Subsection 10.1.2 Overview
10.1 Opening Remarks
10.1.1 Subspace iteration with a Hermitian matrix
10.1.2 Overview
10.1.3 What you will learn
10.2 From Power Method to a simple QR algorithm
10.2.1 A simple QR algorithm
10.2.2 A simple shifted QR algorithm
10.2.3 Deflating the problem
10.2.4 Cost of a simple QR algorithm
10.3 A Practical Hermitian QR Algorithm
10.3.1 Reducing the cost of the QR algorithm
10.3.2 Reduction to tridiagonal form
10.3.3 Givens' rotations
10.3.4 Simple tridiagonal QR algorithm
10.3.5 The implicit Q theorem
10.3.6 The Francis implicit QR Step
10.3.7 A complete algorithm
10.4 Enrichments
10.4.1 QR algorithm among the most important algorithms of the 20th century
10.4.2 Who was John Francis
10.4.3 Casting the reduction to tridiagonal form in terms of matrix-matrix multiplication
10.4.4 Optimizing the tridiagonal QR algorithm
10.4.5 The Method of Multiple Relatively Robust Representations (MRRR)
10.5 Wrap Up
10.5.1 Additional homework
10.5.2 Summary