Class Summary | |
AnnulMarker | This class marks the effective position of an annulled instruction. |
AsiLitInstruction | This class represents Sparc integer arithmetic instructions that use an immediate value. |
BeginMarker | This class marks the first position in a routine. |
BranchCCInstruction | This class represents Sparc Branch on CC register instructions. |
BranchInstruction | This class represents Sparc Branch on condition code instructions. |
BranchRegInstruction | This class represents Sparc Branch on register instructions. |
CallInstruction | This class represents Sparc call instruction. |
CasaInstruction | This class represents Sparc integer arithmetic instructions with two register arguments. |
EndMarker | This class marks the last position in a routine. |
FltCmpInstruction | This class represents Sparc floating point compare instructions. |
FltOp2Instruction | This class represents Sparc floating point instructions with two arguments. |
FltOpInstruction | This class represents Sparc floating point instructions with one argument. |
FmoveInstruction | This class represents Sparc floating point move instructions. |
FtnOpInstruction | This class represents Sparc integer arithmetic instructions with two register arguments and a function code in place of a destination register.. |
FtnOpLitInstruction | This class represents Sparc integer arithmetic instructions that use an immediate value. |
IlltrapInstruction | This class represents Sparc ILLTRAP & IMPDEP instructions. |
ImoveInstruction | This class represents Sparc integer move instructions. |
ImoveLitInstruction | This class represents Sparc integer move instructions. |
Inst7Instruction | This class represents Sparc integer arithmetic instructions with two register arguments and a function code in place of a destination register.. |
Inst8Instruction | This class represents Sparc integer arithmetic instructions that use an immediate value. |
IntOpInstruction | This class represents Sparc integer arithmetic instructions with two register arguments. |
IntOpLitInstruction | This class represents Sparc integer arithmetic instructions that use an immediate value. |
JmplInstruction | This class represents the Sparc jump & link instruction. |
JmplLitInstruction | This class represents the Sparc jump & link instruction. |
LoadInstruction | This class represents Sparc load instructions. |
LoadLitInstruction | This class represents Sparc load instructions. |
MembarInstruction | This class represents Sparc memory barrior instruction. |
Opcodes | This class provides Sparc instruction information. |
OpConInstruction | This class represents Sparc instructions with a single constant argument. |
PrologMarker | This class marks the position for the routine prolog. |
ReadRegInstruction | This class represents Sparc the read privileged and read state instructions. |
ReturnInstruction | This class represents Sparc integer arithmetic instructions with two register arguments and a function code in place of a destination register.. |
ReturnLitInstruction | This class represents Sparc integer arithmetic instructions that use an immediate value. |
SethiInstruction | This class represents Sparc SETHI and NOP instructions. |
SparcAssembler | This class generates Sparc assembly language from a list of Sparc instructions. |
SparcBranch | This is the abstract class for all machine SparcBranch instructions. |
SparcGenerator | This class converts Scribble into Sparc instructions. |
SparcInstruction | This is the base class for all Sparc instructions except branches. |
SparcLineMarker | This class is used to associate source line numbers with instructions. |
SparcMachine | This is the base class for all Sparc specific information. |
SparcRegisterSet | This class describes the register set of the Sparc. |
SparcV8RegisterSet | This class describes the register set of the Sparc V8 using the 32-bit ABI. |
SparcV9RegisterSet | This class describes the register set of the Sparc V9 using the 64-bit ABI. |
StoreInstruction | This class represents Sparc store instructions. |
StoreLitInstruction | This class represents Sparc store instructions. |
TrapInstruction | This class represents Sparc store instructions. |
TrapLitInstruction | This class represents Sparc store instructions. |
WriteRegInstruction | This class represents Sparc write privileged & write state register instructions. |
WriteRegLitInstruction | This class represents Sparc write privileged & state registers. |
Generates assembly language output for the Sun Sparc® processor from the Scale CFG