Analysis of packet scheduling algorithms:
We derived tight deterministic bounds on the delay and fairness
properties of SFQ and FA scheduling disciplines. To accommodate
links whose capacity fluctuates over time (for example,
flow-controlled and broadcast medium links), we developed techniques
for analyzing servers modeled as either Fluctuation Constrained (FC)
or Exponentially Bounded Fluctuation (EBF) servers. We analyzed the
deadline guarantees of SFQ and FA disciplines when the bandwidth
requirement exceeds server capacity. Finally, we defined a class of
Guaranteed Rate (GR) scheduling algorithms, that includes most known
packet scheduling disciplines, and extended the analyses to the
entire class of algorithms.
Statistical analysis of packet scheduling algorithms is an important
open research problem. We recently took a step towards addressing
this problem by deriving a statistical delay guarantee for the
generalized Virtual Clock scheduling algorithm. We defined the
concept of an equivalent fluid and packet source, and proved a
theorem that relates the departure time of a packet in a fluid FCFS
multiplexor to its departure time in a generalized Virtual Clock
packet scheduling algorithm. The key contribution of our approach is
that it enables fluid flow analysis techniques to be used for
statistical analysis of packet systems.
A network of servers is difficult to analyze since each router along
the path may employ a different scheduling discipline, packets may
be fragmented and reassembled, etc. Yet, we have been able to
develop compositional techniques that allow a network of GR servers
to be analyzed as a single server. Our approach decouples the
guarantees provided by a network from source traffic
characterization, and derives tight performance bounds for
heterogeneous networks. This framework has provided the theoretical
foundation for designing guaranteed services in the Internet.
Representative Publications:
P. Goyal and H.M. Vin, Statistical Delay Guarantee of Virtual
In Proceedings of IEEE Real-time Systems Symposium (RTSS), December 1998
[Abstract |
P. Goyal and H.M. Vin, Generalized Guaranteed Rate Scheduling
Algorithms: A Framework,
IEEE/ACM Transactions on
Networking, Vol. 5, No. 4, Pages 561-571, August 1997
Abstract |
Paper ]
P. Goyal, S.S. Lam, and H.M. Vin, Determining End-to-End Delay in
Heterogeneous Networks, ACM
No. 3, Pages 157-163, 1997 (An earlier version of this paper
appeared in proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on
Network and Operating System Support for Digital Audio and Video
(NOSSDAV'95), Durham, New Hampshire, Pages 287-298, April
Abstract |
Paper ]