Class AsiLitInstruction

  extended by scale.backend.Instruction
      extended by scale.backend.sparc.SparcInstruction
          extended by scale.backend.sparc.AsiLitInstruction
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class AsiLitInstruction
extends SparcInstruction

This class represents Sparc integer arithmetic instructions that use an immediate value.

$Id:,v 1.24 2006-11-09 00:56:09 burrill Exp $

Copyright 2005 by the Scale Compiler Group,
Department of Computer Science
University of Massachusetts,
Amherst MA. 01003, USA
All Rights Reserved.

Instance=13 Op=1x

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class scale.backend.sparc.SparcInstruction
opcode, setCC, useCC
Constructor Summary
protected AsiLitInstruction(int opcode, int rs1, int asr, int rs2, int rd)
Method Summary
 void assembler(Assembler gen, Emit emit)
          Insert the assembler representation of the instruction into the output stream.
 boolean canBeDeleted(RegisterSet registers)
          Return true if the instruction can be deleted without changing program semantics.
static int created()
          Return the number of instances of this class created.
 boolean defs(int register, RegisterSet registers)
          Return true if the instruction sets the register.
 int getDestRegister()
          Return the destination register or -1 if none.
 int[] getSrcRegisters()
          Return the source registers or null if none.
 boolean independent(Instruction inst, RegisterSet registers)
          Return true if this instruction is independent of the specified instruction.
 void remapDestRegister(int oldReg, int newReg)
          Map the registers defined in the instruction as destinations to the specified register.
 void remapRegisters(int[] map)
          Map the virtual registers referenced in the instruction to the specified real registers.
 void remapSrcRegister(int oldReg, int newReg)
          Map the registers used in the instruction as sources to the specified register.
 void specifyRegisterUsage(RegisterAllocator rs, int index, int strength)
          Specify the registers used by this instruction.
 java.lang.String toString()
 boolean uses(int register, RegisterSet registers)
          Return true if the instruction uses the register.
Methods inherited from class scale.backend.sparc.SparcInstruction
assembleDisp, getOpcode, independentCC, instructionSize, setOpcode, setsCC, setSetCC, setsSpecialReg, setUseCC, usesCC
Methods inherited from class scale.backend.Instruction
clone, copy, ehash, getBBID, getCopyDest, getCopySrc, getExecutionCycles, getFunctionalUnit, getLoopNumber, getNext, getPredicate, getPredicates, getTag, isBranch, isCopy, isLabel, isLoad, isMandatory, isMarker, isPhi, isPredicated, isPredicatedOnTrue, isPrefetch, isSpillInstruction, isSpillLoadPoint, isSpillStorePoint, isStore, markSpillInstruction, mods, nullified, nullify, numPredicates, removePredicates, setBBID, setLoopNumber, setMandatory, setNext, setPredicate, setPredicate, setPredicatedOnTrue, setPredicates, setTag, specifyNotSpillLoadPoint, specifySpillStorePoint
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


protected AsiLitInstruction(int opcode,
                            int rs1,
                            int asr,
                            int rs2,
                            int rd)
Method Detail


public static int created()
Return the number of instances of this class created.


public int getDestRegister()
Return the destination register or -1 if none.

getDestRegister in class Instruction


public int[] getSrcRegisters()
Return the source registers or null if none.

getSrcRegisters in class Instruction


public void remapRegisters(int[] map)
Description copied from class: Instruction
Map the virtual registers referenced in the instruction to the specified real registers. The mapping is specified using an array that is indexed by the virtual register to return the real register.

remapRegisters in class SparcInstruction
map - maps from the virtual register to real register


public void remapSrcRegister(int oldReg,
                             int newReg)
Map the registers used in the instruction as sources to the specified register. If the register is not used as a source register, no change is made.

Specified by:
remapSrcRegister in class Instruction
oldReg - is the previous source register
newReg - is the new source register


public void remapDestRegister(int oldReg,
                              int newReg)
Map the registers defined in the instruction as destinations to the specified register. If the register is not used as a destination register, no change is made.

Specified by:
remapDestRegister in class Instruction
oldReg - is the previous destination register
newReg - is the new destination register


public void specifyRegisterUsage(RegisterAllocator rs,
                                 int index,
                                 int strength)
Specify the registers used by this instruction.

specifyRegisterUsage in class SparcInstruction
rs - is the register set in use
index - is an index associated with the instruction
strength - is the importance of the instruction
See Also:
RegisterAllocator.useRegister(int,int,int), RegisterAllocator.defRegister(int,int)


public boolean uses(int register,
                    RegisterSet registers)
Return true if the instruction uses the register.

uses in class SparcInstruction


public boolean defs(int register,
                    RegisterSet registers)
Return true if the instruction sets the register.

defs in class SparcInstruction


public boolean independent(Instruction inst,
                           RegisterSet registers)
Return true if this instruction is independent of the specified instruction. If instructions are independent, than one instruction can be moved before or after the other instruction without changing the semantics of the program.

Specified by:
independent in class Instruction
inst - is the specified instruction


public boolean canBeDeleted(RegisterSet registers)
Return true if the instruction can be deleted without changing program semantics.

canBeDeleted in class SparcInstruction


public void assembler(Assembler gen,
                      Emit emit)
Insert the assembler representation of the instruction into the output stream.

assembler in class SparcInstruction


public java.lang.String toString()
toString in class SparcInstruction