Package scale.backend.trips2

The Trips backend for the Scale compiler generates Trips Intermediate Language (TIL) files for the Trips processor from the Scale CFG.


Class Summary
BeginMarker This class marks the first position in a routine.
BlockSplitter This class can determine if a block is a legal TRIPS block and can cut a block so that it meets the TRIPS block constraints.
ConstantInstruction This class represents Trips non-branch instructions for generating large constants.
DataflowAnalysis This class computes liveness on the Hyperblock Flow Graph.
EnterInstruction This class represents pseudo instruction ENTER.
GeneralInstruction This class represents Trips non-branch three operand instructions.
Hyperblock This class represents a hyperblock which represents a predicate flow graph.
HyperblockFormation Backend hyperblock formation.
ImmediateInstruction This class represents Trips non-branch instructions with an immediate operand.
LoadInstruction This class represents Trips load instructions.
Opcodes This class provides Trips instruction information.
Peepholer This is the Peephole optimizer for TRIPS.
PhiInstruction This class represents pseudo instruction Phi for building SSA form.
PredicateBlock This class represents a predicated basic block.
SSA This class converts a PFG into the SSA form of the PFG.
StoreInstruction This class represents Trips store instructions.
TILReader This class reads a TRIPS IL file (.til).
Trips2Allocator This class implements a quick and dirty register allocator for the Trips TIL.
Trips2AllocatorHybrid This class implements a hybrid version of the trips register allocator.
Trips2Assembler This class generates Trips assembly language from a list of Trips instructions.
Trips2Generator This class converts Scribble into TRIPS instructions.
Trips2LineMarker This class is used to associate source line numbers with instructions.
Trips2Machine This is the base class for all Trips specific information.
Trips2RegisterSet This class describes the register set of the TRIPS Grid Processor.
TripsBranch This class represents Trips branch instructions.
TripsInstruction This class represents a Trips instruction.
TripsIntrinsics This class represents Trips intrinsic functions.
TripsLabel This class marks the position of a point branched to in Trips code.
TripsLoopICEstimator This class estimates instruction counts for TRIPS loops.
TripsPGenerator This class converts PTIL into TRIPS instructions.

Package scale.backend.trips2 Description

The Trips backend for the Scale compiler generates Trips Intermediate Language (TIL) files for the Trips processor from the Scale CFG. These files are then read by the Trips scheduler which schedules the instructions to the processors on the grid. It is the Trips scheduler that actually outputs Trips assembly language files.

The following documents are avilable from the University of Texas at Austin Computer Science Department:

Version $Id: package.html,v 1.3 2006-12-05 21:02:02 burrill Exp $