Class NaryExpr

  extended by scale.common.Root
      extended by scale.score.Note
          extended by scale.score.expr.Expr
              extended by scale.score.expr.NaryExpr
All Implemented Interfaces:
AnnotationInterface, DisplayNode
Direct Known Subclasses:
CallExpr, PhiExpr, VectorExpr

public abstract class NaryExpr
extends Expr

This class is the superclass of all operators with variable arity.

$Id:,v 1.52 2007-10-17 13:40:00 burrill Exp $

Copyright 2008 by the Scale Compiler Group,
Department of Computer Science
University of Massachusetts,
Amherst MA. 01003, USA
All Rights Reserved.

Operands of instances of this class can be null (see PRE).

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class scale.score.expr.Expr
Constructor Summary
NaryExpr(Type t, Vector<Expr> operands)
Method Summary
 void addOperand(Expr operand)
          Add an additional operand to the expression.
 boolean containsDeclaration(Declaration decl)
          Return true if this expression contains a reference to the variable.
 boolean dependsOnDeclaration(Declaration decl)
          Return true if this expression's value depends on the variable.
 boolean equivalent(Expr exp)
          Return true if the expressions are equivalent.
 int executionCostEstimate()
          Return a relative cost estimate for executing the expression.
 void getDeclList(java.util.AbstractCollection<Declaration> varList)
          Add all declarations referenced in this expression to the Vector.
 void getExprList(Vector<Expr> expList)
          Add all Expr instances in this expression to the Vector.
 void getLoadExprList(Vector<LoadExpr> expList)
          Add all LoadExpr instances in this expression to the Vector.
 Expr getOperand(int position)
          Return the nth operand.
 Expr[] getOperandArray()
          Return an array of the operands to the expression.
 void loopClean()
          Clean up any loop related information.
 int numOperands()
          Return the number of operands to this expression.
 boolean optimizationCandidate()
          Return true if the expression can be moved without problems.
 void pushOperands(Stack<Expr> wl)
          Push all of the operands of this expression on the Stack.
 void recordRefs(Chord stmt, References refs)
          Record any variable references in this expression in the table of references.
protected  void removeOperand(int i)
          Allow some expressions such as VectorExpr to remove an operand.
 void removeRefs(Chord stmt, References refs)
          Remove any variable references in this expression from the table of references.
 void removeUseDef()
          Remove any use - def links, may - use links, etc.
 boolean replaceDecl(Declaration oldDecl, Declaration newDecl)
          Replace all occurrances of a Declaration with another Declaration.
 Expr setOperand(Expr operand, int position)
          Set the specified operand and return the previous operand that was at that location.
 int sideEffects()
          Return an indication of the side effects execution of this expression may cause.
 void unlinkExpression()
          If the node is no longer needed, sever its use-def link, etc.
 void validate()
          Check this node for validity.
Methods inherited from class scale.score.expr.Expr
addCast, addCast, canonical, changeInDataEdge, conditionalCopy, conditionalUnlinkExpression, copy, deleteOutDataEdge, executionOrder, executionOrdinal, findCriticalChord, findLinearCoefficient, findSubscriptExpr, getAffineExpr, getAffineRepresentation, getAliasAnnote, getCall, getConstantValue, getConstantValue, getCoreType, getCriticalChord, getDefExpr, getDisplayColorHint, getDisplayLabel, getDisplayShapeHint, getDualExpr, getInDataEdge, getInDataEdgeArray, getLoopHeader, getLow, getLValue, getOutDataEdge, getPointedToCore, getReference, getReuseLevel, getRValue, getType, getUseDef, hasTrueFalseResult, isCast, isDefined, isDefined, isLiteralExpr, isLoopInvariant, isMatchExpr, isMemoryDef, isMemRefExpr, isScalar, isSimpleExpr, mayGenerateCall, numInDataEdges, reduce, removeDualExprs, setCrossloopReuse, setOutDataEdge, setSpatialReuse, setStep, setTemporalReuse, setType, setUseDef, toStringSpecial, validLValue
Methods inherited from class scale.score.Note
getChord, getEssentialUse, setAnnotationLevel, setReportLevel, toString, visit
Methods inherited from class scale.common.Root
addAnnotation, allAnnotations, allMatchingAnnotations, getAnnotation, getDisplayName, getDisplayString, getNodeCount, getNodeID, hasAnnotation, hasEqualAnnotation, hashCode, removeAnnotation, removeAnnotations, toStringAnnotations, toStringClass, trace, trace, trace
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public NaryExpr(Type t,
                Vector<Expr> operands)
Method Detail


public boolean equivalent(Expr exp)
Return true if the expressions are equivalent. This method should be called by the equivalent() method of the derived classes.

equivalent in class Expr
true if classes are identical and the core types are equivalent


public void addOperand(Expr operand)
Add an additional operand to the expression. The new operand becomes the new last operand.


public Expr setOperand(Expr operand,
                       int position)
Set the specified operand and return the previous operand that was at that location. The data edges are set properly. The operand may be null,

setOperand in class Expr
operand - - the new operand
position - - indicates which operand
the previous operand


public Expr getOperand(int position)
Return the nth operand.

getOperand in class Expr
position - the index of the operand


protected void removeOperand(int i)
Allow some expressions such as VectorExpr to remove an operand.


public int numOperands()
Return the number of operands to this expression.

Specified by:
numOperands in class Expr


public Expr[] getOperandArray()
Return an array of the operands to the expression.

Specified by:
getOperandArray in class Expr


public void loopClean()
Clean up any loop related information.

loopClean in class Expr


public void unlinkExpression()
If the node is no longer needed, sever its use-def link, etc.

unlinkExpression in class Expr


public boolean containsDeclaration(Declaration decl)
Return true if this expression contains a reference to the variable.

containsDeclaration in class Expr
See Also:


public boolean dependsOnDeclaration(Declaration decl)
Return true if this expression's value depends on the variable. The use-def links are followed.

dependsOnDeclaration in class Expr
See Also:


public boolean optimizationCandidate()
Return true if the expression can be moved without problems. Expressions that reference global variables, non-atomic variables, etc are not optimization candidates.

Specified by:
optimizationCandidate in class Expr


public void getDeclList(java.util.AbstractCollection<Declaration> varList)
Add all declarations referenced in this expression to the Vector.

Specified by:
getDeclList in class Expr


public void getLoadExprList(Vector<LoadExpr> expList)
Add all LoadExpr instances in this expression to the Vector.

Specified by:
getLoadExprList in class Expr


public void getExprList(Vector<Expr> expList)
Add all Expr instances in this expression to the Vector.

Specified by:
getExprList in class Expr


public void pushOperands(Stack<Expr> wl)
Push all of the operands of this expression on the Stack.

Specified by:
pushOperands in class Expr


public boolean replaceDecl(Declaration oldDecl,
                           Declaration newDecl)
Replace all occurrances of a Declaration with another Declaration. Return true if a replace occurred.

Specified by:
replaceDecl in class Expr
true if a replace occurred.


public void removeUseDef()
Remove any use - def links, may - use links, etc.

Specified by:
removeUseDef in class Expr


public void validate()
Check this node for validity. This method throws an exception if the node is not linked properly.

validate in class Expr


public void recordRefs(Chord stmt,
                       References refs)
Record any variable references in this expression in the table of references.

Specified by:
recordRefs in class Expr


public void removeRefs(Chord stmt,
                       References refs)
Remove any variable references in this expression from the table of references.

Specified by:
removeRefs in class Expr


public int executionCostEstimate()
Return a relative cost estimate for executing the expression.

Specified by:
executionCostEstimate in class Note


public int sideEffects()
Return an indication of the side effects execution of this expression may cause.

Specified by:
sideEffects in class Expr
See Also: