Class ExprChord

  extended by scale.common.Root
      extended by scale.score.Note
          extended by scale.score.chords.Chord
              extended by scale.score.chords.SequentialChord
                  extended by scale.score.chords.ExprChord
All Implemented Interfaces:
AnnotationInterface, DisplayNode
Direct Known Subclasses:
ExitChord, PhiExprChord

public class ExprChord
extends SequentialChord

This class is used to represent an assignment operation in a CFG. The value may be assigned to the bit-bucket.

$Id:,v 1.66 2007-10-17 13:39:58 burrill Exp $

Copyright 2008 by the Scale Compiler Group,
Department of Computer Science
University of Massachusetts,
Amherst MA. 01003, USA
All Rights Reserved.

If the left-hand-side of the ExprChord instance is not null it is always an expression that evaluates to an address. It is usually a LoadDeclAddressExpr instance but may be a LoadDeclValueExpr instance.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class scale.score.chords.Chord
Constructor Summary
ExprChord(Expr rhs)
          Create a node that holds a computation.
ExprChord(Expr rhs, Chord next)
          Create a node that holds a computation.
ExprChord(Expr lhs, Expr rhs)
          Create a node that holds a computation.
ExprChord(Expr lhs, Expr rhs, Chord next)
          Create a node that holds a computation.
ExprChord(Expr lhs, Expr rhs, Expr predicate, boolean onTrue)
          Create a node that holds a computation.
Method Summary
 void addDefUse(LoadExpr expr)
          Add a new link from the definition to the use.
 void addMayDef(MayDef mayDef)
          Add may definition information to the store.
 void changeInDataEdge(Expr oldExpr, Expr newExpr)
          This method changes an incoming data edge to point to a new expression.
 boolean checkDefUse(Expr use)
          Return true is a def-use link exists.
 Chord copy()
          Make a copy of this CFG node with the same out-going CFG edges.
 void deleteInDataEdges()
          Remove all the in-coming data edges.
 int executionCostEstimate()
          Return a relative cost estimate for executing this CFG node.
 CallExpr getCall(boolean ignorePure)
          Return the call expression or null if none.
 Vector<Declaration> getDeclList()
          Return a vector of all declarations referenced in this CFG node or null.
 Expr getDefExpr()
          If this CFG node results in a variable being given a new value, return the Expr instance that specifies the variable.
 LoadExpr getDefUse(int i)
          Return the i-th def-use link.
 LoadExpr[] getDefUseArray()
          Return an array of the use-def links.
 Vector<Expr> getExprList()
          Return a vector of all Expr instances in this CFG node or null.
 Expr getInDataEdge(int i)
          Return the specified in-coming data edge.
 Expr[] getInDataEdgeArray()
          Use this method when you may be modifying an in-coming data edge to this expression while iterating over the in-coming edges.
 Vector<LoadExpr> getLoadExprList()
          Return a vector of all LoadExpr instances in this CFG node or null.
 Expr getLValue()
          Return the lvalue if this node holds an expression that is an assignment statement or null.
 MayDef getMayDef()
          Return the may definition info assciated with the store.
 Expr getPredicate()
          Return the predicate expression or null if the store is not predicated.
 Expr getRValue()
          Return the rvalue or null.
 boolean isAssignChord()
          Return true if this node holds an expression that represent an assignment statement.
 boolean isDefined(Expr lv)
          The expression is a defined if it is on the left hand side of the store expression.
 boolean isExprChord()
          Return true if this is an expression chord.
 boolean isVaCopy()
          Is this store as a special case - va_copy()?
 int numDefUseLinks()
          Return the number of def-use links.
 int numInDataEdges()
          Return the number of in-coming data edges.
 boolean predicatedOnTrue()
          Return true if the store is enabled when the predicate value is non-zero.
 void printDefUse()
          Display the def-use links.
 void pushInDataEdges(Stack<Expr> wl)
          Push all incoming data edges on the stack.
 void recordRefs(References refs)
          Record any variable references in this CFG node from the table of references.
 void removeDefUse(LoadExpr expr)
          Remove an existing link from the definition to the use.
 boolean removeDualExprs()
          Remove all DualExpr instances from this CFG node.
 Expr removePredication()
          Change this predicated store into a normal store.
 void removeRefs(References refs)
          Remove any variable references in this CFG node in the table of references.
 void removeUseDef()
          Remove any information such as use - def links, may use links, etc.
 boolean replaceDecl(Declaration oldDecl, Declaration newDecl)
          Replace all occurrances of a Declaration with another Declaration.
 void setLValue(Expr lhs)
          Set the lvalue.
 void setRValue(Expr rhs)
          Set the rvalue.
 void setVaCopy()
          Mark this store as a special case - va_copy().
 int sideEffects()
          Return an indication of the side effects execution of this CFG node may cause.
 Expr singleDefUse()
          Return the single def-use link or null if there are more than one or none.
 void specifyPredicate(Expr predicate, boolean onTrue)
          Specify predicate for this operation.
 java.lang.String toStringSpecial()
          Return a String containing additional information about this class instance.
 void validate()
          Check this node for validity.
 void visit(Predicate p)
          Process a node by calling its associated routine.
Methods inherited from class scale.score.chords.SequentialChord
changeOutCfgEdge, clearEdge, clearEdgeMarkers, deleteOutCfgEdges, edgeMarked, getNextChord, getOutCfgEdge, getOutCfgEdgeArray, getTarget, indexOfOutCfgEdge, isLastInBasicBlock, isSequential, linkSubgraph, linkTo, markEdge, numOutCfgEdges, pushAllOutCfgEdges, pushOutCfgEdges, pushOutCfgEdges, pushSortedOutCfgEdges, pushSortedOutCfgEdges, replaceOutCfgEdge, setTarget, setTargetUnsafe
Methods inherited from class scale.score.chords.Chord
addInCfgEdge, changeParentOutCfgEdge, copySourceLine, deadCFGNodes, deletedCFGNodes, deleteInCfgEdge, executionOrder, expungeFromCfg, extractFromCfg, findLoopExit, findPhiChords, firstInBasicBlock, getDisplayColorHint, getDisplayLabel, getDisplayShapeHint, getFirstInCfgEdge, getInCfgEdge, getInCfgEdge, getInCfgEdgeArray, getLabel, getLoopHeader, getLoopHeader, getLoopNumber, getSourceLineNumber, gotoCFGNodes, inBasicBlock, indexOfInCfgEdge, insertAfterOutCfg, insertBeforeInCfg, isBranch, isFirstInBasicBlock, isLoopExit, isLoopHeader, isLoopPreHeader, isLoopTail, isMarker, isPhiExpr, isSpecial, lastInBasicBlock, loopClean, nextVisit, nthIndexOfInCfgEdge, nullCFGNodes, numInCfgEdges, numOfInCfgEdge, parentsFinished, parentsVisited, pushAllInCfgEdges, pushChordWhenReady, pushChordWhenReady, pushInCfgEdges, pushInCfgEdges, removeDeadCode, removeFromCfg, reorderInCfgEdgesOfCopy, replaceInCfgEdge, setLabel, setSourceLineNumber, setVisited, unlinkChord, visited
Methods inherited from class scale.score.Note
getChord, getEssentialUse, setAnnotationLevel, setReportLevel, toString
Methods inherited from class scale.common.Root
addAnnotation, allAnnotations, allMatchingAnnotations, getAnnotation, getDisplayName, getDisplayString, getNodeCount, getNodeID, hasAnnotation, hasEqualAnnotation, hashCode, removeAnnotation, removeAnnotations, toStringAnnotations, toStringClass, trace, trace, trace
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ExprChord(Expr lhs,
                 Expr rhs,
                 Chord next)
Create a node that holds a computation.

lhs - is the target of the assignment or null
rhs - is the source expression for the assignment or null
next - is the out-going CFG edge and may be null


public ExprChord(Expr rhs,
                 Chord next)
Create a node that holds a computation.

rhs - is the source expression or null
next - is the out-going CFG edge and may be null


public ExprChord(Expr rhs)
Create a node that holds a computation.

rhs - is the source expression or null


public ExprChord(Expr lhs,
                 Expr rhs)
Create a node that holds a computation.

lhs - is the target of the assignment or null
rhs - is the source expression for the assignment or null


public ExprChord(Expr lhs,
                 Expr rhs,
                 Expr predicate,
                 boolean onTrue)
Create a node that holds a computation.

lhs - is the target of the assignment or null
rhs - is the source expression for the assignment or null
predicate - pecifies the predicate expression
onTrue - is true if the operation is enabled if onTrue is true and the predicate value is non-zero or onTrue is false and the predicate value is zero
Method Detail


public final boolean isExprChord()
Return true if this is an expression chord.

isExprChord in class Chord


public final Expr[] getInDataEdgeArray()
Use this method when you may be modifying an in-coming data edge to this expression while iterating over the in-coming edges.

getInDataEdgeArray in class Chord
an array of in-coming data edges.


public final void deleteInDataEdges()
Remove all the in-coming data edges.

deleteInDataEdges in class SequentialChord


public final Expr getInDataEdge(int i)
Return the specified in-coming data edge.

getInDataEdge in class Chord


public final int numInDataEdges()
Return the number of in-coming data edges.

numInDataEdges in class Chord


public void pushInDataEdges(Stack<Expr> wl)
Push all incoming data edges on the stack.

pushInDataEdges in class Chord


public Chord copy()
Description copied from class: Chord
Make a copy of this CFG node with the same out-going CFG edges. The validity of the CFG graph is maintained.

Specified by:
copy in class Chord
a copy of this node


public java.lang.String toStringSpecial()
Return a String containing additional information about this class instance.

toStringSpecial in class Chord


public final boolean isAssignChord()
Return true if this node holds an expression that represent an assignment statement.

isAssignChord in class Chord


public final void setLValue(Expr lhs)
Set the lvalue.


public final void setRValue(Expr rhs)
Set the rvalue.


public final Expr getLValue()
Return the lvalue if this node holds an expression that is an assignment statement or null.


public final Expr getRValue()
Return the rvalue or null.


public final void changeInDataEdge(Expr oldExpr,
                                   Expr newExpr)
This method changes an incoming data edge to point to a new expression.

This method ensures that the node previously pointing to this one is updated properly, as well as, the node which will now point to this node.

Expr and Chord nodes have a fixed number of incoming edges with specific meaning applied to each.

changeInDataEdge in class Chord
oldExpr - is the expression to be replaced
newExpr - is the new expression


public void visit(Predicate p)
Description copied from class: Note
Process a node by calling its associated routine. See the "visitor" design pattern in Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software by E. Gamma, et al, Addison Wesley, ISBN 0-201-63361-2.

Each class has a visit(Predicate p) method. For example, in class ABC:

   public void visit(Predicate p)
and the class that implements Predicate has a method
   public void visitABC(Note n)
     ABC a = (ABC) n;
Thus, the class that implements Predicate can call
where n is a Note sub-class without determining which specific sub-class n is. The visit pattern basically avoids implementing a large switch statement or defining different methods in each class for some purpose.

Specified by:
visit in class Note
See Also:


public final Vector<Declaration> getDeclList()
Return a vector of all declarations referenced in this CFG node or null.

getDeclList in class SequentialChord


public final Vector<LoadExpr> getLoadExprList()
Return a vector of all LoadExpr instances in this CFG node or null.

getLoadExprList in class SequentialChord


public final Vector<Expr> getExprList()
Return a vector of all Expr instances in this CFG node or null.

getExprList in class SequentialChord


public final boolean replaceDecl(Declaration oldDecl,
                                 Declaration newDecl)
Replace all occurrances of a Declaration with another Declaration.

replaceDecl in class SequentialChord
true if a replace occurred


public final CallExpr getCall(boolean ignorePure)
Return the call expression or null if none.

getCall in class Chord
ignorePure - is true if pure function calls are to be ignored.


public void validate()
Check this node for validity. This method throws an error if the node is not linked properly.

validate in class Note


public void recordRefs(References refs)
Record any variable references in this CFG node from the table of references.

recordRefs in class Chord


public void removeRefs(References refs)
Remove any variable references in this CFG node in the table of references.

removeRefs in class Chord


public int executionCostEstimate()
Return a relative cost estimate for executing this CFG node.

executionCostEstimate in class SequentialChord


public int sideEffects()
Return an indication of the side effects execution of this CFG node may cause.

See Also:


public final void addDefUse(LoadExpr expr)
Add a new link from the definition to the use. This method DOES NOT update the use to def link in the use.

expr - the new use-def link


public final void removeDefUse(LoadExpr expr)
Remove an existing link from the definition to the use. This method DOES NOT update the use to def link in the use.

expr - the existing use-def link


public final Expr singleDefUse()
Return the single def-use link or null if there are more than one or none.


public int numDefUseLinks()
Return the number of def-use links.


public final LoadExpr getDefUse(int i)
Return the i-th def-use link. Use getDefUseArray if the def-use links will be modified while iterating over them.


public final LoadExpr[] getDefUseArray()
Return an array of the use-def links.


public final boolean checkDefUse(Expr use)
Return true is a def-use link exists.


public void addMayDef(MayDef mayDef)
Add may definition information to the store.

mayDef - the may definition info.


public MayDef getMayDef()
Return the may definition info assciated with the store.


public void removeUseDef()
Remove any information such as use - def links, may use links, etc.

removeUseDef in class SequentialChord


public boolean isDefined(Expr lv)
The expression is a defined if it is on the left hand side of the store expression.

lv - the expression we're checking
true if lv is an lvalue, otherwise return false


public Expr getDefExpr()
If this CFG node results in a variable being given a new value, return the Expr instance that specifies the variable.

getDefExpr in class Chord
a null or a LoadExpr that defines a variable


public void printDefUse()
Display the def-use links.


public final Expr getPredicate()
Return the predicate expression or null if the store is not predicated.


public final Expr removePredication()
Change this predicated store into a normal store.


public final void specifyPredicate(Expr predicate,
                                   boolean onTrue)
Specify predicate for this operation.


public final boolean predicatedOnTrue()
Return true if the store is enabled when the predicate value is non-zero. Return false if the store is enabled when the predicate value is zero.


public final void setVaCopy()
Mark this store as a special case - va_copy().


public final boolean isVaCopy()
Is this store as a special case - va_copy()?


public boolean removeDualExprs()
Remove all DualExpr instances from this CFG node. Use the lower form. This eliminates references to variables that may no longer be needed.

removeDualExprs in class Chord