Package scale.test

This package contains the main class of the Scale compiler and other utility programs.


Class Summary
AnnotationFile This class reads Annotations from a file.
CC This class provides a "C compiler" using the common switches.
CmdParam This class provides standard processing of command line parameters.
GeomeanTime This class calculates the geometric mean of the ratio of execution times to a minimum time.
LOC This class computes LOC metrics on .java, .h, and .c files.
Scale This class provides the top-level control for the Scale compiler.
Stats This class extracts the statistics from the output generated by a compilation and/or execution.
TestGen This class generates makefiles to do regression testing.
TripsTimes This class calculates the geometric mean of the Trips benchmark data.

Package scale.test Description

This package contains the main class of the Scale compiler and other utility programs.


Executes the Scale compiler.


Executes the Scale compiler using command line switches similar to the cc Unix command.


Calculates lines of source code.


Reads log files and generates tables from them. The log files are generated using the Scale compiler and the -stat command line switch.


Generates makefiles to perform experiments on the Scale compiler.

Regression Testing

The development of Scale has been a collaborative effort among many individuals. Both faculty, professional staff, and students have contributed to the effort. We have set up an environment to make the collaboration as easy as possible.

Individuals have their own copies of those parts of the Scale system that they are working on. There is also a central repository, containing all of the class files, object files, and libraries of Scale, which is accessed for those parts that an individual may not have in their own repository. Individuals perform their testing in their own area without affecting other developers. When an individual is satisfied with some new part or change, they commit that change back to the common repository. Individual developers are encouraged to test their changes thoroughly before committing them so as to not impact other developers who use files from the central repository.

The source-code-utility (CVS) handles many of the conflicts when a change is committed by not allowing changes to be committed until there are no detectable conflicts with what is in the repository. At other times, an individual will update their current copy from the central repository. At that time the source-code-utility informs them of any detectable conflicts.

Obviously the source-code-utility can not detect such problems as the introduction of a logic error or even syntactical errors. For these problems, we have automated a regression test system that performs a validity check of the Scale system every time that the central repository is changed.

Every night a scheduled process checks to see if any source files in the central repository have been updated. If so, a complete build of the Scale system is performed in the repository creating all new class, object, and library files. Then, if the build completes without error, a series of benchmarks is processed using the Scale compiler. These same benchmarks are compiled using the native C and Fortran compilers. The output from the Scale-generated executables is compared to the output obtained from native-generated executables. Any discrepancies are noted and e-mail is sent to all developers showing which benchmarks ran and which did not run correctly. We currently have 51 benchmarks in the regression test including most SPEC95 benchmarks.

Problems in Regression Testing

Problems can still occur. For example, not every combination of compiler switches is checked; the regression tests are performed with all optimizations enabled and a specific alias analysis selected. Quite often we have found that a particular optimization hides a problem in some other part of the compiler. Periodically, we obtain timings for various combinations and find that there are various problems that have to be fixed. For example, we studied the effect of the different alias analysis methods on the various optimizations. Over six hundred tests were run for that study and numerous compiler bugs were removed before the study had obtained a complete set of timings.

Another defect in our regression testing is that it does not detect when we take a step backwards. Sometimes some great idea we have for an improvement makes very little or even a negative difference in the quality of the generated code. Our regression testing system is not able to detect this.

Not all the capabilities of the compiler are checked. For example, we initially generated C code from the internal abstract syntax tree form. This C code was then put through regression testing. Later, we generated C code from the control flow graph representation of the benchmarks. Now, we generate assembly code from the control flow graph and no longer do regression testing on the C-code generation logic. If and when we generate object modules directly, the assembly language generation logic may not be tested. We do, however, run the regression tests for all the different ISA-specific code generators.


To support more thorough testing and various studies, we have developed a set of programs to aid us. One program generates makefiles and other scripts. With it, we can specify which combinations of optimizations, and other compiler switches we want to compare for what set of benchmarks on what computers. This program can be used to generate scripts to check the progress of the experiment. Other scripts can be generated to collect the log files from the experiments, remove files, and perform other tasks related to the experiment. Obviously, with multiple compilations and executions occurring on multiple systems, there could be a lot of opportunity for interference when generating log files. To avoid any interference, we use a complex set of pathnames, created from the selected options, for the files that are generated. This results in very complex makefile files and scripts.

The Scale system uses simple counters to collect statistics: how many instances of this class were created, how many times was this process invoked, how many control-flow nodes were deleted, etc. (The makefile files generate the timing statistics.) In order that statistics may be easily added to a class without impacting other classes, the Scale system uses reflection to allow a specific statistic to be registered at execution time. Once a statistic is registered, the Scale system displays it in the log file automatically at appropriate times in the compilation.

Another program processes the generated log files by extracting the statistics and putting the result in tabular form according to a configuration file. The result can be generated in text, LaTeX©, csv, or HTML form.