Class Summary | |
AbsoluteValueExpr | This class represents the absolute value function. |
AdditionExpr | This class represents the addition function. |
AllocateExpr | This class represents the Allocate function. |
AndExpr | This class represents the boolean and function. |
ArrayIndexExpr | This class represents the generation of an array element address. |
BinaryExpr | This class is the superclass of all binary operators. |
BitAndExpr | This class represents the bit and operation. |
BitComplementExpr | This class represents the bit complement operation. |
BitOrExpr | This class represents the bit or operation. |
BitShiftExpr | This class represents the bit shift operations. |
BitXorExpr | This class represents the bit exclusive or operation. |
CallExpr | This is the base class for calls to routines. |
CallFunctionExpr | This class represents a call to a function. |
CallMethodExpr | This class represents a call to a class method. |
CompareExpr | This class represents three-valued comparison functions. |
ComplexValueExpr | This class represents the combining of two real values into one complex value. |
ConditionalExpr | This class is used to represents some cases of the C conditional operator. |
ConversionExpr | This class represents the type conversion or cast operation. |
DivisionExpr | This class represents the division operation. |
DualExpr | A dual expression is used when there is both a "high-level" and a "low-level" representation of an expression. |
EqualityExpr | This class represents the test for equality. |
ExponentiationExpr | This class represents the operation A to the power B. |
Expr | The base class for Score expression classes. |
ExprPhiExpr | This class represents a ExprPhi operation in static single assignment form. |
FieldExpr | This is the base class for field reference operations. |
GreaterEqualExpr | This class represents the test for greater or equal. |
GreaterExpr | This class represents the test for greater than. |
LessEqualExpr | This class represents the test for less than or equal. |
LessExpr | This class represents the test for less than. |
LiteralExpr | This class represents the instantiation of a literal in Scribble. |
LoadDeclAddressExpr | This class represents the address of a declaration. |
LoadDeclValueExpr | This class represents the value of a declaration. |
LoadExpr | This class is the base class for expressions that represent references to memory. |
LoadFieldAddressExpr | This class represents the address of a field of a structure. |
LoadFieldValueExpr | This class represents the value of a field of a structure. |
LoadValueIndirectExpr | This class represents the indirect load operator. |
MatchExpr | This class represents expressions that compare two values and return "true" or "false". |
MaxExpr | This class represents the operation max(a,b). |
MinExpr | This class represents the operation min(a,b). |
MultiplicationExpr | This class represents the multiplication operation. |
NaryExpr | This class is the superclass of all operators with variable arity. |
NegativeExpr | This class represents the nagate operation (e.g., two's complement). |
NilExpr | This class represents the null or nil address. |
NotEqualExpr | This class represents the test for inequality. |
NotExpr | This class represents the boolean complement operation. |
OrExpr | This class represents the boolean or operation. |
PhiExpr | This operator represents a phi operation in static single assignment form. |
RemainderExpr | This class represents the remainder operation. |
SubscriptExpr | This class represents a subscript operation which computes an address of an array element (at a high-level). |
SubtractionExpr | This class represents the subtraction operation. |
TernaryExpr | This is the base class for operations with three arguments. |
Transcendental2Expr | This class represents two-argument inrinsic functions (e.g., atan2). |
TranscendentalExpr | This class represents the monadic intrinsic functions. |
UnaryExpr | This class is the superclass of all unary operators. |
VaArgExpr | A class which represents the va_arg(va_list, type) C construct. |
VaEndExpr | A class which represents the va_end(va_list) C construct in Score. |
ValueExpr | This class is the superclass of all value expressions. |
VarArgExpr | A class which represents the C variable argument processing. |
VaStartExpr | A class which represents the va_start(va_list, parmN) C construct in Score. |
VectorExpr | This class represents a Vector expression. |
Enum Summary | |
CompareMode | This enum specifies the comparison mode - equals, not equals, etc. |
Represents expressions in the CFG.
The base class is the Expr