Subsection 7.9 Title IX Reporting
Senate Bill 212 (SB 212), which went into effect as of January 1, 2020, is a Texas State Law that requires all employees (both faculty and staff) at a public or private post-secondary institution to promptly report any knowledge of any incidents of sexual assault, sexual harassment, dating violence, or stalking ”committed by or against a person who was a student enrolled at or an employee of the institution at the time of the incident”. Please note that the instructors and the TAs for this class are mandatory reporters and MUST share with the Title IX office any information about sexual harassment/assault shared with us by a student whether in-person or as part of a journal or other class assignment. Note that a report to the Title IX office does not obligate a victim to take any action, but this type of information CANNOT be kept strictly confidential except when shared with designated confidential employees. A confidential employee is someone a student can go to and talk about a Title IX matter without triggering that employee to have to report the situation to have it automatically investigated. If you would like to speak with someone who can provide support or remedies without making an official report to the university, please email For more information about reporting options and resources, visit
, contact the Title IX Office via email at, or call 512-471-0419.