Package scale.score.expr

Represents expressions in the CFG.


Class Summary
AbsoluteValueExpr This class represents the absolute value function.
AdditionExpr This class represents the addition function.
AllocateExpr This class represents the Allocate function.
AndExpr This class represents the boolean and function.
ArrayIndexExpr This class represents the generation of an array element address.
BinaryExpr This class is the superclass of all binary operators.
BitAndExpr This class represents the bit and operation.
BitComplementExpr This class represents the bit complement operation.
BitOrExpr This class represents the bit or operation.
BitShiftExpr This class represents the bit shift operations.
BitXorExpr This class represents the bit exclusive or operation.
CallExpr This is the base class for calls to routines.
CallFunctionExpr This class represents a call to a function.
CallMethodExpr This class represents a call to a class method.
CompareExpr This class represents three-valued comparison functions.
ComplexValueExpr This class represents the combining of two real values into one complex value.
ConditionalExpr This class is used to represents some cases of the C conditional operator.
ConversionExpr This class represents the type conversion or cast operation.
DivisionExpr This class represents the division operation.
DualExpr A dual expression is used when there is both a "high-level" and a "low-level" representation of an expression.
EqualityExpr This class represents the test for equality.
ExponentiationExpr This class represents the operation A to the power B.
Expr The base class for Score expression classes.
ExprPhiExpr This class represents a ExprPhi operation in static single assignment form.
FieldExpr This is the base class for field reference operations.
GreaterEqualExpr This class represents the test for greater or equal.
GreaterExpr This class represents the test for greater than.
LessEqualExpr This class represents the test for less than or equal.
LessExpr This class represents the test for less than.
LiteralExpr This class represents the instantiation of a literal in Scribble.
LoadDeclAddressExpr This class represents the address of a declaration.
LoadDeclValueExpr This class represents the value of a declaration.
LoadExpr This class is the base class for expressions that represent references to memory.
LoadFieldAddressExpr This class represents the address of a field of a structure.
LoadFieldValueExpr This class represents the value of a field of a structure.
LoadValueIndirectExpr This class represents the indirect load operator.
MatchExpr This class represents expressions that compare two values and return "true" or "false".
MaxExpr This class represents the operation max(a,b).
MinExpr This class represents the operation min(a,b).
MultiplicationExpr This class represents the multiplication operation.
NaryExpr This class is the superclass of all operators with variable arity.
NegativeExpr This class represents the nagate operation (e.g., two's complement).
NilExpr This class represents the null or nil address.
NotEqualExpr This class represents the test for inequality.
NotExpr This class represents the boolean complement operation.
OrExpr This class represents the boolean or operation.
PhiExpr This operator represents a phi operation in static single assignment form.
RemainderExpr This class represents the remainder operation.
SubscriptExpr This class represents a subscript operation which computes an address of an array element (at a high-level).
SubtractionExpr This class represents the subtraction operation.
TernaryExpr This is the base class for operations with three arguments.
Transcendental2Expr This class represents two-argument inrinsic functions (e.g., atan2).
TranscendentalExpr This class represents the monadic intrinsic functions.
UnaryExpr This class is the superclass of all unary operators.
VaArgExpr A class which represents the va_arg(va_list, type) C construct.
VaEndExpr A class which represents the va_end(va_list) C construct in Score.
ValueExpr This class is the superclass of all value expressions.
VarArgExpr A class which represents the C variable argument processing.
VaStartExpr A class which represents the va_start(va_list, parmN) C construct in Score.
VectorExpr This class represents a Vector expression.

Enum Summary
CompareMode This enum specifies the comparison mode - equals, not equals, etc.

Package scale.score.expr Description

Represents expressions in the CFG. The base class is the Expr class.