Interface DisplayNode

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbsoluteValueExpr, AbsoluteValueOp, AdditionAssignmentOp, AdditionExpr, AdditionOp, AddressLiteral, AddressOp, AggregateOp, AggregateType, AggregationElements, AliasAnnote, AllocArrayType, AllocateExpr, AllocatePlacementOp, AllocateSettingFieldsOp, AltCase, AndConditionalOp, AndExpr, AndOp, Annotation, ArithmeticIfStmt, ArrayIndexExpr, ArrayType, AssignedGotoStmt, AssignLabelStmt, AssignmentOp, AssignSimpleOp, AtomicType, BeginChord, BinaryExpr, BitAndAssignmentOp, BitAndExpr, BitAndOp, BitComplementExpr, BitComplementOp, BitOrAssignmentOp, BitOrExpr, BitOrOp, BitShiftAssignmentOp, BitShiftExpr, BitShiftOp, BitXorAssignmentOp, BitXorExpr, BitXorOp, BlockStmt, BooleanLiteral, BooleanType, Bound, BranchChord, BreakStmt, CallExpr, CallFunctionExpr, CallFunctionOp, CallMethodExpr, CallOp, CaseLabelDecl, CaseStmt, CharacterType, CharLiteral, Chord, CompareExpr, ComplexLiteral, ComplexOp, ComplexType, ComplexValueExpr, CompositeType, CompoundAssignmentOp, ComputedGotoStmt, ConditionalExpr, ContinueStmt, ConversionExpr, DecisionChord, Declaration, DeclStmt, DefOp, DeleteArrayOp, DeleteOp, DereferenceOp, DivisionAssignmentOp, DivisionExpr, DivisionOp, DoLoopStmt, Domination, DualExpr, DyadicOp, EndChord, EnumElementDecl, EnumerationType, EqualityExpr, EqualityOp, EquivalenceDecl, EvalStmt, ExceptionDecl, ExitChord, ExitStmt, ExponentiationExpr, ExponentiationOp, Expr, ExprChord, Expression, ExpressionIfOp, ExprPhiExpr, FieldDecl, FieldExpr, FileDecl, FixedArrayType, FloatArrayLiteral, FloatLiteral, FloatType, ForLoopStmt, FormalDecl, FortranCharType, ForwardProcedureDecl, GotoChord, GotoStmt, GreaterEqualExpr, GreaterEqualOp, GreaterExpr, GreaterOp, HeapOp, Hyperblock, IdAddressOp, IdReferenceOp, IdValueOp, IfStmt, IfThenElseChord, IfThenElseStmt, IncompleteType, IncrementOp, IntArrayLiteral, IntegerType, IntLiteral, LabelDecl, LabelStmt, LeaveChord, LessEqualExpr, LessEqualOp, LessExpr, LessOp, Literal, LiteralExpr, LoadDeclAddressExpr, LoadDeclValueExpr, LoadExpr, LoadFieldAddressExpr, LoadFieldValueExpr, LoadValueIndirectExpr, LoopExitChord, LoopHeaderChord, LoopInitChord, LoopPreHeaderChord, LoopStmt, LoopTailChord, MarkerChord, MatchExpr, MaxExpr, MaximumOp, MayDef, MayUse, MinExpr, MinimumOp, ModulusOp, MonadicOp, MultiBranchStmt, MultiplicationAssignmentOp, MultiplicationExpr, MultiplicationOp, NaryExpr, NegativeExpr, NegativeOp, NilExpr, NilOp, Node, Node, Note, NotEqualExpr, NotEqualOp, NotExpr, NotOp, NullChord, NullStmt, NumericType, OrConditionalOp, OrExpr, OrOp, ParenthesesOp, PhiExpr, PhiExprChord, PointerType, PositiveOp, PostDecrementOp, PostIncrementOp, PPBlock, PPCfg, PPEdge, PPSupergraphBlock, PreDecrementOp, PredicateBlock, PreIncrementOp, ProcedureDecl, ProcedureType, PureFunctionAnnotation, Raise, RaiseWithObject, RaiseWithType, RealType, RecordType, RefType, RemainderAssignmentOp, RemainderExpr, RemainderOp, RenamedVariableDecl, RepeatUntilLoopStmt, RepeatWhileLoopStmt, ReturnChord, ReturnStmt, Root, RoutineDecl, Scribble, SelectIndirectOp, SelectOp, SequentialChord, SeriesOp, SignedIntegerType, SizeofLiteral, Statement, StatementOp, StmtFtnDecl, StringLiteral, SubscriptAddressOp, SubscriptExpr, SubscriptOp, SubscriptValueOp, SubstringOp, SubtractionAssignmentOp, SubtractionExpr, SubtractionOp, SubVirtualVar, Suite, SuperVirtualVar, SwitchChord, SwitchStmt, TernaryExpr, TernaryOp, TestLoopStmt, ThisOp, Transcendental2Expr, Transcendental2Op, TranscendentalExpr, TranscendentalOp, Type, TypeConversionOp, TypeDecl, TypeName, UnaryExpr, UnionType, UnknownFormals, UnsignedIntegerType, VaArgExpr, VaArgOp, VaCopyOp, VaEndExpr, VaEndOp, ValueDecl, ValueExpr, VarArgExpr, VarArgOp, VariableDecl, VaStartExpr, VaStartOp, VectorExpr, VirtualVar, VoidType, WhileLoopStmt

public interface DisplayNode

All classes whose instances will be displayed graphically by a DisplayGraph must implement this interface.

$Id:,v 1.18 2006-12-05 21:02:07 burrill Exp $

Copyright 2006 by the Scale Compiler Group,
Department of Computer Science
University of Massachusetts,
Amherst MA. 01003, USA
All Rights Reserved.

See Also:

Method Summary
 DColor getDisplayColorHint()
          Return an interger specifying the color to use for coloring this node in a graphical display.
 java.lang.String getDisplayLabel()
          Return a String suitable for labeling this node in a graphical display.
 java.lang.String getDisplayName()
          Return the unique node identifier.
 DShape getDisplayShapeHint()
          Return an integer specifying a shape to use when drawing this node in a graphical display.

Method Detail


java.lang.String getDisplayName()
Return the unique node identifier.


java.lang.String getDisplayLabel()
Return a String suitable for labeling this node in a graphical display.


DColor getDisplayColorHint()
Return an interger specifying the color to use for coloring this node in a graphical display. The color specified is not guaranteed to be used.

See Also:


DShape getDisplayShapeHint()
Return an integer specifying a shape to use when drawing this node in a graphical display. The shape specified is not guaranteed to be used.

See Also: