Package scale.backend.sparc

Generates assembly language output for the Sun Sparc® processor from the Scale CFG.


Class Summary
AnnulMarker This class marks the effective position of an annulled instruction.
AsiLitInstruction This class represents Sparc integer arithmetic instructions that use an immediate value.
BeginMarker This class marks the first position in a routine.
BranchCCInstruction This class represents Sparc Branch on CC register instructions.
BranchInstruction This class represents Sparc Branch on condition code instructions.
BranchRegInstruction This class represents Sparc Branch on register instructions.
CallInstruction This class represents Sparc call instruction.
CasaInstruction This class represents Sparc integer arithmetic instructions with two register arguments.
EndMarker This class marks the last position in a routine.
FltCmpInstruction This class represents Sparc floating point compare instructions.
FltOp2Instruction This class represents Sparc floating point instructions with two arguments.
FltOpInstruction This class represents Sparc floating point instructions with one argument.
FmoveInstruction This class represents Sparc floating point move instructions.
FtnOpInstruction This class represents Sparc integer arithmetic instructions with two register arguments and a function code in place of a destination register..
FtnOpLitInstruction This class represents Sparc integer arithmetic instructions that use an immediate value.
IlltrapInstruction This class represents Sparc ILLTRAP & IMPDEP instructions.
ImoveInstruction This class represents Sparc integer move instructions.
ImoveLitInstruction This class represents Sparc integer move instructions.
Inst7Instruction This class represents Sparc integer arithmetic instructions with two register arguments and a function code in place of a destination register..
Inst8Instruction This class represents Sparc integer arithmetic instructions that use an immediate value.
IntOpInstruction This class represents Sparc integer arithmetic instructions with two register arguments.
IntOpLitInstruction This class represents Sparc integer arithmetic instructions that use an immediate value.
JmplInstruction This class represents the Sparc jump & link instruction.
JmplLitInstruction This class represents the Sparc jump & link instruction.
LoadInstruction This class represents Sparc load instructions.
LoadLitInstruction This class represents Sparc load instructions.
MembarInstruction This class represents Sparc memory barrior instruction.
Opcodes This class provides Sparc instruction information.
OpConInstruction This class represents Sparc instructions with a single constant argument.
PrologMarker This class marks the position for the routine prolog.
ReadRegInstruction This class represents Sparc the read privileged and read state instructions.
ReturnInstruction This class represents Sparc integer arithmetic instructions with two register arguments and a function code in place of a destination register..
ReturnLitInstruction This class represents Sparc integer arithmetic instructions that use an immediate value.
SethiInstruction This class represents Sparc SETHI and NOP instructions.
SparcAssembler This class generates Sparc assembly language from a list of Sparc instructions.
SparcBranch This is the abstract class for all machine SparcBranch instructions.
SparcGenerator This class converts Scribble into Sparc instructions.
SparcInstruction This is the base class for all Sparc instructions except branches.
SparcLineMarker This class is used to associate source line numbers with instructions.
SparcMachine This is the base class for all Sparc specific information.
SparcRegisterSet This class describes the register set of the Sparc.
SparcV8RegisterSet This class describes the register set of the Sparc V8 using the 32-bit ABI.
SparcV9RegisterSet This class describes the register set of the Sparc V9 using the 64-bit ABI.
StoreInstruction This class represents Sparc store instructions.
StoreLitInstruction This class represents Sparc store instructions.
TrapInstruction This class represents Sparc store instructions.
TrapLitInstruction This class represents Sparc store instructions.
WriteRegInstruction This class represents Sparc write privileged & write state register instructions.
WriteRegLitInstruction This class represents Sparc write privileged & state registers.

Package scale.backend.sparc Description

Generates assembly language output for the Sun Sparc® processor from the Scale CFG.