Debugging & Verifying Programs -- CS 340d -- Homepage


        Unique Number:  52285
         Class Format:  Primarily in class with some Zoom sessions

  Class Days and Time:  Tuesday, Thursday:  14:00 --  15:20 pm
       Class Location:  CPE 2.218

           Instructor:  "Warren A. Hunt, Jr." <>
        Co-Instructor:  "Scott M. Staley" <>

   Teaching Assistant:  "Vivek Ramanathan"    <>
   Teaching Assistant:  "Maxine Xin"          <>

         Office Hours:  Monday:     15:30 to 16:30  GDC 3.110
                        Tuesday:    13:00 to 13:50
                        Wednesday:  16:00 to 18:00
                        Thursday:   15:30 to 16:30

Announcements will appear here!!!

Homework 10 has been assigned; it is due Tuesday, April 18, 2023.

Lab 3 has been assigned; it is due Thursday, April 20, 2023.

Every time you start to work, check this page! This webpage and the webpages transitively reachable from this webpage are the definitive resource for assignments, laboratories, and other class-related issues. The UT Canvas system will be used to record grades, to give quizzes, and to provide some of our class information.

We find Piazza to provide an easier and more productive interface for sharing information about our course, so we will be using Piazza for discussions and questions. Thus, this term we will be using Piazza for class discussion. Rather than emailing questions to the teaching staff, we encourage you to post your questions on Piazza.

Below are links to the course announcement, syllabus, and homework and laboratory assignments. Announcements and additional information will incrementally appear during the semester.

The cs340d Course Notes (PDF); these notes include the homework assignments.

Slides for particular classes can be found here.

The propositional calculus (PC) help sheet can be found here.

Copies of the lab (ACL2) source code are available:

Here are some slides. that we will address as the semester progresses. This set of slides contains a number of problems, some of which you will be asked to consider as homework.

Here are some links to some Debugging, Verification, and Validation information.

Before the spring break ends, please read Ken Thompson's Turing Award paper, "Reflections on Trusting Trust".