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Publications where CS Education Research can be published

This resource on journals and publications is still under development. There are undoubtedly other journals that should be added and information that should appear for the journals I have included. Please send suggestions to me at

SIGCSE Bulletin inroads

  • editor: John Impagliazzo
  • description: An informal quarterly publication of the ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education. Its purpose is to create a forum to discuss common challenges among college educators attempting to develop and implement programs and courses in computer science.
  • subscription information: The subscription cost of $14.53 is included in the member dues of $17.00. (For students, cost is included in $8.00 dues.) Non-member annual subscription is $44.00.
  • instructions to authors
  • notes:
    • Column on Research in Computing Education will be edited by Nell Dale.
    • Each year, two of the issues are the proceedings for conferences sponsored by SIGCSE (the SIGCSE Technical Symposium and ITiCSE, the Conference on integrating Technology into Computer Science Education).

Computer Science Education

  • editor: Keith Barker
  • description:
  • subscription information:
  • instructions to authors
  • notes:
    • This journal ceased publication in the Fall of 1997, but has recently been brought back to life by the publisher Swets and Zeitlinger.

Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching (JCMST)

  • editor: Ed Dubinski
  • publisher: AACE, PO Box 2966, Charlettesvill, VA 22902, USA (804)973-3987, fax: (804) 978-7449; email:
  • description: Under the new editorial leadership, will promote articles on computer science education as an equal strand with mathematics and science.
  • subscription information: Annual US membership/subscription rates: $75 individuals, $95 schools, libraries, and other institutions. Annual non-US membership/subscription rates, add $10 per journal for postage. US funds on US bank or international money order, MasterCard, or VISA. Single copy price $20 plus shipping fees per book: US: $2.50; Canada/Mexico:$3.50; elsewhere:$4.50
  • instructions to authors
  • URL:
  • notes:
    • Column on CS Education will be edited by Marian Petre.
    • A special issue on CS Education research is planned for late 1998; the official call for that issue will be published shortly.

Computers and Education

  • editor: Rachelle S. Heller, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, The George Washington University, Washington, USA
  • publisher: Elsevier Press
  • description: The journal is an established forum for communication in the use of all forms of computing in this socially and technologically significant area of application and will continue to publish definitive contributions to serve as a reference standard against which the current state of the art can be assessed. While CS Education is not the sole focus of the 20-year-old journal, it is a primary focus.
  • URL:
  • subscription information
  • notes:
    • The journal is on the country purchase list for many countries and is used in the UK for faculty rating.

Journal of Research on Computing in Education

Education and Information Technologies

  • editors: Brian Samways (Martineau Education Centre, Birmingham, UK); Deryn Watson (Centre for Educational Studies, King's College, London, UK); John Olson (Queen's University, Kingston, Canada)
  • publisher: Kluwer Academic Publishers; attn: S. Delman; 101 Philip Drive; Assinippi Park; Norwell, MA 02061; U.S.A.; Phone: +1 781 871 6311 ext. 299; Fax: +1 781 871 6528; email:
  • description: The official publication of the IFIP Technical Committee on Education. As such it covers a range of topics that are reflective of the Working Groups (WGs) under this Technical Committee (TC).
  • URL:
  • subscription information
  • journal subscription form
  • instructions to authors
  • notes:
    • The first issue of this journal was published in January 1996.

FASE (Forum for Advancing Software engineering Education)

  • editor: Don Bagert
  • published on-line only
  • description: Started in 1991 by members of the software engineering education community in order to have a electronic forum for the dissemination and discussion of events related to software engineering education. The original acronym for FASE was Forum for Academic Software Engineering, but was subsequently changed so that it was more inclusive to industrial and government training issues.
  • subscription information
  • URL:

Communications of the ACM

  • URL:

IEEE Computer

  • URL:

  • IEEE Software

    • URL:

    Journal on Excellence in College Teaching


    Page prepared by Vicki L. Almstrum.Department of Computer Sciences at UT Austin
    Send suggestions or comments to