Class PredicateBlock

  extended by scale.common.Root
      extended by scale.backend.Node
          extended by scale.backend.trips2.PredicateBlock
All Implemented Interfaces:
AnnotationInterface, DisplayNode

public class PredicateBlock
extends Node

This class represents a predicated basic block.

$Id:,v 1.53 2007-10-04 19:57:59 burrill Exp $

Copyright 2008 by the Scale Compiler Group,
Department of Computer Science
University of Massachusetts,
Amherst MA. 01003, USA
All Rights Reserved.

A predicated block is similar to a traditional basic block, except that a predicate can be associated with the block. All instructions in the block are predicated on that predicate. If no predicate is specified, all instructions are considered to be unpredicated.

A hyperblock is made up of a collection of predicated blocks.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class scale.backend.Node
color, label, predecessors, successors, tag
Constructor Summary
          Construct an unpredicated block.
PredicateBlock(Instruction first, Instruction last)
          Construct an unpredicated block beginning with first.
PredicateBlock(int[] predicates, boolean predicatedOnTrue)
          Construct a predicated block.
PredicateBlock(int predicate, boolean predicatedOnTrue)
          Construct a predicated block.
Method Summary
 void addSpill(int size)
          Add a spill to the predicate block.
 void analyze(IntMap<Vector<java.lang.Integer>> targets, IntMap<java.lang.Integer> uses, BitVect mov3)
          This routine will determine the block size (including estimated fanout), the highest load/store queue id, and the number of branches.
 void appendInstruction(Instruction inst)
          Append the instruction to the end of the predicate block.
 void appendInstruction(Instruction inst, SSA ssa)
          Append the instruction to the end of the predicate block and maintain SSA form.
static int blocksSplit()
          Return the number of blocks split.
 PredicateBlock copy()
          Copy the block.
 PredicateBlock cut(Instruction split, Trips2Generator gen)
          Return a new block starting with the instructions after the split point.
static int dummyStores()
          Return the number of dummy stores inserted.
 int estimateFanout(Instruction inst, IntMap<Vector<java.lang.Integer>> targets, IntMap<java.lang.Integer> uses, BitVect mov3)
          This routine computes the fanout needed for the operands of an instruction.
 int estimateNumInstructions(Instruction inst)
          Return the number of real instructions needed to represent this instruction.
 int getBlockSize()
          Return the size of the instructions in the block (not including fanout).
 DColor getDisplayColorHint()
          Return a String specifying the color to use for coloring this node in a graphical display.
 java.lang.String getDisplayLabel()
          Return a String suitable for labeling this node in a graphical display.
 java.lang.String getDisplayName()
          Return the unique node label.
 DShape getDisplayShapeHint()
          Return a String specifying a shape to use when drawing this node in a graphical display.
 int getFanout()
          Return the estimated fanout for the block.
 Instruction getFirstInstruction()
          Return the first instruction in this block.
 Instruction getLastInstruction()
          Return the last instruction in this block.
 int getPredicate()
          Return the predicate for this block.
 int[] getPredicates()
          Return the predicates for this block.
 int getSpillSize()
          Return the size of the spills in the block.
 java.lang.String getStats()
 boolean hasBranch()
          Return true if this block has a branch.
 boolean hasCall()
          Return true if this block has a function call.
 boolean hasDummyStores()
          Return true if this block has any "dummy" stores inserted for store nullification.
 boolean hasSwitch()
          Return true if this block has a switch.
 Instruction insertInstructionAfter(Instruction after, Instruction inst)
          Insert an instruction after the specified instruction.
 void insertInstructionAtHead(Instruction inst)
          Insert an instruction at the beginning of the block.
 void insertInstructionBeforeBranch(Instruction inst)
          Insert an instruction at the end of a block before the branch (if it exists).
 boolean isLegalBlock()
          Return true if this is a well formed TRIPS block.
 boolean isPredicated()
          Return true if the instruction is predicated.
 boolean isPredicatedOnTrue()
          Return true if this block is predicated on the predicate evaluating to true.
 boolean isSplitPoint()
          Return true if this block is a good candidate for reverse if-conversion.
 int maxLSID()
          Return the highest assigned load/store ID in the block.
 void nextVisit()
          The next unique color for traversing the graph.
protected  void nullifyStores(BitVect nulls, SSA ssa, Trips2RegisterSet registers)
          Insert a null and a dummy store in the block.
static int nullStoresInserted()
          Return the number of nulls inserted.
 int numSpills()
          Return the number of spills in the block.
protected  void removeDummyStores(SSA ssa)
          Remove any dummy stores that were inserted by store nullification.
 void removeInstruction(Instruction inst)
          Delete the specified instruction.
 void removeInstruction(Instruction prev, Instruction inst)
          Delete the specified instruction.
 void removePredicates()
          Remove the predicates from a block.
protected  void removeSpillCode()
          Remove spill code from a block.
 void setFirstInstruction(Instruction first)
          Set the first instruction in this block.
 void setHasBranch()
          Set that the block has a branch.
 void setLastInstruction(Instruction last)
          Set the last instruction in this block.
 void setMaxLSID(int maxLSID)
 void setPredicate(int predicate)
          Set the predicate for this block.
 void setPredicate(int predicate, boolean onTrue)
          Set the predicate for this block.
 void setPredicates(int[] predicates)
          Set the predicates for this block.
 void setSplitPoint()
          Set that the block is a good candidate for reverse if-conversion.
 void setVisited()
          Mark that the block has been visited.
 java.lang.String toString()
          Returns a description of the block.
 boolean visited()
          Return true if the block has been visited.
Methods inherited from class scale.backend.Node
addInEdge, addOutEdge, deleteInEdge, deleteOutEdge, getInEdge, getInEdges, getLabel, getOutEdge, getOutEdges, getTag, indexOfInEdge, indexOfOutEdge, numInEdges, numOutEdges, pushInEdges, pushInEdges, pushOutEdges, pushOutEdges, replaceInEdge, replaceOutEdge, setLabel, setTag, unlink
Methods inherited from class scale.common.Root
addAnnotation, allAnnotations, allMatchingAnnotations, getAnnotation, getDisplayString, getNodeCount, getNodeID, hasAnnotation, hasEqualAnnotation, hashCode, removeAnnotation, removeAnnotations, toStringAnnotations, toStringClass, toStringSpecial, trace, trace, trace
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public PredicateBlock()
Construct an unpredicated block.


public PredicateBlock(Instruction first,
                      Instruction last)
Construct an unpredicated block beginning with first.


public PredicateBlock(int predicate,
                      boolean predicatedOnTrue)
Construct a predicated block.


public PredicateBlock(int[] predicates,
                      boolean predicatedOnTrue)
Construct a predicated block.

Method Detail


public static int blocksSplit()
Return the number of blocks split.


public static int nullStoresInserted()
Return the number of nulls inserted.


public static int dummyStores()
Return the number of dummy stores inserted.


public final void setVisited()
Mark that the block has been visited.

Specified by:
setVisited in class Node


public final boolean visited()
Return true if the block has been visited.

Specified by:
visited in class Node


public final void nextVisit()
The next unique color for traversing the graph.

Specified by:
nextVisit in class Node


public final int getBlockSize()
Return the size of the instructions in the block (not including fanout).


public final int getFanout()
Return the estimated fanout for the block.


public final int maxLSID()
Return the highest assigned load/store ID in the block.


public final void setMaxLSID(int maxLSID)


public final boolean isSplitPoint()
Return true if this block is a good candidate for reverse if-conversion.


public final void setSplitPoint()
Set that the block is a good candidate for reverse if-conversion.


public final boolean hasBranch()
Return true if this block has a branch.


public final boolean hasCall()
Return true if this block has a function call.


public final boolean hasSwitch()
Return true if this block has a switch.


public final void setHasBranch()
Set that the block has a branch.


public final int numSpills()
Return the number of spills in the block.


public final int getSpillSize()
Return the size of the spills in the block.


public final void addSpill(int size)
Add a spill to the predicate block.
This method is used during register allocation to adjust the stats for the block during spilling.
Do not change the fanout in this routine. Add any fanout to the spillSize for the block instead.


public final boolean hasDummyStores()
Return true if this block has any "dummy" stores inserted for store nullification.


public final void appendInstruction(Instruction inst)
Append the instruction to the end of the predicate block.


public final void appendInstruction(Instruction inst,
                                    SSA ssa)
Append the instruction to the end of the predicate block and maintain SSA form.


public final void removeInstruction(Instruction inst)
Delete the specified instruction. Since this routine scans the list to find the previous instruction, it is O(n). Therefore, use the other form if possible.


public final void removeInstruction(Instruction prev,
                                    Instruction inst)
Delete the specified instruction.


public final Instruction insertInstructionAfter(Instruction after,
                                                Instruction inst)
Insert an instruction after the specified instruction.


public final void insertInstructionAtHead(Instruction inst)
Insert an instruction at the beginning of the block.
Do not use this method in SSA form unless you understand what you are doing. There may be a phi instruction in the predicate block you are inserting into that defines the predicate for the predicate block. Calling this method will insert the instruction before the phi! For example,
null_t<217> ... // trying to insert a null in the head phi_t<200> 217 ... // but the predicate is defined here by the phi!


public final void insertInstructionBeforeBranch(Instruction inst)
Insert an instruction at the end of a block before the branch (if it exists).
TODO This is no longer needed


public final Instruction getFirstInstruction()
Return the first instruction in this block.


public final void setFirstInstruction(Instruction first)
Set the first instruction in this block.


public final Instruction getLastInstruction()
Return the last instruction in this block.


public final void setLastInstruction(Instruction last)
Set the last instruction in this block.


public final int getPredicate()
Return the predicate for this block.


public final int[] getPredicates()
Return the predicates for this block.


public final void removePredicates()
Remove the predicates from a block.


public final void setPredicate(int predicate)
Set the predicate for this block.


public final void setPredicates(int[] predicates)
Set the predicates for this block.


public final void setPredicate(int predicate,
                               boolean onTrue)
Set the predicate for this block.


public final boolean isPredicatedOnTrue()
Return true if this block is predicated on the predicate evaluating to true.


public final boolean isPredicated()
Return true if the instruction is predicated.


public final void analyze(IntMap<Vector<java.lang.Integer>> targets,
                          IntMap<java.lang.Integer> uses,
                          BitVect mov3)
This routine will determine the block size (including estimated fanout), the highest load/store queue id, and the number of branches.


public final int estimateFanout(Instruction inst,
                                IntMap<Vector<java.lang.Integer>> targets,
                                IntMap<java.lang.Integer> uses,
                                BitVect mov3)
This routine computes the fanout needed for the operands of an instruction. It is a helper routine for Hyperblock.estimateFanout().


public final int estimateNumInstructions(Instruction inst)
Return the number of real instructions needed to represent this instruction.


public final boolean isLegalBlock()
Return true if this is a well formed TRIPS block. This method is for use by the block splitter before register allocation.


public final PredicateBlock cut(Instruction split,
                                Trips2Generator gen)
Return a new block starting with the instructions after the split point. After cutting the block estimates are not correct. The caller is responsible for updating the estimates.


protected void removeSpillCode()
Remove spill code from a block.


protected void nullifyStores(BitVect nulls,
                             SSA ssa,
                             Trips2RegisterSet registers)
Insert a null and a dummy store in the block.


protected void removeDummyStores(SSA ssa)
Remove any dummy stores that were inserted by store nullification. Also remove null instructions inserted for store nullification. A null without an "rb" field is used to distinguish store nullification from write nullification.


public java.lang.String getDisplayName()
Return the unique node label.

Specified by:
getDisplayName in interface DisplayNode
getDisplayName in class Root


public java.lang.String getDisplayLabel()
Return a String suitable for labeling this node in a graphical display.

Specified by:
getDisplayLabel in interface DisplayNode
getDisplayLabel in class Root


public java.lang.String getStats()


public final java.lang.String toString()
Returns a description of the block.

toString in class Root


public DColor getDisplayColorHint()
Return a String specifying the color to use for coloring this node in a graphical display.

Specified by:
getDisplayColorHint in interface DisplayNode
getDisplayColorHint in class Root
See Also:


public DShape getDisplayShapeHint()
Return a String specifying a shape to use when drawing this node in a graphical display.

Specified by:
getDisplayShapeHint in interface DisplayNode
getDisplayShapeHint in class Root
See Also:


public PredicateBlock copy()
Copy the block.