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Subsection 6.1 Assessments


Participation is an important aspect of learning. You will participate in three different activites.
There will be a set of videos to watch before coming to class. 3% of your final grade depends on your active engagement with the videos-which includes watching the videos and answering the embedded quizzes. If you participate in 80% of these activities, you will earn the entire 3%
These statistics will be captured before each class, so please watch the videos regularly.
If you choose to watch the videos through a browser extension, the engagement statistics may or may not update properly, and so you may or may not receive credit. We will not entertain grade discrepancy concerns based on the use of such extensions, so use at your own risk.
Class Meetings
For the purposes of this section, "class" and "discussion section" are considered synonymous.
For each class, a sign-in sheet, exit tickets, activity sheet and other participation artifacts will be used to assign credit. In addition, we will be observing your participation and engagement in class, and you will earn credit based on your attention and contributions to in-class activities, including arriving prepared. Credit may be reduced or removed for extremely late arrivals or early departures, failing to be respectful to your colleagues or course staff, or the inappropriate use of laptops, phones, or other devices in class. Appropriate uses are described elsewhere in this document.
7% of your final grade depends on your active participation. If you participate in 80% of these activities, you will earn the entire 7%
Weekly Practice Problems
A set of practice problems will be given out each week. A solution to these problems will be given out as well. Using these solutions, you are expected to self-assess your work.
Your completed problems are to be turned in for a credit of 5% of your final grade.
You can collaborate with others when you work on these problem sets. If you do so, please write the names of the students you collaborated with on your submission.
Your work will be due at 9 p.m. on Friday.
You may use one of your alloted slip days submit your work upto 24 hours after the due date. You will not be allowed to submit your work after this grace period. It is your responsiblity to make sure you have submitted the correct work to the correct assignment on time.


The quiz you will take during the discussion sessions, will be a mix of multiple-choice, and free response questions. You will be given a second attempt at the end of the discussion session to correct your work. Your final score will be the average of these two attempts. The quizzes will make up for 20% of your final grade.

Midterm Exams.

There will be 2 midterm exams during the semester. The first midterm will be on October 3, 2024 and the second midterm will be on November 7, 2024 dates in the evening from 7p–8:30p. The midterms are worth 40% of your final grade.

Final Exam.

There will be a final as scheduled by the registrar’s office during the final exam period.
The final is worth 25% of your final grade.