Class LoadDeclValueExpr

  extended by scale.common.Root
      extended by scale.score.Note
          extended by scale.score.expr.Expr
              extended by scale.score.expr.LoadExpr
                  extended by scale.score.expr.LoadDeclValueExpr
All Implemented Interfaces:
AnnotationInterface, DisplayNode

public class LoadDeclValueExpr
extends LoadExpr

This class represents the value of a declaration.

$Id:,v 1.96 2007-10-04 19:58:31 burrill Exp $

Copyright 2008 by the Scale Compiler Group,
Department of Computer Science
University of Massachusetts,
Amherst MA. 01003, USA
All Rights Reserved.

The type of an IdAddressOp is always the same as the declaration type.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class scale.score.expr.Expr
Constructor Summary
LoadDeclValueExpr(Declaration decl)
Method Summary
 Expr copy()
          Make a copy of this load expression.
 Expr copyNoUD()
          Make a copy of this load expression without the use - def information.
 int executionCostEstimate()
          Return a relative cost estimate for executing the expression.
protected  Chord findCriticalChord(HashMap<Expr,Chord> lMap, Chord independent)
          Return the Chord with the highest label value from the set of Chords that must be executed before this expression.
 int findLinearCoefficient(VariableDecl indexVar, LoopHeaderChord thisLoop)
          Determine the coefficent of a linear expression.
protected  AffineExpr getAffineRepresentation(HashMap<Expr,AffineExpr> affines, LoopHeaderChord thisLoop)
          Return the affine representation for this expression.
 Literal getConstantValue()
          Return the constant value of the expression.
 Literal getConstantValue(HashMap<Expr,Literal> cvMap)
          Return the constant value of the expression.
 java.lang.String getDisplayLabel()
          Return a String suitable for labeling this node in a graphical display.
 boolean isLoopInvariant(LoopHeaderChord loop)
          Return true if this expression is loop invariant.
 boolean isSimpleExpr()
          Return true if this is a simple expression.
 boolean optimizationCandidate()
          Return true if the expression can be moved without problems.
 void visit(Predicate p)
          Process a node by calling its associated routine.
Methods inherited from class scale.score.expr.LoadExpr
addMayUse, canonical, containsDeclaration, dependsOnDeclaration, equivalent, findSubscriptExpr, getAliasAnnote, getDecl, getDeclList, getExprList, getLoadExprList, getMayUse, getName, getObject, getOperandArray, getReference, getReuseLevel, getSubsetDecl, getUseDef, isMemoryDef, isMemRefExpr, loopClean, numOperands, pushOperands, recordRefs, referencesVariableInCommon, removeRefs, removeUseDef, replaceDecl, setCrossloopReuse, setDecl, setSpatialReuse, setStep, setTemporalReuse, setUseDef, setUseMayUse, setUseOriginal, sideEffects, unlinkExpression, validate, validLValue
Methods inherited from class scale.score.expr.Expr
addCast, addCast, changeInDataEdge, conditionalCopy, conditionalUnlinkExpression, deleteOutDataEdge, executionOrder, executionOrdinal, getAffineExpr, getCall, getCoreType, getCriticalChord, getDefExpr, getDisplayColorHint, getDisplayShapeHint, getDualExpr, getInDataEdge, getInDataEdgeArray, getLoopHeader, getLow, getLValue, getOperand, getOutDataEdge, getPointedToCore, getRValue, getType, hasTrueFalseResult, isCast, isDefined, isDefined, isLiteralExpr, isMatchExpr, isScalar, mayGenerateCall, numInDataEdges, reduce, removeDualExprs, setOperand, setOutDataEdge, setType, toStringSpecial
Methods inherited from class scale.score.Note
getChord, getEssentialUse, setAnnotationLevel, setReportLevel, toString
Methods inherited from class scale.common.Root
addAnnotation, allAnnotations, allMatchingAnnotations, getAnnotation, getDisplayName, getDisplayString, getNodeCount, getNodeID, hasAnnotation, hasEqualAnnotation, hashCode, removeAnnotation, removeAnnotations, toStringAnnotations, toStringClass, trace, trace, trace
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public LoadDeclValueExpr(Declaration decl)
Method Detail


public Expr copy()
Make a copy of this load expression. The use - def information is copied too.

Specified by:
copy in class Expr
a copy of this expression


public Expr copyNoUD()
Make a copy of this load expression without the use - def information.

Specified by:
copyNoUD in class LoadExpr


public void visit(Predicate p)
Description copied from class: Note
Process a node by calling its associated routine. See the "visitor" design pattern in Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software by E. Gamma, et al, Addison Wesley, ISBN 0-201-63361-2.

Each class has a visit(Predicate p) method. For example, in class ABC:

   public void visit(Predicate p)
and the class that implements Predicate has a method
   public void visitABC(Note n)
     ABC a = (ABC) n;
Thus, the class that implements Predicate can call
where n is a Note sub-class without determining which specific sub-class n is. The visit pattern basically avoids implementing a large switch statement or defining different methods in each class for some purpose.

Specified by:
visit in class Note
See Also:


public java.lang.String getDisplayLabel()
Description copied from class: Expr
Return a String suitable for labeling this node in a graphical display. This method should be over-ridden as it simplay returns the class name.

Specified by:
getDisplayLabel in interface DisplayNode
getDisplayLabel in class Expr


public Literal getConstantValue(HashMap<Expr,Literal> cvMap)
Return the constant value of the expression. Follow use-def links.

getConstantValue in class Expr
See Also:
Lattice, ValueDecl


public Literal getConstantValue()
Return the constant value of the expression. Do not follow use-def links.

getConstantValue in class Expr
See Also:
Lattice, ValueDecl


public int findLinearCoefficient(VariableDecl indexVar,
                                 LoopHeaderChord thisLoop)
Determine the coefficent of a linear expression.

findLinearCoefficient in class Expr
indexVar - is the index variable associated with the coefficient.
thisLoop - is the loop containing the index variable reference
the coefficient value.


protected AffineExpr getAffineRepresentation(HashMap<Expr,AffineExpr> affines,
                                             LoopHeaderChord thisLoop)
Description copied from class: Expr
Return the affine representation for this expression. This method should be called only from the getAffineExpr() method. This method never returns null.

getAffineRepresentation in class Expr
affines - is a mapping from an expression to its representation and is used to avoid combinatorial explosion through use-def links
thisLoop - the loop for which this expression may be affine
See Also:
AffineExpr, AffineExpr.notAffine


protected Chord findCriticalChord(HashMap<Expr,Chord> lMap,
                                  Chord independent)
Return the Chord with the highest label value from the set of Chords that must be executed before this expression. Return 0 if none found.

findCriticalChord in class Expr
lMap - is used to memoize the expression to critical Chord information
independent - is returned if the expression is not dependent on anything


public boolean optimizationCandidate()
Return true if the expression can be moved without problems. Expressions that reference global variables, non-atomic variables, etc are not optimization candidates.

Specified by:
optimizationCandidate in class Expr


public int executionCostEstimate()
Return a relative cost estimate for executing the expression.

Specified by:
executionCostEstimate in class Note


public boolean isLoopInvariant(LoopHeaderChord loop)
Return true if this expression is loop invariant.

isLoopInvariant in class Expr
loop - is the loop


public boolean isSimpleExpr()
Return true if this is a simple expression. A simple expression consists solely of local scalar variables, constants, and numeric operations such as add, subtract, multiply, and divide.

isSimpleExpr in class Expr