Scheduling CBR Flows:
It has been argued that per-flow scheduling is required to provide protection
and service differentiation in networks that carry bursty flows. However,
the utility of per-flow scheduling algorithms, such as fair queuing,
has been questioned when all the flows are shaped to
Constant Bit Rate (CBR) at the sources or at the edge of the network.
In this paper, we study the effect of using FIFO or fair queuing on the
end-to-end performance of CBR traffic in the
context of large-scale networks, in which: (1) the bandwidth requirement and
the packet sizes
vary considerably across the CBR flows; (2) the class of CBR flows
occupy different fractions
of the total link bandwidth; and (3) the class of CBR flows share each
network link with several other flows with different packet arrival patterns.
We evaluate the performance of CBR flows in terms of the end-to-end
packet delay and jitter. Our results provide an empirical basis to
evaluate the effectiveness of FIFO and per flow scheduling for CBR flows,
as well as guidelines for deploying CBR services in the Internet.
Representative Publication:
- J. Sahni, P. Goyal, and H.M. Vin, Scheduling CBR Flows: FIFO or
Fair Queuing?
In Proceedings of 9th
International Workshop on Network and Operating Systems Support
for Digital Audio and Video (NOSSDAV99), pp. 13-27, June 1999
Abstract |
Paper ]