Class ScalarReplacement

  extended by scale.score.trans.Optimization
      extended by scale.score.trans.ScalarReplacement

public class ScalarReplacement
extends Optimization

This class replaces references to array elements with references to scalar variables. If array elements are set, the CFG is no longer in a completely valid SSA form.

$Id:,v 1.74 2007-10-18 17:01:10 burrill Exp $

Copyright 2008 by the Scale Compiler Group,
Department of Computer Science
University of Massachusetts,
Amherst MA. 01003, USA
All Rights Reserved.

 For each array s
   Sort subscript expressions in control dependence order
   For each subscript expression r1 of s
     For each remaining subscript expression r2
           of s in r1's iterated dominance domain
       If all edges from r1 to r2 have zero distance
         Add edges from r1 to r2 to list of edges
     End for each remaining r2 of s
     Allocate new variable vd
     For each def-use link from r1
       Sort in control dependence order
       Replace first load with a load into vd.
       Replace all remaining loads with a load of vd.
       For each store
         Replace array reference with reference to vd
         Insert a store from vd to the array and record this store.
       End for each store
     End for each def-use link
     For each data dependence edge in list of edges
       Switch on edge type
         case input, flow
           For each def-use link from r2
             Sort in control dependence order
             Replace first load with a load into vd.
             Replace all remaining loads with a load of vd.
             For each store
               Replace array reference with reference to vd
               Insert a store from vd to the array and record this store.
             End each store
           End each def-use link
         End case
         case anti, output
           For each def-use link from r2
             Sort in control dependence order
             For each store
               Replace array reference with reference to vd
               Insert a store from vd to the array and record this store.
             End each store
           End each def-use
         End case
       End switch
     End for each data dependence edge
     For each recorded store s1
       If there exists a straight line control path to another recorded store s2
         remove s1
     End for each recorded store
   End for each r1 of s
 End for each array

Field Summary
static boolean classTrace
          True if traces are to be performed.
static boolean innerLoopsOnly
          If true, data dependence analysis is performed for inner loops only.
static boolean useHeuristics
          If true, use heuristics that prune the cases where the optimization is applied.
Fields inherited from class scale.score.trans.Optimization
dChanged, fpReorder, hasDummyAliases, IN_SSA, minimumExecutionCost, NA_SSA, NO_SSA, rChanged, scribble, signedIntsWrapOnOverflow, trace, un, unsafe, unsignedIntsWrapOnOverflow, VALID_SSA
Constructor Summary
ScalarReplacement(Scribble scribble)
Method Summary
static int newCFGNodes()
          Return the number of new nodes created.
 void perform()
          Perform the optimization.
static int replacedLoads()
          Return the current number of array loads replaced.
static int replacedStores()
          Return the current number of array stores replaced.
Methods inherited from class scale.score.trans.Optimization
assertTrace, assertTrace, assertTrace, assertTrace, assertTrace, genTemp, insertStores, requiresSSA, setTrace, sort
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static boolean classTrace
True if traces are to be performed.


public static boolean useHeuristics
If true, use heuristics that prune the cases where the optimization is applied.


public static boolean innerLoopsOnly
If true, data dependence analysis is performed for inner loops only. For
    do 10 i = 1, N
      do 20 j = 1, M
        = x(i)
 20 continue
      do 20 j = 1, M
        = x(i)
 30 continue
 10 continue
setting innerLoopsOnly to false will enable scalar replacement to use one scalar variable for both references to x. It may also greatly increase the time that the scalar replacement optimization takes.

Constructor Detail


public ScalarReplacement(Scribble scribble)
Method Detail


public static int replacedLoads()
Return the current number of array loads replaced.


public static int replacedStores()
Return the current number of array stores replaced.


public static int newCFGNodes()
Return the number of new nodes created.


public void perform()
Description copied from class: Optimization
Perform the optimization. Each optimization must specify after it completes. The Scribble class provides methods that may be used to sepcify this information.

Specified by:
perform in class Optimization