this via a command line switch.

When the program is executed it produces a .pft file for every source module in the program. This file contains the profile information on the number of times a block, edge, or path in the program was executed.

On a subsequent compilation an optimization can request that this profile information be read and the CFG annotated with it. For edge profiling, the out-going CFG edges of a DecisionChord are given a probability of that edge being used.

In order for this to work, the CFG must be equivalent, in the structure of the graph edges when the profile information is read, to the CCFG when the profiling operations were inserted.


public void applyProfLoopInfo(ProfileInfo pf,
                              Vector<LoopHeaderChord> loops)
Apply loop trip count profiling information to the CFG.

pf - is the profile info that has been read in for the CFG
loops - is the set of loops in the program


public PPCfg getPPCfg()
Return the path profiling-specific representation of this Scribble CFG.


public int getLoopUcount(LoopHeaderChord loopHeader)
Return the loop body unroll count for a particular loop. Returns -1 if not found.


public int getLoopIcount(LoopHeaderChord loop)
Return the loop body instruction count for a particular loop. Returns -1 if not found.


public int getLoopLtcUnrollCount(LoopHeaderChord loop)
Return the unroll count determined from loop histogram profiling. Returns -1 if not found.


public void incrementLoopInstCount(int loopNumber,
                                   int instructionCount)


public void setLoopICEst(LoopHeaderChord loop,
                         int instCountEstimate)


public void setLoopUC(LoopHeaderChord loop,
                      int unrollCount)


public void setLoopUCEst(LoopHeaderChord loop,
                         int unrollCountEst)


public static void cleanup()
Clean up for profiling statistics.