Class Hyperblock

  extended by scale.common.Root
      extended by scale.backend.Node
          extended by scale.backend.trips2.Hyperblock
All Implemented Interfaces:
AnnotationInterface, DisplayNode

public class Hyperblock
extends Node

This class represents a hyperblock which represents a predicate flow graph.

$Id:,v 1.117 2007-10-31 16:39:16 bmaher Exp $

Copyright 2008 by the Scale Compiler Group,
Department of Computer Science
University of Massachusetts,
Amherst MA. 01003, USA
All Rights Reserved.

A hyperblock is a directed graph of "predicate" blocks called a predicate flow graph.

Field Summary
static boolean doFastStoreNullification
          There are two ways to nullify store instructions:
(1) null t100 (2) null_t t100 sd_t t100, t100 [1] mov t101, t100 null t101 mov t102, t100 sd_t t101, t101 [2] sd_t t101, t101 [1] sd_t t102, t102 [2]
If this is set to true we do (1) which inserts a null for every store.
static boolean enableInterBlockPredicateMinimization
          If inter-block predicate minimization should be performed.
static boolean enableIntraBlockPredicateMinimization
          If intra-block predicate minimization should be performed.
static boolean enableRedundantLoadRemoval
          If redundant loads should be removed.
static int intraBlockDefault
          The default intra-block predicate minimization.
static boolean noLoadStorePredicateField
          True if load and store instructions do not have a predicate field.
          Predicate only the bottom of dependence chains.
static int PREDICATE_TOP
          Predicate only the top of dependence chains.
static boolean unpredicateLoads
          To unpredicate a load it cannot share a LSID with another load.
static boolean useMinMaxLoadStoreAssignment
          If true, loads are given a unique LSID and stores are given the minimal number of LSIDs.
Fields inherited from class scale.backend.Node
color, label, predecessors, successors, tag
Constructor Summary
Hyperblock(Instruction first, Trips2RegisterSet registers)
          Construct a new hyperblock starting with the given instruction.
Hyperblock(PredicateBlock start, BitVect predicates, Trips2RegisterSet registers)
          Construct a new hyperblock from a PredicateBlock.
Hyperblock(PredicateBlock start, Trips2RegisterSet registers)
          Construct a new hyperblock from a PredicateBlock.
Method Summary
 void addSpill(PredicateBlock block, Instruction inst)
          Add a spill to the hyperblock.
 void analyzeLeaveSSA()
          Update the block statistics before leaving SSA form.
 void assignBranchIds(boolean verbose)
          Assign branch identifiers.
protected  void assignLoadStoreQueueIds()
          Assign load/store queue ids and nullify stores.
 void clearPredicates()
          Clear the predicates used in this hyperblock.
static void computeHyperblockFlowGraph(Vector<Hyperblock> hbs, HashMap<Instruction,Hyperblock> entries)
          Compute the hyperblock flow graph.
 IntMap<Vector<java.lang.Integer>> computeTargets(Stack<Node> wl, BitVect mov3)
          Compute the number of targets for each instruction.
 Hyperblock copy()
          Copy the hyperblock.
 void determinePredicatesBranches()
          Compute the set of predicates and number of branches.
static void dumpHyperblockFlowGraph(Hyperblock hbStart)
          Output the hyperblock flow graph for debugging.
 void dumpPredicateFlowGraph()
          Output the predicate flow graph for debugging.
static Hyperblock enterHyperblockFlowGraph(Instruction first, Trips2Generator gen)
 void enterSSA()
          Convert the PFG into SSA form.
 void findLastBlock()
          Find the last block in the PFG.
 java.lang.String getBlockName()
          Returns the name of the block, as seen in the TIL.
 int getBlockSize()
          Return the size of the instructions in the block (not including fanout).
 double getBranchProbability(Hyperblock succ)
          Return the probability of branching to the specified hyperblock.
 DColor getDisplayColorHint()
          Return a String specifying the color to use for coloring this node in a graphical display.
 java.lang.String getDisplayLabel()
          Return a String suitable for labeling this node in a graphical display.
 java.lang.String getDisplayName()
          Return the unique node label.
 DShape getDisplayShapeHint()
          Return a String specifying a shape to use when drawing this node in a graphical display.
 DominanceFrontier getDominanceFrontier()
          Return the dominance frontier information for the PFG.
 Domination getDomination()
          Return the dominator information for the PFG.
 int getFanout()
          Return the estimated fanout for the block.
 PredicateBlock getFirstBlock()
          Return the first block in the PFG.
 PredicateBlock getLastBlock()
          Return the last block in the PFG.
 BitVect getLiveIn()
          Return the registers live-in to (and used in) the hyperblock
 BitVect getLiveOut()
          Return the registers live-out of (and define by) the hyperblock
 int getLoopNumber()
 Vector<PredicateBlock> getNextPFGLevel(Vector<PredicateBlock> wl)
          Given a set of PFG nodes that are the same depth from the root node, this routine will return the PFG nodes which are one level deeper.
 BitVect getPredicates()
          Get the predicates for the hyperblock.
 int getSpillSize()
          Return the estimated size of the spills in the block.
 SSA getSSA()
          Return the ssa instance for this hyperblock.
 boolean hasBranchTo(Hyperblock s)
          Return true if there is a branch to the specified hyperblock.
 boolean hasCall()
          Return true if this hyperblock contains a function call.
 boolean hasCallTo(Hyperblock s)
          Return true if there is a call to the specified hyperblock.
 boolean hasDummyStores()
          Return true if the block contains stores inserted for nullification.
 boolean hasSwitch()
          Return true if this hyperblock contains a switch statement.
 boolean inSSA()
          Return true if the hyperblock is in SSA form.
static int instructionsMerged()
          Return the number of instructions merged.
protected  boolean interBlockPredicateMinimization(DataflowAnalysis df)
          Perform inter-block predicate minimization.
 void invalidateDomination()
          Clear the dominator information for the PFG.
 boolean isLegalBlock(boolean beforeRegisterAllocation)
          Return true if this is a well formed TRIPS block.
 boolean isPredicate(int reg)
          Return true if the register is used as a predicate.
 boolean isSimpleLoop()
          Return true if this hyperblock contains a back-edge to itself.
static Instruction leaveHyperblockFlowGraph(Hyperblock hbStart, Trips2Generator gen)
          Convert a function in hyperblock form to straight-line form.
 void leaveSSA(boolean removeReadWrite)
          Convert the hyperblock out of SSA form.
static int loadsRemoved()
          Return the number of loads which were removed.
 int maxLSID()
          Return the highest assigned load/store ID in the block.
protected  void mergeInstructions(boolean includeBranches)
          Merge instructions.
 void nextVisit()
          The next unique color for traversing the graph.
protected  void noLoadStorePredicateField()
          If load and store instructions cannot be predicated this method ensures that atleast one of the instructions in the dependence chain is predicated.
static int nullWritesInserted()
          Return the number of nulls inserted.
 int numBranches()
          Return the number of branches in the block.
 int numSpills()
          Return the number of spill instructions in the block.
 void optimize(boolean removeLoads, DataflowAnalysis df)
          Optimize a hyperblock.
static int predicatesCombined()
          Return the number of predicates combined.
 void propagateCopies()
          Perform copy propagation in SSA.
 void removeDeadPredicateBlocks()
          Remove dead predicate blocks.
 void removePredicates()
          Remove predicates from a hyperblock.
 void removeRedundantLoads()
          Remove redundant loads within a predicate block.
protected  void removeSpillCode()
          Remove spill code from a hyperblock.
 void setBranchProbability(Hyperblock succ, double prob)
          Set the probability of branching to the specified hyperblock.
 void setBranchProbability(Instruction succ, double prob)
          Set the probability of branching to the specified hyperblock.
 void setLiveIn(BitVect in)
          Update the registers live-in and used by the hyperblock
 void setLiveOut(BitVect out)
          Update the registers live-out and defined by the hyperblock.
protected  void setLoopNumber(int loopNumber)
 void setPredicate(int reg)
          Set that a register is used as a predicate.
 void setVisited()
          Mark that the block has been visited.
 java.lang.String toString()
          Returns a description of the block.
 void updateFanout(int fanout)
          Update the fanout.
 void updateLastBlock()
          Find the last block in the PFG or create one if its missing.
static int valueNumberCount()
          Return the number of instructions value numbering removed.
 boolean visited()
          Return true if the block has been visited.
static void writeDotFlowGraph(Hyperblock hbStart, java.lang.String filename)
          Write a dot file that shows the hyperblock flow graph.
Methods inherited from class scale.backend.Node
addInEdge, addOutEdge, deleteInEdge, deleteOutEdge, getInEdge, getInEdges, getLabel, getOutEdge, getOutEdges, getTag, indexOfInEdge, indexOfOutEdge, numInEdges, numOutEdges, pushInEdges, pushInEdges, pushOutEdges, pushOutEdges, replaceInEdge, replaceOutEdge, setLabel, setTag, unlink
Methods inherited from class scale.common.Root
addAnnotation, allAnnotations, allMatchingAnnotations, getAnnotation, getDisplayString, getNodeCount, getNodeID, hasAnnotation, hasEqualAnnotation, hashCode, removeAnnotation, removeAnnotations, toStringAnnotations, toStringClass, toStringSpecial, trace, trace, trace
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static boolean enableInterBlockPredicateMinimization
If inter-block predicate minimization should be performed.


public static boolean enableIntraBlockPredicateMinimization
If intra-block predicate minimization should be performed.


public static boolean enableRedundantLoadRemoval
If redundant loads should be removed.


public static boolean doFastStoreNullification
There are two ways to nullify store instructions:
(1) null t100 (2) null_t t100 sd_t t100, t100 [1] mov t101, t100 null t101 mov t102, t100 sd_t t101, t101 [2] sd_t t101, t101 [1] sd_t t102, t102 [2]
If this is set to true we do (1) which inserts a null for every store. This is "fast" because it has the shortest dependence height. It may have more fanout because the predicate has to be sent to every store but the store can issue as soon as the predicate resolves.
If this is set to false we do (2) which uses a single null for multiple stores. This is "slow" because it has the longest dependence height and requires fanout when there is more than one store to be nullified.


public static boolean useMinMaxLoadStoreAssignment
If true, loads are given a unique LSID and stores are given the minimal number of LSIDs. This allows all loads to be unpredicated and requires the fewest instructions for store nullification. Otherwise, all memory instructions are given unique ids.


public static boolean unpredicateLoads
To unpredicate a load it cannot share a LSID with another load. Therefore, loads will only be unpredicated when using an LSID assignment policy that maximizes the identifiers assigned to loads.


public static boolean noLoadStorePredicateField
True if load and store instructions do not have a predicate field. This should always be false when compiling to the TRIPS ISA.


public static final int PREDICATE_TOP
Predicate only the top of dependence chains.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int PREDICATE_BOTTOM
Predicate only the bottom of dependence chains.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static int intraBlockDefault
The default intra-block predicate minimization.

Constructor Detail


public Hyperblock(Instruction first,
                  Trips2RegisterSet registers)
Construct a new hyperblock starting with the given instruction.

first - the first instruction in the hyperblock.
registers - the RegisterSet to use.


public Hyperblock(PredicateBlock start,
                  Trips2RegisterSet registers)
Construct a new hyperblock from a PredicateBlock.

start - the block which starts the hyperblock.
registers - the RegisterSet to use.


public Hyperblock(PredicateBlock start,
                  BitVect predicates,
                  Trips2RegisterSet registers)
Construct a new hyperblock from a PredicateBlock.

start - the block which starts the hyperblock.
end - the block which ends the hyperblock.
registers - the RegisterSet to use.
Method Detail


public static int nullWritesInserted()
Return the number of nulls inserted.


public static int predicatesCombined()
Return the number of predicates combined.


public static int loadsRemoved()
Return the number of loads which were removed.


public static int instructionsMerged()
Return the number of instructions merged.


public static int valueNumberCount()
Return the number of instructions value numbering removed.


public void removeDeadPredicateBlocks()
Remove dead predicate blocks.
If a predicate block becomes empty, and it was the only use of a predicate, then the predicate block needs to be removed to maintain the PFG.
For example,
pb1: mov_t p2, #1 -> pb3 pb2: mov_f p2, #1 -> pb3 pb3: empty -> pb4
PB1 and PB2 both create predicate {p2,true} and their successor is PB3 which has no instructions. When we go into SSA form, no phi will be inserted for p2 because there is no instruction that references it. When SSA tries to rename the predicate for PB3 to maintain the PFG, it will fail because p2 has not been seen and there is nothing on the rename stack for it. We remove PB3 from the PFG and make the successor of PB1 and PB2, PB4 to maintain the PFG.


public void determinePredicatesBranches()
Compute the set of predicates and number of branches.


public final boolean hasCall()
Return true if this hyperblock contains a function call.


public final boolean hasBranchTo(Hyperblock s)
Return true if there is a branch to the specified hyperblock.


public final boolean hasCallTo(Hyperblock s)
Return true if there is a call to the specified hyperblock.


public final boolean hasSwitch()
Return true if this hyperblock contains a switch statement.


public final double getBranchProbability(Hyperblock succ)
Return the probability of branching to the specified hyperblock.


public final void setBranchProbability(Hyperblock succ,
                                       double prob)
Set the probability of branching to the specified hyperblock.


public final void setBranchProbability(Instruction succ,
                                       double prob)
Set the probability of branching to the specified hyperblock.


public final boolean isSimpleLoop()
Return true if this hyperblock contains a back-edge to itself.


public final BitVect getLiveIn()
Return the registers live-in to (and used in) the hyperblock


public final void setLiveIn(BitVect in)
Update the registers live-in and used by the hyperblock


public final BitVect getLiveOut()
Return the registers live-out of (and define by) the hyperblock


public final void setLiveOut(BitVect out)
Update the registers live-out and defined by the hyperblock.


public final BitVect getPredicates()
Get the predicates for the hyperblock.


public final void clearPredicates()
Clear the predicates used in this hyperblock.


public final boolean isPredicate(int reg)
Return true if the register is used as a predicate.


public final void setPredicate(int reg)
Set that a register is used as a predicate.


public Hyperblock copy()
Copy the hyperblock.


public final Vector<PredicateBlock> getNextPFGLevel(Vector<PredicateBlock> wl)
Given a set of PFG nodes that are the same depth from the root node, this routine will return the PFG nodes which are one level deeper.


public final PredicateBlock getFirstBlock()
Return the first block in the PFG.


public final PredicateBlock getLastBlock()
Return the last block in the PFG.


public void findLastBlock()
Find the last block in the PFG.
There must be a path from the root to the last block or the PFG is corrupt.


public final void updateLastBlock()
Find the last block in the PFG or create one if its missing.
Useful when fixing the PFG as its being pulled apart.


public final DominanceFrontier getDominanceFrontier()
Return the dominance frontier information for the PFG.


public final Domination getDomination()
Return the dominator information for the PFG.


public final void invalidateDomination()
Clear the dominator information for the PFG.


public final void dumpPredicateFlowGraph()
Output the predicate flow graph for debugging.


public static void writeDotFlowGraph(Hyperblock hbStart,
                                     java.lang.String filename)
Write a dot file that shows the hyperblock flow graph.


public java.lang.String getBlockName()
Returns the name of the block, as seen in the TIL.


public final IntMap<Vector<java.lang.Integer>> computeTargets(Stack<Node> wl,
                                                              BitVect mov3)
Compute the number of targets for each instruction.
Returns a map of vectors indexed by the register number. Since multiple instructions may define a register, there is one entry for each instruction in the vector. The entries represent the number of targets for that instruction.
This routine also computes if a target can be fanned out with a mov3 instruction. The bit vector will be true if a mov3 cannot be used.


public boolean isLegalBlock(boolean beforeRegisterAllocation)
Return true if this is a well formed TRIPS block.


public final int getBlockSize()
Return the size of the instructions in the block (not including fanout).


public final int getFanout()
Return the estimated fanout for the block.


public final void updateFanout(int fanout)
Update the fanout.


public final int numBranches()
Return the number of branches in the block.


public final int maxLSID()
Return the highest assigned load/store ID in the block.


public final int numSpills()
Return the number of spill instructions in the block.


public final int getSpillSize()
Return the estimated size of the spills in the block.


public final void addSpill(PredicateBlock block,
                           Instruction inst)
Add a spill to the hyperblock.


public final boolean hasDummyStores()
Return true if the block contains stores inserted for nullification.


protected void assignLoadStoreQueueIds()
Assign load/store queue ids and nullify stores.


protected void noLoadStorePredicateField()
If load and store instructions cannot be predicated this method ensures that atleast one of the instructions in the dependence chain is predicated.
For loads we insert a predicated mov as the only use of the load. For stores we search up the dependence chain looking for a predicate or we predicate one of the store's operands.


protected void mergeInstructions(boolean includeBranches)
Merge instructions.


public void removeRedundantLoads()
Remove redundant loads within a predicate block. If a load is identified as redundant, and there is no intervening store to the same memory location, we can remove the redundant load.
This routine assumes that register allocation has been done and all displacements are known.


public void propagateCopies()
Perform copy propagation in SSA.


protected boolean interBlockPredicateMinimization(DataflowAnalysis df)
Perform inter-block predicate minimization.
This optimization needs the live-outs for each predicate block.


public void removePredicates()
Remove predicates from a hyperblock.


protected void removeSpillCode()
Remove spill code from a hyperblock.
A hyperblock cannot be split if it contains spill code.


public final void assignBranchIds(boolean verbose)
Assign branch identifiers.
We can encode up to 8 exit using a maximum predicate tree depth of 3. Any exit that exceeds this is encoded as 0.


public final void optimize(boolean removeLoads,
                           DataflowAnalysis df)
Optimize a hyperblock.
The main goal of this routine is to reduce the block size to allow additional blocks to be merged.


public final void enterSSA()
Convert the PFG into SSA form.


public final void leaveSSA(boolean removeReadWrite)
Convert the hyperblock out of SSA form.

removeReadWrite - if read and write instructions should be removed when converting out of SSA form. SSA form can only be re-entered if read and write instructions are removed.


public final void analyzeLeaveSSA()
Update the block statistics before leaving SSA form.


public final boolean inSSA()
Return true if the hyperblock is in SSA form.


public final SSA getSSA()
Return the ssa instance for this hyperblock.


public final void setVisited()
Mark that the block has been visited.

Specified by:
setVisited in class Node


public final boolean visited()
Return true if the block has been visited.

Specified by:
visited in class Node


public final void nextVisit()
The next unique color for traversing the graph.

Specified by:
nextVisit in class Node


public static Hyperblock enterHyperblockFlowGraph(Instruction first,
                                                  Trips2Generator gen)


public static Instruction leaveHyperblockFlowGraph(Hyperblock hbStart,
                                                   Trips2Generator gen)
Convert a function in hyperblock form to straight-line form. Returns the new firstInstruction (should be the BeginMarker).


public static void computeHyperblockFlowGraph(Vector<Hyperblock> hbs,
                                              HashMap<Instruction,Hyperblock> entries)
Compute the hyperblock flow graph. The caller should provide the set of entry points to use.
TODO Does this belong in the block splitter?


public static void dumpHyperblockFlowGraph(Hyperblock hbStart)
Output the hyperblock flow graph for debugging.


public java.lang.String getDisplayName()
Return the unique node label.

Specified by:
getDisplayName in interface DisplayNode
getDisplayName in class Root


public java.lang.String getDisplayLabel()
Return a String suitable for labeling this node in a graphical display.

Specified by:
getDisplayLabel in interface DisplayNode
getDisplayLabel in class Root


public final java.lang.String toString()
Returns a description of the block.

toString in class Root


public int getLoopNumber()


protected void setLoopNumber(int loopNumber)


public DColor getDisplayColorHint()
Return a String specifying the color to use for coloring this node in a graphical display.

Specified by:
getDisplayColorHint in interface DisplayNode
getDisplayColorHint in class Root
See Also:


public DShape getDisplayShapeHint()
Return a String specifying a shape to use when drawing this node in a graphical display.

Specified by:
getDisplayShapeHint in interface DisplayNode
getDisplayShapeHint in class Root
See Also: