Class Expr

  extended by scale.common.Root
      extended by scale.score.Note
          extended by scale.score.expr.Expr
All Implemented Interfaces:
AnnotationInterface, DisplayNode
Direct Known Subclasses:
BinaryExpr, DualExpr, LoadExpr, NaryExpr, SubscriptExpr, TernaryExpr, UnaryExpr, ValueExpr, VarArgExpr

public abstract class Expr
extends Note

The base class for Score expression classes.

$Id:,v 1.160 2007-10-17 13:40:00 burrill Exp $

Copyright 2008 by the Scale Compiler Group,
Department of Computer Science
University of Massachusetts,
Amherst MA. 01003, USA
All Rights Reserved.

All expression instances have an associated type.

An expression instance is an operation plus some number of arguments. Each argument is an expression instance as well. The value of an expression may propagate to another expression (as one of its operands) or to a CFG node (e.g., ExprChord instance).

An expression instance has a fixed number of incoming data edges (i.e., its operands) and one outgoing data edge.

As modeled by this class, an expression has some number of operands which are represented as incoming data edges, and a value which is represented as the outgoing data edge. Some expression classes have extra information which is not an operand. This information is sometimes properly part of the operator (e.g., the type of conversion for ConversionExpr instances), and sometimes it is not even that (e.g., the value of a literal). This extra information is in some sense not part of the CFG (i.e., these are non-graph edges).

Since an expression may have only one outgoing data edges an expression instance is not unique in that there may be other instances that are equivalent (identical in a loose sense). The copy() method is provided so that an equivalent expression instance may be created from an exisiting expression instance. Attempting to link in an expression instance that is already linked into the CFG results in a scale.common.InternalError exception.

Memory references are defined by instances of the LoadExpr abstract class and the LoadValueIndirectExpr class.

Field Summary
static boolean fpReorder
          True if floating point operations may be reordered.
static int SE_DOMAIN
          Side effect - may cause fault because of domain values.
static int SE_NONE
          Side effect - none.
static int SE_OVERFLOW
          Side effect - may cause overflow or underflow fault.
static int SE_STATE
          Side effect - changes some global state (e.g., memory location)
Constructor Summary
protected Expr()
protected Expr(Type type)
          Build an expression node.
Method Summary
 Expr addCast(Expr orig)
          Add a cast of an address if required.
 Expr addCast(Type orig)
          Add a cast of an address if required.
 long canonical()
          Return a unique value representing this particular expression.
 void changeInDataEdge(Expr oldExpr, Expr newExpr)
          This method changes an incoming data edge to point to a new expression.
 Expr conditionalCopy()
          Return a deep copy of the expression tree if this expression is used.
 void conditionalUnlinkExpression()
          If the node is no longer needed, sever its use-def link, etc.
 boolean containsDeclaration(Declaration decl)
          Return true if this expression contains a reference to the variable.
abstract  Expr copy()
          Perform a deep copy of the expression tree.
 void deleteOutDataEdge(Note node)
          This method deletes the outgoing data edge.
 boolean dependsOnDeclaration(Declaration decl)
          Return true if this expression's value depends on the variable.
 boolean equivalent(Expr exp)
          Return true if the expressions are equivalent.
 int executionOrder(Expr n)
          Determine the execution ordering of the two nodes.
 int executionOrdinal()
          Return the "execution ordinal" of this expression.
protected  Chord findCriticalChord(HashMap<Expr,Chord> lMap, Chord independent)
          Return the Chord with the highest label value from the set of Chords that must be executed before this expression.
 int findLinearCoefficient(VariableDecl indexVar, LoopHeaderChord thisLoop)
          Return the coefficient of a linear expression.
 SubscriptExpr findSubscriptExpr()
          Return the SubscriptExpr that this load uses or null if none is found.
 AffineExpr getAffineExpr(HashMap<Expr,AffineExpr> affines, LoopHeaderChord thisLoop)
          Return the affine representation for this expression or null if it is not affine.
protected  AffineExpr getAffineRepresentation(HashMap<Expr,AffineExpr> affines, LoopHeaderChord thisLoop)
          Return the affine representation for this expression.
 AliasAnnote getAliasAnnote()
          Get the alias annotation associated with a Scribble operator.
 CallExpr getCall(boolean ignorePure)
          Return the call expression or null if none.
 Literal getConstantValue()
          Return the constant value of the expression.
 Literal getConstantValue(HashMap<Expr,Literal> cvMap)
          Return the constant value of the expression.
 Type getCoreType()
          Return the core type of the expression.
 Chord getCriticalChord(HashMap<Expr,Chord> lMap, Chord independent)
          Return the Chord with the highest label value from the set of Chords that must be executed before this expression.
abstract  void getDeclList(java.util.AbstractCollection<Declaration> varList)
          Add all declarations referenced in this expression to the Vector.
 Expr getDefExpr()
          If this expression results in a variable being given a new value, return the LoadExpr that specifies the variable.
 DColor getDisplayColorHint()
          Return a String specifying the color to use for coloring this node in a graphical display.
 java.lang.String getDisplayLabel()
          Return a String suitable for labeling this node in a graphical display.
 DShape getDisplayShapeHint()
          Return a String specifying a shape to use when drawing this node in a graphical display.
 DualExpr getDualExpr()
          Return the DualExpr containing this SubscriptExpr or null if none.
abstract  void getExprList(Vector<Expr> expList)
          Add all Expr instances in this expression to the Vector.
 Expr getInDataEdge(int i)
          Return the specified in-coming data edge.
 Expr[] getInDataEdgeArray()
          Use this method when you may be modifying an in-coming data edge to this expression while iterating over the in-coming edges.
abstract  void getLoadExprList(Vector<LoadExpr> expList)
          Add all LoadExpr instances in this expression to the Vector.
 LoopHeaderChord getLoopHeader()
          Return the node which represents the loop that contains this node.
 Expr getLow()
          Return the low-level representation.
 Expr getLValue()
          Return the lvalue if this statement is an assignment statement.
 Expr getOperand(int position)
          Return the specified operand.
abstract  Expr[] getOperandArray()
          Return an array of the operands to the expression.
 Note getOutDataEdge()
          Return the out-going data edge.
 Type getPointedToCore()
          Return the type of the thing pointed to by the type of the expression.
 Expr getReference()
          Return the variable reference for the expression.
 int getReuseLevel()
 Expr getRValue()
          Return the rvalue if this statement is an assignment statement.
 Type getType()
          Return the type of the expression.
 ExprChord getUseDef()
          Return the use-def link for the expression.
 boolean hasTrueFalseResult()
          Return true if the result of the expression is either true (1) or false (0).
 boolean isCast()
          Return true if this expression is a cast of an address.
 boolean isDefined()
          This method determines if this expression's value is defined or used by the expression.
 boolean isDefined(Expr lv)
          Check if the given expression is defined by this expression.
 boolean isLiteralExpr()
          Return true if this is a literal expression.
 boolean isLoopInvariant(LoopHeaderChord loop)
          Return true if this expression is loop invariant.
 boolean isMatchExpr()
          Return true if this is a match expression.
 boolean isMemoryDef()
          Return true if the node reference is a definition.
 boolean isMemRefExpr()
          Return true if the expression loads a value from memory.
 boolean isScalar()
          Return true if this expression represents an operation that uses scalar types.
 boolean isSimpleExpr()
          Return true if this is a simple expression.
 void loopClean()
          Clean up any loop related information.
 boolean mayGenerateCall()
          Return true if this expression may result in the generation of a call to a subroutine.
 int numInDataEdges()
          Return the number of in-coming data edges.
abstract  int numOperands()
          Return the number of operands to this expression.
abstract  boolean optimizationCandidate()
          Return true if the expression can be moved without problems.
abstract  void pushOperands(Stack<Expr> wl)
          Push all of the operands of this expression on the Stack.
abstract  void recordRefs(Chord stmt, References refs)
          Record any variable references in this expression in the table of references.
 Expr reduce()
          Return a simplied equivalent expression.
 boolean removeDualExprs()
          Remove occurances of DualExpr instances.
abstract  void removeRefs(Chord stmt, References refs)
          Remove any variable references in this expression from the table of references.
abstract  void removeUseDef()
          Remove any use - def links, may - use links, etc.
abstract  boolean replaceDecl(Declaration oldDecl, Declaration newDecl)
          Replace all occurrances of a Declaration with another Declaration.
 void setCrossloopReuse(int level)
protected  Expr setOperand(Expr operand, int position)
          Set the nth operand of an expression.
 void setOutDataEdge(Note node)
          This method adds an outgoing data edge to this node.
 void setSpatialReuse(int level)
 void setStep(int step)
 void setTemporalReuse(int level)
 void setType(Type type)
          Set the type of the expression.
 void setUseDef(ExprChord se)
          Set the use-def link for the expression.
abstract  int sideEffects()
          Return an indication of the side effects execution of this expression may cause.
 java.lang.String toStringSpecial()
          Return any special information of a node that is not a child or annotation.
 void unlinkExpression()
          This node is no longer needed so sever its use-def link, etc.
 void validate()
          Check this node for validity.
 boolean validLValue()
          Return true if this expression is valid on the left side of an assignment.
Methods inherited from class scale.score.Note
executionCostEstimate, getChord, getEssentialUse, setAnnotationLevel, setReportLevel, toString, visit
Methods inherited from class scale.common.Root
addAnnotation, allAnnotations, allMatchingAnnotations, getAnnotation, getDisplayName, getDisplayString, getNodeCount, getNodeID, hasAnnotation, hasEqualAnnotation, hashCode, removeAnnotation, removeAnnotations, toStringAnnotations, toStringClass, trace, trace, trace
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int SE_NONE
Side effect - none.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int SE_OVERFLOW
Side effect - may cause overflow or underflow fault.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int SE_DOMAIN
Side effect - may cause fault because of domain values.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int SE_STATE
Side effect - changes some global state (e.g., memory location)

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static boolean fpReorder
True if floating point operations may be reordered. Reordering floating point operations may result in the generation of slightly different floating point results by the compiled program. In this case floating point divides may be converted to multiplies by the reciprocal.

Constructor Detail


protected Expr(Type type)
Build an expression node.

type - is the type of the value that results from this expression.


protected Expr()
Method Detail


public abstract int sideEffects()
Return an indication of the side effects execution of this expression may cause.

See Also:


public boolean equivalent(Expr exp)
Return true if the expressions are equivalent. This method should be called by the equivalent() method of the derived classes.

true if classes are identical and the core types are equivalent


public java.lang.String getDisplayLabel()
Return a String suitable for labeling this node in a graphical display. This method should be over-ridden as it simplay returns the class name.

Specified by:
getDisplayLabel in interface DisplayNode
getDisplayLabel in class Root


public DColor getDisplayColorHint()
Return a String specifying the color to use for coloring this node in a graphical display. This method should be over-ridden as it simplay returns the color red.

Specified by:
getDisplayColorHint in interface DisplayNode
getDisplayColorHint in class Root
See Also:


public DShape getDisplayShapeHint()
Return a String specifying a shape to use when drawing this node in a graphical display. This method should be over-ridden as it simplay returns the shape "box".

Specified by:
getDisplayShapeHint in interface DisplayNode
getDisplayShapeHint in class Root
See Also:


public final Type getType()
Return the type of the expression.


public final Type getCoreType()
Return the core type of the expression.


public final Type getPointedToCore()
Return the type of the thing pointed to by the type of the expression. Equivalent to


public final void setType(Type type)
Set the type of the expression.

type - is the type of the expression


public abstract Expr copy()
Perform a deep copy of the expression tree. By deep copy, we mean that copies are made of the expression tree.

a copy of this expression


public final Expr conditionalCopy()
Return a deep copy of the expression tree if this expression is used. Otherwise, return this expression. By deep copy, we mean that copies are made of all of the nodes in the expression tree. An expression is used if it already has an out-going data edge.

a deep copy of this expression or this expression


protected Expr setOperand(Expr operand,
                          int position)
Set the nth operand of an expression. This method eliminates the data edge between the previous operand expression and this expression. The new operand must not be null.

operand - - the new operand
position - - indicates which operand
the previous operand


public Expr getOperand(int position)
Return the specified operand.

position - is the index of the operand


public abstract Expr[] getOperandArray()
Return an array of the operands to the expression.


public abstract int numOperands()
Return the number of operands to this expression.


public final Expr getInDataEdge(int i)
Return the specified in-coming data edge.

Specified by:
getInDataEdge in class Note


public final int numInDataEdges()
Return the number of in-coming data edges.

Specified by:
numInDataEdges in class Note


public boolean isDefined(Expr lv)
Check if the given expression is defined by this expression.

lv - is the given expression to check.
true if this statement is an assignment statement and expr ` * appear on the LHS is the lvalue.


public boolean isMatchExpr()
Return true if this is a match expression.


public boolean isLiteralExpr()
Return true if this is a literal expression.


public boolean isCast()
Return true if this expression is a cast of an address.


public boolean isDefined()
This method determines if this expression's value is defined or used by the expression. We return true if the value is defined.

true if this expression's value is defined.


public Expr getReference()
Return the variable reference for the expression. We use this to get the variable reference for operations such as array subscript and structure operations.

null since a general expression doesn't have a variable


public Expr getLValue()
Return the lvalue if this statement is an assignment statement.


public Expr getRValue()
Return the rvalue if this statement is an assignment statement.


public Expr getLow()
Return the low-level representation.


public final Expr[] getInDataEdgeArray()
Use this method when you may be modifying an in-coming data edge to this expression while iterating over the in-coming edges.

Specified by:
getInDataEdgeArray in class Note
an array of in-coming data edges.


public final Note getOutDataEdge()
Return the out-going data edge.


public final void setOutDataEdge(Note node)
This method adds an outgoing data edge to this node. Only expression nodes have an outbound data edge.

node - Note to which this out edge is pointing


public final void changeInDataEdge(Expr oldExpr,
                                   Expr newExpr)
This method changes an incoming data edge to point to a new expression.

This method ensures that the node previously pointing to this one is updated properly, as well as, the node which will now point to this node.

Expr and Chord nodes have a fixed number of incoming edges with specific meaning applied to each. Hence, the edge being replaced is indicated by position.

Specified by:
changeInDataEdge in class Note
oldExpr - is the expression to be replaced
newExpr - is the new expression


public final void deleteOutDataEdge(Note node)
This method deletes the outgoing data edge.

This method is a helper routine. It intended to aid another routine which deletes this edge as an incoming edge. The two methods work together to maintain bi-directional edges.

node - Indicates edge to be deleted, by designating its opposite end.


public java.lang.String toStringSpecial()
Description copied from class: Root
Return any special information of a node that is not a child or annotation. This method is meant to be overridden by nodes that need to provide special output.

toStringSpecial in class Root


public Literal getConstantValue(HashMap<Expr,Literal> cvMap)
Return the constant value of the expression. Follow use-def links.

See Also:


public Literal getConstantValue()
Return the constant value of the expression. Do not follow use-def links.

See Also:


protected Chord findCriticalChord(HashMap<Expr,Chord> lMap,
                                  Chord independent)
Return the Chord with the highest label value from the set of Chords that must be executed before this expression.

lMap - is used to memoize the expression to critical Chord information
independent - is returned if the expression is not dependent on anything


public final Chord getCriticalChord(HashMap<Expr,Chord> lMap,
                                    Chord independent)
Return the Chord with the highest label value from the set of Chords that must be executed before this expression.

lMap - is used to memoize the expression to critical Chord information
independent - is returned if the expression is not dependent on anything


public boolean isScalar()
Return true if this expression represents an operation that uses scalar types.


public long canonical()
Return a unique value representing this particular expression.


public boolean validLValue()
Return true if this expression is valid on the left side of an assignment.


public abstract void removeUseDef()
Remove any use - def links, may - use links, etc.


public Expr getDefExpr()
If this expression results in a variable being given a new value, return the LoadExpr that specifies the variable.

a null or a LoadExpr that defines a variable


public final int executionOrder(Expr n)
Determine the execution ordering of the two nodes. This routine returns either 0, 1, or -1 based on the following conditions:
 0 if this and n are in the same CFG node on the 
   same side of the assignment.
 1 if this occurs before n.
 -1 if n occurs before this.
Two nodes are equivalent if we can't determine that one defintely occurs before the other (e.g., in an assignment statement, a[i] = a[i-1], the execution order is not defined. The right hand side of an assignment is considered to precede the left-hand side.

NOTE - this method will not perform correctly if the Chords have not been labeled.

n - the node to compare against.
0, 1, or -1 based upon the lexical ordering.
See Also:
Chord.executionOrder(scale.score.chords.Chord), Scribble.labelCFG()


public int executionOrdinal()
Return the "execution ordinal" of this expression. Let o1 and o2 be the execution ordinals of two expressions e1 and e2 respectively. Then, o1 is less than o2 iff e1 is executed before e2. The right hand side of an assignment is considered to precede the left-hand side. Two expressions in the same expression tree will have the same ordinal.

NOTE - this method will not perform correctly if the Chords have not been labeled.

See Also:
executionOrder(scale.score.expr.Expr), Chord.executionOrder(scale.score.chords.Chord), Scribble.labelCFG()


public final LoopHeaderChord getLoopHeader()
Return the node which represents the loop that contains this node.


public boolean isMemoryDef()
Return true if the node reference is a definition. That is, does this node represents a write to a memory location.


public int findLinearCoefficient(VariableDecl indexVar,
                                 LoopHeaderChord thisLoop)
Return the coefficient of a linear expression. Typically, we are trying to determine if an array subscript expression is a linear function of the loop index expression.


public final AffineExpr getAffineExpr(HashMap<Expr,AffineExpr> affines,
                                      LoopHeaderChord thisLoop)
Return the affine representation for this expression or null if it is not affine.

affines - is a mapping from an expression to its representation and is used to avoid combinatorial explosion through use-def links
thisLoop - the loop for which this expression may be affine
See Also:


protected AffineExpr getAffineRepresentation(HashMap<Expr,AffineExpr> affines,
                                             LoopHeaderChord thisLoop)
Return the affine representation for this expression. This method should be called only from the getAffineExpr() method. This method never returns null.

affines - is a mapping from an expression to its representation and is used to avoid combinatorial explosion through use-def links
thisLoop - the loop for which this expression may be affine
See Also:
AffineExpr, AffineExpr.notAffine


public final DualExpr getDualExpr()
Return the DualExpr containing this SubscriptExpr or null if none. Follow the use-def chain if necessary.


public ExprChord getUseDef()
Return the use-def link for the expression. It's null for most expressions.


public void setUseDef(ExprChord se)
Set the use-def link for the expression. It's null for most expressions.


public boolean isMemRefExpr()
Return true if the expression loads a value from memory.


public boolean isSimpleExpr()
Return true if this is a simple expression. A simple expression consists solely of local scalar variables, constants, and numeric operations such as add, subtract, multiply, and divide.


public CallExpr getCall(boolean ignorePure)
Return the call expression or null if none.

ignorePure - is true if pure function calls are to be ignored.


public void loopClean()
Clean up any loop related information.


public void unlinkExpression()
This node is no longer needed so sever its use-def link, etc.


public final void conditionalUnlinkExpression()
If the node is no longer needed, sever its use-def link, etc. A node is no longer needed if has no out-going data edge.


public boolean isLoopInvariant(LoopHeaderChord loop)
Return true if this expression is loop invariant.

loop - is the loop


public boolean mayGenerateCall()
Return true if this expression may result in the generation of a call to a subroutine.


public SubscriptExpr findSubscriptExpr()
Return the SubscriptExpr that this load uses or null if none is found. This method uses the use-def link to find an existing SubscriptExpr instance.


public void setTemporalReuse(int level)


public void setCrossloopReuse(int level)


public void setSpatialReuse(int level)


public void setStep(int step)


public int getReuseLevel()


public boolean containsDeclaration(Declaration decl)
Return true if this expression contains a reference to the variable.

See Also:


public boolean dependsOnDeclaration(Declaration decl)
Return true if this expression's value depends on the variable. The use-def links are followed.

See Also:


public abstract boolean optimizationCandidate()
Return true if the expression can be moved without problems. Expressions that reference global variables, non-atomic variables, etc are not optimization candidates.


public AliasAnnote getAliasAnnote()
Get the alias annotation associated with a Scribble operator. Most Scribble operators do not have alias variables so this routine may return null. Typically, the alias variable information is attached to the declaration node associated with the load operations. However, we sometimes need to create alias variables to hold alias information that is not directly assigned to a user variable (e.g., **x).

the alias annotation associated with the expression


public abstract void getDeclList(java.util.AbstractCollection<Declaration> varList)
Add all declarations referenced in this expression to the Vector.


public abstract void getLoadExprList(Vector<LoadExpr> expList)
Add all LoadExpr instances in this expression to the Vector.


public abstract void getExprList(Vector<Expr> expList)
Add all Expr instances in this expression to the Vector.


public abstract void pushOperands(Stack<Expr> wl)
Push all of the operands of this expression on the Stack.


public abstract boolean replaceDecl(Declaration oldDecl,
                                    Declaration newDecl)
Replace all occurrances of a Declaration with another Declaration.

true if a replace occurred.


public abstract void recordRefs(Chord stmt,
                                References refs)
Record any variable references in this expression in the table of references.


public abstract void removeRefs(Chord stmt,
                                References refs)
Remove any variable references in this expression from the table of references.


public Expr reduce()
Return a simplied equivalent expression. This method may modify the original expression. This is used in the lowering of subscript expressions.

See Also:


public void validate()
Check this node for validity. This method throws an exception if the node is not linked properly.

validate in class Note


public boolean removeDualExprs()
Remove occurances of DualExpr instances.

true if a DualExpr instance was removed.


public final Expr addCast(Expr orig)
Add a cast of an address if required. Optimizations often skip over address casts when finding applicable expressions. This adds those casts back in.

orig - is the expression being replaced
the replacement expression of a cast of the replacement expression


public final Expr addCast(Type orig)
Add a cast of an address if required. Optimizations often skip over address casts when finding applicable expressions. This adds those casts back in.

orig - is the type of the expression being replaced
the replacement expression of a cast of the replacement expression


public boolean hasTrueFalseResult()
Return true if the result of the expression is either true (1) or false (0).