Class Scale

  extended by scale.test.Scale
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class Scale
extends java.lang.Object

This class provides the top-level control for the Scale compiler.

$Id:,v 1.335 2007-10-04 19:53:33 burrill Exp $

Copyright 2008 by the Scale Compiler Group,
Department of Computer Science
University of Massachusetts,
Amherst MA. 01003, USA
All Rights Reserved.

Top Level

High-level Dataflow Diagram

Like all compilers the Scale compiler follows the following high level flow. The front end of the compiler parses the source program and converts it into the form upon which the compiler performs optimizations. Once the program has been transformed by the various optimizations, it is converted to the machine language of the target system. Scale generates assembly language and calls the native assembler to generate the actual object modules (i.e., .o files).

While not shown on this diagram or the more detailed diagrams of the major parts of the compiler, it is possible to generate .c files and/or graphical displays after any part of the compiler. These .c files and graphical displays are used primarily as an aid to debugging the compiler. Command line switches are provided to control the generation of the files and displays.

Front End

The front end parses the source program and converts it to a high-level, program-language dependent form called the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) which we call Clef. This AST form is then converted to a machine-independent form called the Control Flow Graph (CFG) which we call Scribble.

The parsers generates an AST file which Scale then reads and converts to Clef. The Clef AST is then converted to Scribble by the Clef2Scribble package.


Optimization Flow Chart

Scale provides many different optimizations. (The optimizations performed and the order in which they are performed is controllable by command line switches.) Most Scale optimizations are performed when the CFG is in Static Single Assignment (SSA) form. The Scale compiler will converted the CFG to and from this form as needed.

Back End

The Scale back end is very simple conceptually. The Generator module simply converts from the CFG to assembly language. The back end converts the CFG into machine specific instructions. However, the instruction representation allows the instructions to be manipulated in a machine independent way. (This object-oriented approach is used by the register allocator.) Once the instructions are generated and the registers are allocated the sequence of instructions is converted to assembly language by the Assembler module.

Currently Scale can generate assembly language for four different systems:

  1. Alpha EV5
  2. Sparc V8
  3. PowerPC
  4. Mips M10000 (incomplete)
  5. Trips
Others may be added.

Command Line Switches


  java scale.test.Scale -help
to see the list of command line switches available.


Scale can be used as a cross compiler when the host machine architecture is different from the target machine architecture. The target machine architecture is specified using the -arch architecture command line switch. When Scale is used as a cross compiler the include file directories must be explicitly enumerated using the -I command line switch to specify include files for the target system. Also, since Scale produces assembly language files, and calls the assembler to convert them to .o files, the -oa switch cannot be used; use only the -a or -c command line switches.

Scale Data Flow

This page describes the data flow in the Scale compiler at a macro level. At this level the data flow is basically a pipeline so no diagram is provided. At a lower level, each component of the data flow of the compiler is best described using control flow.

Data Flow Outline

  1. Front End
    1. C99
    2. F95
  2. Clef2Scribble
    1. Conversion of AST to CFG
    2. Simple if-conversion and if-combining
    3. Conversion of irreducible graphs to reducible graphs
    4. Conversion of implicit loops to explicit loops
    5. Insertion of missing loop exits
  3. Inlining
  4. Alias Analysis
  5. Scalar Optimizations
  6. Hyper-Blocks
    1. Create Hyperblocks and Add Predication
    2. Predication Optimizations
    3. Reverse If-conversion
  7. Profiling
  8. Backend
    1. Instruction generation
    2. Register Allocation
    3. TIL Generation
  9. Post Compiler
    1. Trips Scheduler
    2. TASL Generator
    3. TASL Assembler
    4. Trips Linker
    5. Trips Loader


The front end converts from the source language program to an internal representation called the abstract syntax tree (AST). The AST is language dependent. Conceptually, this form is a tree but for practical reasons a directed acyclic graph (DAG) representation is used so that some leaf nodes, such as constants and types, do not need to be duplicated.

The parsers convert the source program to the Scale form of the AST which is called Clef (Common Language Encoding Form). Currently, two parsers are available. Others may be added.


Scale uses the ANTLR tool to create the C parser. This parser handles standard C, K&R C, and C99 along with some GNUisms.


The Fortran parser uses recursive descent and handles Fortran 77 with Fortran F90 under development.


Clef2Scribble converts from the AST to the control flow graph (CFG). The CFG is called scribble (for no currently valid reason) and is language independent because Clef2Scribble performs lowering. (It is also supposed to be architecture independent but is not completely due to lowering performed by the front end parsers and the architecture-and-operating-system dependent include files used by C programs.)

A basic block is defined as a sequence of CFG nodes such that:

In most C programs basic blocks are on the order of 10 to 15 machine instructions.

Conversion of AST to CFG

The lowering performed converts do-loops, for-loops, etc to a common form where special nodes are inserted into the CFG to mark the start of a loop and the exits from a loop.

Lowering also converts complicated forms to simpler forms. For example,

    if (exp1 && exp2) {
is converted to
    if (exp1) {
     if (exp2) {

Simple if-conversion and if-combining

Once the CFG is complete if-conversion and if-combining are performed in order to create larger basic blocks.

Simple if-conversion is performed for target architectures that have a conditional move capability. A conditional move provides the capability to select one out of a set of values without performing a branch. For example,

    if (exp) {
      a = 1;
    } else
      a = 2;
is converted to
    a = exp ? 1 : 2;
In order for this conversion to take place, there can be no side-effects from the right-hand-sides of the assignment statements because the right-hand-side of the assignments are always evaluated.

To make the if-conversion more productive, if-combining is also performed. For example,

    if (A) {
      if (B) {
is converted to
    if (A & B) {
(Note - the operation is simple "and" - not the C conditonal "and".) For this conversion to take place neither expression A or B can cause a side-effect because both are always evaluated.

Note - this if-combining is the opposite operation to the lowering of complex if-forms performed earlier. But, it does not reverse all such conversions and it converts some original programmer written forms.

Conversion of irreducible graphs to reducible graphs

Programmers often write spaghetti code using goto statements. This can result in an irreducible graph. An irreducible graph is one with two nodes (x & y) that are each in the dominance frontier of the other.

In order to have well-delineated loops in the CFG, Scale converts irreducible graphs to reducible graphs using node splitting. Node splitting duplicates parts of the graph so that node x is in the dominance frontier of node y and node is in the dominance frontier of node x.

Conversion of implicit loops to explicit loops

Programmers often write spaghetti code using goto statements. This can result in non-structured loops. In order to have well-delineated loops in the CFG, Scale converts non-structured loops to structured loops by inserting the loop markers.

Insertion of missing loop exits

Programmers often write spaghetti code using goto statements. This can result in exits from loops that are not marked. In order to have well-delineated loops in the CFG, Scale detects such exits and marks them with loop exit nodes.


Inlining inserts the body of a function in place of a call to that function and renames the variables in the inlined body appropriately. In order to inline a function the body (CFG) of that function must be available. Scale restricts inlining to non-recursive functions below a user-selectable size. And, Scale will not expand a CFG above a certain user-selectable multiple.

Alias Analysis

Alias analysis detects aliases between variables and references using C pointers. When there is such an alias, performing optimizations involving the variable may lead to incorrect code.

Scalar Optimizations

Scalar optimizations are performed in the order specified by the user of the compiler. The CFG is converted, as needed, between the SSA form of the CFG and the normal form. The optimizations make use of various information about the program. Some of this information is computed as needed.

On-demand services:

Various optimizations invalidate this information. Therefore, it is re-computed when and as needed.

The scalar optimizations include:

Array Access Strength Reduction
Converts calculation of array element address to simple adds
Sparse Conditional Constant Propagation
Converts constant expressions to constants and eliminates dead branches in the CFG
Dead Variable Elimination
Eliminates variables that are not used
Partial Redundancy Elimination
Eliminates common sub-expressions under special circumstanes
Global Variable Replacement
Converts references to global variables to references to local copies that can be optimized
Loop Flatten
Replicate the loop body of loops with known iteration counts and eliminates the looping
Loop Unrolling
Replicates the loop body n times to increase basic block size
Loop Invariant Code Motion
Moves loop invariants outside of the loop
Global Value Numbering
Eliminates common sub-expressions
Copy Propagation
May eliminates un-necessary copy operations
Loop Permutation
Attempts to improve cache hits by interchanging loops
Useless Copy Removal
Eliminates an artifact created by SSA form
Scalar Replacement
Replaces references to array elements by references to scalar variables

SSA form is a significantly more complicated form of the CFG. In this form, it is very difficult to add new CFG paths. SSA form provides liveness information by converting to a form where local variables are set only once and links are provided between the set and each use of the variable. There are often un-wanted results when the SSA form is converted back to the normal CFG form. For example, if an optimization moves a reference to a variable it may result in an additional local variable and copy operation.


On architectures that have a predication capability several small basic blocks may be combined into a larger hyper-block using predication. For example,

    if (exp) {
    } else {
consists of 3 basic blocks.

Using predication, larger blocks can be constructed with the result that there are fewer branch instructions and, as a consequence, fewer branch mis-predictions. In a predicated architecture, the above example can be converted to

    p = exp != 0;
    if (p) body1;
    if (!p) body2;
where the if is a special predicate operation and does not result in a branch. This differs from the above if-conversion in that the body may cause side effects; the body is not evaluated unless the predicate (p or !p) is true.

Create Hyperblocks and Add Predication

Scale creates the largest hyper-blocks possible under the following constraints:

No special Hyperblock class or CFG markers are used to delineate hyper-blocks. A hyper-block is simply a normal Scale basic block as defined above but which uses predicated stores. A predicated store is specified using the ExprChord class and includes an additional in-coming data-edge that is the predicate value. For example,
    if (pexp) {
      a = exp1;
      b = exp2;
    } else {
      c = exp3;
is converted to
    t = pexp;
    if (t) a = exp1;
    if (t) b = exp2;
    if (!t) c = exp3;
where the if is the special predicated store expression with three in-coming data edges (e.g., t, a, and exp1).

Each predicated store is converted by the architecture-specific backend to the appropriate code. For example, the backend that generates C code converts a predicated store to

     if (predicate) lhs = rhs;
where lhs is the left-hand-side expression of the store and rhs> is the right-hand-side expression.

Predication Optimizations


Reverse If-conversion

For systems that do not have predication the paper "A Framework for Balancing Control Flow and Predication" by D. August, et al indicates that some benefit may be obtained by forming hyper-blocks, performing the predicated optimizations, and then converting back into un-predicated code. Therefore, if hyperblocks have been formed and the target architetcure does not support predication, this pass of the compiler will remove the predication.


Profiling instruments the CFG by adding CFG nodes that generate profiling information. Block, edge, path, and loop profiling are available profiling options.


The backend converts the architecture independent CFG into architecture dependent instructions. For Scale, the backend generates an assembly language file and expects that file to be processed by a native assembler tool.

The definition of a basic block from this point on is slightly different; The new definition is that a basic block is defined as a sequence of instructions such that:

Instruction generation

Each CFG node is converted to a sequence of instructions which reference virtual registers. Using virtual registers provides an infinite number of registers which results in much simpler instruction generation.

For predicated store instances the appropriate predicated instructions are generated. Note, even though a complete right-hand-side of an assigment is predicated, it is not necessary to predicate every instruction that results from that right-hand-side. Those instructions that do not cause side effects (e.g., a load or an integer add) on the target architecture do not need to be predicated. The fan-out of the predicated value is reduced by not predicating these instructions.

Register Allocation

References to virtual registers are converted to references to actual hardware registers on the target architecture. An architecture independent register allocated is used. It knows only whether an instructions defines or uses a specific register (real or virtual). The register allocator is able to construct register live range information from this.

For Trips, only registers that are live at the beginning of a basic block are allocated. It is assumed that the remaining virtual registers will become dataflow edges in the Trips grid. It is possible for the register allocator to annotate each basic block with this liveness information.

TIL Generation

The instruction sequence is converted to the assembly language of the target architecture. For Trips this is the Trips Intermediate Language which is intended to be human readable and writable.

Post Compiler

These steps occur after the compiler is used to generate an assembly language file.

Trips Scheduler

The Trips scheduler is responsible for converting the instructions of Trips Intermediate Language, that are in operand form, to the actual Trips instructions, that are in target form. The scheduler must then assign these instructions to the grid and handle the fan-out issues, etc. The scheduler must do this only on a basic block by basic block basis.

It is possible that a basic block may be too large to schedule on the grid. In this case, either the estimates used by the compiler must be adjusted so that this does not occur. Or, the scheduler must be able to split a basic block into two blocks and must be able to do a reverse if-conversion (see above) to remove the predication as needed.

Splitting a basic block into two or more parts does not introduce any register allocation problems. Data edges between the two parts must be passed in global registers. If the scheduler knows which global registers are live at the begining of the original block, it need only use registers that are not live to hold the values between the two parts. No other register allocation need be performed and no spilling results.

It is possible, but unlikely that there will be insufficient registers available. It should be possible to prevent this problem by analysis during hyper-block formation.

Field Summary
protected  int aaLevel
protected  Aliases aliases
protected  boolean all
protected  java.lang.String architecture
protected  int backendFeatures
protected  int categories
static boolean classTrace
          True if traces are to be performed.
 CmdParam cpAA
 CmdParam cpAnnot
 CmdParam cpAnsi
 CmdParam cpArch
 CmdParam cpAsm
 CmdParam cpBi
 CmdParam cpC89
 CmdParam cpC99
 CmdParam cpCat
 CmdParam cpCc
 CmdParam cpCca
 CmdParam cpCcb
 CmdParam cpCdd
 CmdParam cpCga
 CmdParam cpCgb
 CmdParam cpCkr
 CmdParam cpCmi
 CmdParam cpD
 CmdParam cpDaVinci
 CmdParam cpDcg
 CmdParam cpDd
 CmdParam cpDebug
 CmdParam cpDir
 CmdParam cpDm
 CmdParam cpFcl
 CmdParam cpFf
 CmdParam cpFiles
 CmdParam cpFpr
 CmdParam cpG
 CmdParam cpGcc
 CmdParam cpGphType
 CmdParam cpHb
 CmdParam cpHda
 CmdParam cpIcf
 CmdParam cpIh
 CmdParam cpIncl
 CmdParam cpIncls
 CmdParam cpInl
 CmdParam cpInls
 CmdParam cpIs
 CmdParam cpMulti
 CmdParam cpNaln
 CmdParam cpNoWarn
 CmdParam cpNp
 CmdParam cpNW
 CmdParam cpO
 CmdParam cpOa
 CmdParam cpOc
 CmdParam cpOfile
 CmdParam cpOs
 CmdParam cpPg
 CmdParam cpPh
 CmdParam cpPi
 CmdParam cpPp
 CmdParam cpPrePro
 CmdParam cpQuiet
 CmdParam cpR
 CmdParam cpSan
 CmdParam cpSc
 CmdParam cpSca
 CmdParam cpScb
 CmdParam cpSf
 CmdParam cpSga
 CmdParam cpSgb
 CmdParam cpSla
 CmdParam cpSnap
 CmdParam cpStat
 CmdParam cpSuspend
 CmdParam cpTcl
 CmdParam cpU
 CmdParam cpUc
 CmdParam cpUnsafe
 CmdParam cpVcg
 CmdParam cpVers
 CmdParam cpWhich
 CmdParam cpWrap
protected  boolean crossCompile
protected  boolean debugging
protected  boolean doA
protected  boolean doC
protected  boolean doLines
protected  boolean doOfile
protected  boolean doSingle
static java.lang.String hostArch
          The machine the compiler is running on.
static java.lang.String hostOS
          The operating the compiler is running on.
protected inlfos
protected  double inllev
protected inlStatusStream
protected  Vector<java.lang.String> inputFiles
protected static java.lang.Integer int0
protected static java.lang.Integer int1
protected static java.lang.Integer int2
protected static java.lang.Integer int4
protected static java.lang.Boolean off
protected static java.lang.Boolean on
protected  java.lang.String opts
protected  CmdParam[] params
protected  int profGuidedOps
protected  Vector<java.lang.String> profilePaths
protected  int profInstOps
protected  boolean readClassFiles
protected  java.lang.String targetArch
static java.lang.String version
          The version of the compiler.
protected  Vector<java.lang.String> warnings
Constructor Summary
protected Scale()
Method Summary
protected  void addWarning(int msg, int level)
          Add a warning message and display it if needed.
protected  void addWarning(int msg, java.lang.String text, int level)
          Add a warning message and display it if needed.
protected  void addWarning(int msg, java.lang.String text1, java.lang.String text2)
          Add a warning message and display it if needed.
 void compile(java.lang.String[] args)
          Compile a C or Fortran program.
protected  void convertToScribble(CallGraph cg)
          Convert each RoutineDecl in a CallGraph to a CFG.
static java.lang.String dd()
          Return the number of data dependence level selected.
protected  void displayClef(CallGraph cg, java.lang.String rname, java.lang.String name)
          Display a Clef AST.
 void displayScribble(Scribble scribble, java.lang.String name)
          Display a CFG.
static boolean executeCommand(java.lang.String cmd)
          Execute an OS command represented by a string.
protected  boolean executeCommand(java.lang.String[] cmd)
          Execute an OS command represented by an array of strings.
protected  boolean executeCommand(Vector<java.lang.String> command)
          Execute an OS command represented by a list of strings.
protected  void genAssemblyfromCallGraph(CallGraph cg)
          Generate an assembly file from a CallGraph using each RoutineDecl's CFG.
protected  void genCfromCallGraph(CallGraph cg)
          Generate a .c file from a CallGraph using each RoutineDecl's CFG.
protected  void genCfromClef(CallGraph cg, java.lang.String name)
          Print out the C representation of the Clef AST.
protected  void genCfromScribble(Scribble scribble, java.lang.String name)
          Print out the C representation of the Scribble form.
protected  java.lang.String genFileName(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String extension)
          Return a path name for the new file including the directory specified by the "dir" switch.
static int globalVariables()
          Return the number of global variables.
 boolean isCrossCompile()
          Return true if cross-compiling.
static void main(java.lang.String[] args)
          Compile a C or Fortran program.
protected  void multiCompilation()
          Compile all source files together.
protected  void optimizeClef(CallGraph cg)
          Once a Clef AST has been generated, this method is called to perform any transformations on it.
protected  void optimizeScribble(Scribble scribble, java.lang.String name)
          This method performs any optimizations/transformations on a CFG.
static java.lang.String opts()
          Return the optimizations in use.
protected  boolean parseAA()
          Process the alias analysis parameters.
protected  boolean parseArchParams()
protected  void parseCmdLine(java.lang.String[] args, CmdParam[] params)
          Process the command line parameters.
protected  Vector<java.lang.String> parseCmdLine(java.lang.String[] args, CmdParam[] params, CmdParam files)
protected  void parseFlagFile(java.lang.String filename)
          Process the flag settings from the specified file.
protected  void parseFlags(Vector<java.lang.String> trs)
          Process the flag settings from the command line -f switch.
protected  void parseHyperblockParams()
          Parse options for the hyperblock generator.
protected  void parseMiscellaneousParams(java.lang.String forWhat)
protected  void parseOptHeuristics(java.lang.String optLetters, java.lang.String forWhat)
          Parse the string of letters that specify the optimizations to be applied.
protected  void parseOpts(java.lang.String optLetters, java.lang.String forWhat)
          Parse the string of letters that specify the optimizations to be applied.
protected  boolean parseReportParams(java.lang.String forWhat)
          Return true if there is no routine name selected for special debugging.
protected  void parseTraces(Vector<java.lang.String> trs)
          Process the trace flag settings from the command line -t switch.
protected  java.lang.String parseWhichParam()
protected  void processFile(java.lang.String firstInputFile, Suite suite)
          Convert the source file to Clef and add it to the set of Clef ASTs.
protected  void processSuite(Suite suite)
          This method is called to add user-specified annotations and perform alias analysis.
protected  void removeFile(java.lang.String file)
          Remove a file
protected  void separateCompilation()
          Compile each source file separately.
protected  void splitString(java.lang.String str, Vector<java.lang.String> v)
static java.lang.String version()
          Return the compiler version.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static boolean classTrace
True if traces are to be performed.


public static final java.lang.String hostArch
The machine the compiler is running on.


public static final java.lang.String hostOS
The operating the compiler is running on.


public static final java.lang.String version
The version of the compiler.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final java.lang.Integer int0


protected static final java.lang.Integer int1


protected static final java.lang.Integer int2


protected static final java.lang.Integer int4


protected static final java.lang.Boolean on


protected static final java.lang.Boolean off


public CmdParam cpInl


public CmdParam cpAA


public CmdParam cpCat


public CmdParam cpDebug


public CmdParam cpStat


public CmdParam cpCdd


public CmdParam cpSan


public CmdParam cpFiles


public CmdParam cpIncl


public CmdParam cpIncls


public CmdParam cpAnnot


public CmdParam cpD


public CmdParam cpU


public CmdParam cpTcl


public CmdParam cpFcl


public CmdParam cpPp


public CmdParam cpNW


public CmdParam cpIcf


public CmdParam cpCmi


public CmdParam cpMulti


public CmdParam cpPrePro


public CmdParam cpSla


public CmdParam cpOfile


public CmdParam cpOs


public CmdParam cpOa


public CmdParam cpOc


public CmdParam cpCcb


public CmdParam cpCca


public CmdParam cpCgb


public CmdParam cpCga


public CmdParam cpDcg


public CmdParam cpC89


public CmdParam cpC99


public CmdParam cpGcc


public CmdParam cpCkr


public CmdParam cpAnsi


public CmdParam cpUnsafe


public CmdParam cpVers


public CmdParam cpSnap


public CmdParam cpG


public CmdParam cpNaln


public CmdParam cpIs


public CmdParam cpBi


public CmdParam cpPh


public CmdParam cpNp


public CmdParam cpDm


public CmdParam cpQuiet


public CmdParam cpNoWarn


public CmdParam cpDaVinci


public CmdParam cpVcg


public CmdParam cpHda


public CmdParam cpFpr


public CmdParam cpSc


public CmdParam cpUc


public CmdParam cpSuspend


public CmdParam cpPg


public CmdParam cpPi


public CmdParam cpInls


public CmdParam cpScb


public CmdParam cpSca


public CmdParam cpSgb


public CmdParam cpSga


public CmdParam cpArch


public CmdParam cpCc


public CmdParam cpAsm


public CmdParam cpDir


public CmdParam cpR


public CmdParam cpWhich


public CmdParam cpGphType


public CmdParam cpDd


public CmdParam cpO


public CmdParam cpIh


public CmdParam cpWrap


public CmdParam cpHb


public CmdParam cpSf


public CmdParam cpFf


protected CmdParam[] params


protected Vector<java.lang.String> inputFiles


protected Vector<java.lang.String> profilePaths


protected Vector<java.lang.String> warnings


protected boolean doSingle


protected boolean doOfile


protected boolean doC


protected boolean doA


protected boolean debugging


protected boolean all


protected boolean doLines


protected boolean readClassFiles


protected boolean crossCompile


protected double inllev


protected int aaLevel


protected int categories


protected int backendFeatures


protected int profInstOps


protected int profGuidedOps


protected java.lang.String architecture


protected java.lang.String opts


protected java.lang.String targetArch


protected Aliases aliases


protected inlfos


protected inlStatusStream
Constructor Detail


protected Scale()
Method Detail


public static java.lang.String dd()
Return the number of data dependence level selected.


public static java.lang.String opts()
Return the optimizations in use.


public static int globalVariables()
Return the number of global variables.


public static java.lang.String version()
Return the compiler version.


public static void main(java.lang.String[] args)
Compile a C or Fortran program.

args - the command line arguments


public void compile(java.lang.String[] args)
Compile a C or Fortran program.

args - the command line arguments


public boolean isCrossCompile()
Return true if cross-compiling. We are cross-compiling if the compiler host architecture is not the same as the target architecture.


protected void addWarning(int msg,
                          int level)
Add a warning message and display it if needed.


protected void addWarning(int msg,
                          java.lang.String text,
                          int level)
Add a warning message and display it if needed.


protected void addWarning(int msg,
                          java.lang.String text1,
                          java.lang.String text2)
Add a warning message and display it if needed.


protected void parseCmdLine(java.lang.String[] args,
                            CmdParam[] params)
Process the command line parameters.

args - the array of command line parameters
params - an array of allowed command line parameters


protected Vector<java.lang.String> parseCmdLine(java.lang.String[] args,
                                                CmdParam[] params,
                                                CmdParam files)


protected java.lang.String parseWhichParam()


protected boolean parseReportParams(java.lang.String forWhat)
Return true if there is no routine name selected for special debugging.


protected boolean parseArchParams()


protected void parseMiscellaneousParams(java.lang.String forWhat)


protected void parseHyperblockParams()
Parse options for the hyperblock generator.


protected void parseOpts(java.lang.String optLetters,
                         java.lang.String forWhat)
Parse the string of letters that specify the optimizations to be applied.

optLetters - is the String specifying the optimizations
forWhat - specifies the module for the statistics generated


protected void parseOptHeuristics(java.lang.String optLetters,
                                  java.lang.String forWhat)
Parse the string of letters that specify the optimizations to be applied.

optLetters - is the String specifying the optimizations
forWhat - specifies the module for the statistics generated


protected boolean parseAA()
Process the alias analysis parameters.

true if this is a single compilation.


protected void parseTraces(Vector<java.lang.String> trs)
Process the trace flag settings from the command line -t switch.


protected void parseFlagFile(java.lang.String filename)
Process the flag settings from the specified file.


protected void parseFlags(Vector<java.lang.String> trs)
Process the flag settings from the command line -f switch.


protected void multiCompilation()
                         throws java.lang.Exception
Compile all source files together.



protected void separateCompilation()
                            throws java.lang.Exception
Compile each source file separately. Note that profiling is not compatible with separate compilation.



protected void processFile(java.lang.String firstInputFile,
                           Suite suite)
                    throws java.lang.Exception
Convert the source file to Clef and add it to the set of Clef ASTs.



protected void convertToScribble(CallGraph cg)
Convert each RoutineDecl in a CallGraph to a CFG.

cg - is the CallGraph


protected void optimizeClef(CallGraph cg)
Once a Clef AST has been generated, this method is called to perform any transformations on it.

cg - is the Clef AST


protected void processSuite(Suite suite)
This method is called to add user-specified annotations and perform alias analysis.

suite - is the suite of call graphs.
See Also:


protected void optimizeScribble(Scribble scribble,
                                java.lang.String name)
This method performs any optimizations/transformations on a CFG.

scribble - the scribble graph
name - is the name of the routine to be optimized
See Also:


protected java.lang.String genFileName(java.lang.String name,
                                       java.lang.String extension)
Return a path name for the new file including the directory specified by the "dir" switch.

name - a file path from which to extract the file name
extension - the extension to use for the new file


protected void genCfromClef(CallGraph cg,
                            java.lang.String name)
                     throws java.lang.Exception
Print out the C representation of the Clef AST.

cg - is the Clef AST
name - is is used to create the result file name


protected void genCfromScribble(Scribble scribble,
                                java.lang.String name)
Print out the C representation of the Scribble form.

scribble - is the CFG
name - is is used to create the result file name


public void displayScribble(Scribble scribble,
                            java.lang.String name)
Display a CFG.

scribble - is the CFG
name - is the display name


protected void displayClef(CallGraph cg,
                           java.lang.String rname,
                           java.lang.String name)
Display a Clef AST. If the specified routine name is not null then only the AST for that routine is displayed. Otherwise, the AST for the entire call graph is displayed.

cg - is the call graph containing the Clef AST
rname - is the name of the routine or null
name - is the display name


protected void splitString(java.lang.String str,
                           Vector<java.lang.String> v)


public static boolean executeCommand(java.lang.String cmd)
                              throws java.lang.Exception
Execute an OS command represented by a string. Display the command output on System.out.

cmd - is the command to execute
true if the command failed


protected boolean executeCommand(java.lang.String[] cmd)
                          throws java.lang.Exception
Execute an OS command represented by an array of strings. Display the command output on System.out.

cmd - is the command to execute
true if the command failed


protected boolean executeCommand(Vector<java.lang.String> command)
                          throws java.lang.Exception
Execute an OS command represented by a list of strings.

command - is the command to execute
true if the command failed


protected void removeFile(java.lang.String file)
                   throws java.lang.Exception
Remove a file

file - is the full pathname for the file


protected void genCfromCallGraph(CallGraph cg)
                          throws java.lang.Exception
Generate a .c file from a CallGraph using each RoutineDecl's CFG.

cg - is the CallGraph


protected void genAssemblyfromCallGraph(CallGraph cg)
                                 throws java.lang.Exception
Generate an assembly file from a CallGraph using each RoutineDecl's CFG.

cg - is the CallGraph