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Organizations Related to CS Education Research

This resource on CS Education organizations is still under development. There are undoubtedly other organizations that should be added and information that should appear for the organizations are given here. Please send suggestions to

AACE (Association for the Advancement of Computing)

  • pronounced "ace" like the playing card
  • Purpose: The encouragement of scholarly inquiry related to information technology in education and the dissemination of research results and their applications through publications, conferences, divisions / societies / chapters , and inter-organizational projects

AAHE (American Association for Higher Education)

  • Purpose: Dedicated to improving the quality of American higher education, with the underlying belief that higher education should play a more central role in national life and that institutions of higher education can and must become more effective.
  • Members include faculty, administrators and students from all sectors, as well as policymakers and leaders from foundations, government and business

ACM (Association for Computing Machinery)

  • Purpose: Dedicated to advancing the arts, sciences, and applications of information technology.
  • An international scientific and educational organization that functions as a locus for computing professionals and students working in the various fields of Information Technology.
  • An important feature is the Special Interest Groups (SIGs), which bring together clusters of ACM members with shared interests, needs, knowledge and experience in ways that further members' objectives. SIGs publish technical newsletters, sponsor conferences and exhibits, address concerns about standards and provide unique networking opportunities for professionals within their technical specialties.
  • The educational activities page points to information about the many activities sponsored by the ACM.

ACM / SIGCAS (ACM's Special Interest Group on Computers and Society)

  • Purpose: Bring together computer professionals, specialists in other fields, and the public at large to address concerns and arouse interest about the impact of computers on society.
  • Active in developing an electronic forum through on which the ACM Code of Ethics is posted.

ACM / SIGCSE (ACM's Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education)

  • Purpose: Provide a forum for university educators to discuss concerns about development, implementation, and evaluation of computing science programs and courses, as well as syllabi and problems sets.

ACM / SIGCUE (ACM's Special Interest Group on Computer Uses in Education)

  • Purpose: Bring together educators at all levels who are interested in using the computer and related technology to aid the educational process. Focus is on the discussion of concepts, methods, and policies that relate to the central issues of instructional computing.

ACM / SIGUCCS (ACM's Special Interest Group on University and College Computing Services)

  • Purpose: Focus on issues surrounding the support, delivery and management of information technology services in higher education. These include, but are not limited to: network management, technical systems support, end user services (training, documentation, consulting, etc.), operations, administrative and academic programming services, database management, curricular support, audio-visual services, educational technology issues, and others.
  • Primary goal: Provide a forum for the professional development of individual members, through conferences, publications, and other services.

AECT (Association for Educational Communications and Technology)

  • Purpose: Provide leadership in educational communications and technology by linking professionals holding a common interest in the use of educational technology and its application to the learning process.

CAUSE (The Association for Managing and Using Resources in Higher Education)

  • Purpose: Enable the transformational changes occurring in higher education through the effective management and use of information resources -- technology, services, and information.
  • Organization is now defunct; as of July 1, 1998, EDUCOM and CAUSE were consolidated to create EDUCAUSE, described below.

CCSC (The Consortium for Computing in Small Colleges)

  • Purpose: Promote quality computer-oriented curricula as well as the effective use of computing in smaller institutions of higher learning, which are typically non-research in orientation.


  • Purpose: Enable the transformational changes occurring in higher education through the introduction, use, access to, and management of information resources and technologies in teaching, learning, scholarship, research, and institutional management.
  • Recognizing a convergence of mission and goals, the members of CAUSE and Educom voted to create a new consolidated association to galvanize thought and action at the intersection of higher education and information technology. The new association, EDUCAUSE, was incorporated effective July 1, 1998, with offices in Washington, D.C. and Boulder, Colorado.


  • Organization is now defunct; as of July 1, 1998, EDUCOM and CAUSE were consolodated to create EDUCAUSE, described above.

IEEE (The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)

  • Purpose: Advance the theory and practice of electrical, electronics and computer engineering and computer science. To realize these objectives, the IEEE sponsors technical conferences, symposia and local meetings worldwide; publishes nearly 25% of the world's technical papers in electrical, electronics and computer engineering; provides educational programs to keep its members' knowledge and expertise state-of-the-art.

IEEE-CS (IEEE Computer Society)

  • Purpose: Advance the theory, practice, and application of computer and information processing science.
  • The educational activities page highlights many of the activities that the IEEE CS sponsors.

IFIP (International Federation for Information Processing)

  • A multi-national federation of professional and technical organizations, founded in 1960 under the auspices of UNESCO.
  • Purpose: Improve world-wide communication and increase understanding among practitioners of all nations about the role information processing, or informatics, can play in all walks of life.
  • Members of IFIP are national organizations in the field of information processing.
  • At the heart of IFIP activities are the Technical Committees (TC's). Each Technical Committee has a particular focus. Work within the focus of a Technical Committee is done in Working Groups (WG's) of specialists who are individually appointed by their peers, independent of nationality and of national governments.

IFIP TC-3 (Technical Committee 3: Education)

ISTE (The International Society for Technology in Education)

  • the largest teacher-based, nonprofit organization in the field of educational technology.
  • Purpose: Help K-12 classroom teachers and administrators share effective methods for enhancing student learning through the use of new classroom technologies.
  • Includes several Special Interest Groups:
  • ISTE SIG/Teacher Educators
    • Has a mailing list. To join, send email to, leaving the subject line blank. In the body of the message, enter: "subscribe sigte-l YourFirstName YourLastName"
  • ISTE SIG/Computer Science
    • Has a mailing list called SIGCS-ISTE@UNI.EDU. I am still seeking information about how to join this list.

NECA (National Educational Computing Association)

  • The association of societies that sponsors the annual NECC conference.
  • Cooperating societies include AAHE, SIGCAS, SIGCSE, SIGCUE, SIGUCCS, AECT, CAUSE, CCSC, EDUCOM, ECMI, IEEE-CS, ISTE, ISTE SIGTC, ISTE SIGTE, and SCS (all listed on this page)

PPIG (The Psychology of Programming Interest Group)

  • Purpose: Bring together people from diverse communities to explore common interests in the psychological aspects of programming and in the computational aspects of psychology.

Page prepared by Vicki L. Almstrum.Department of Computer Sciences at UT Austin
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