Check if a function definition (at the top level or not) is statically well-formed.
(check-function-definition-top/nontop fundef ctxt) → (mv err? obligs)
This is used both by check-function-definition and by check-function-definition-list.
At the top level, the context has no types being defined, functions being defined, variables in scope, obligation variables, or obligation hypotheses. But the caller of this function, either check-function-definition or check-function-definition-list, extends the context component for the functions being defined; thus, this function definition's header is always in the context. This motivates the extra guard condition of this ACL2 function.
First we check the header; recall that part of that check is that no function with that name is already defined. We augment the context with the function's inputs. If here is a precondition, we check it and ensure it returns a boolean, and we add the precondition as an obligation hypothesis to the context. We check the function's definer. We further augment the context with the function outputs. If there is a postcondition, we check it and ensure it returns a boolean; note that we are assuming the precondition (if any) in checking the postcondition. We also generate a proof obligation saying that the postcondition holds; note that the precondition (if any) is in the hypotheses of that proof obligation.
(defun check-function-definition-top/nontop (fundef ctxt) (declare (xargs :guard (and (function-definitionp fundef) (contextp ctxt)))) (declare (xargs :guard (and (null (context->types ctxt)) (member-equal (function-definition->header fundef) (context->functions ctxt)) (omap::emptyp (context->variables ctxt)) (null (context->obligation-vars ctxt)) (null (context->obligation-hyps ctxt))))) (let ((__function__ 'check-function-definition-top/nontop)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (b* (((function-definition fundef) fundef) (err? (check-function-header fundef.header ctxt)) (fn-name (identifier->name (function-header->name fundef.header))) ((when err?) (mv err? nil)) (inputs (function-header->inputs fundef.header)) (outputs (function-header->outputs fundef.header)) (in-var-ctxt (typed-variables-to-variable-context inputs)) (ctxt (context-add-variables in-var-ctxt ctxt)) (ctxt (change-context ctxt :obligation-vars inputs)) ((mv err? pre-obligs ctxt) (if (not fundef.precondition) (mv nil nil ctxt) (b* ((pre-result (check-expression fundef.precondition ctxt))) (type-result-case pre-result :err (mv nil ctxt) :ok (b* ((type (ensure-single-type pre-result.types)) ((when (not type)) (mv (list :multi-valued-precondition fundef.precondition) nil ctxt)) ((unless (type-equiv type (type-boolean))) (mv (list :non-boolean-precondition fundef.precondition) nil ctxt)) (ctxt (context-add-condition fundef.precondition ctxt))) (mv nil pre-result.obligations ctxt)))))) ((when err?) (mv err? nil)) (output-types (typed-variable-list->type-list outputs)) ((mv err? def-obligs) (check-function-definer fundef.definer output-types fn-name ctxt)) ((when err?) (mv err? nil)) (ctxt (change-context ctxt :obligation-vars (append (context->obligation-vars ctxt) outputs))) ((mv err? post-obligs) (if (not fundef.postcondition) (mv nil nil) (b* ((var-ctxt (typed-variables-to-variable-context outputs)) (ctxt (context-add-variables var-ctxt ctxt)) (post-result (check-expression fundef.postcondition ctxt))) (type-result-case post-result :err (mv nil) :ok (b* ((type (ensure-single-type post-result.types)) ((when (not type)) (mv (list :multi-valued-postcondition fundef.postcondition) nil)) ((unless (type-equiv type (type-boolean))) (mv (list :non-boolean-postcondition fundef.postcondition) nil))) (mv nil post-result.obligations)))))) ((when err?) (mv err? nil)) (fn-body (function-definer-case fundef.definer :regular fundef.definer.body :quantified nil)) (recursive-p (function-called-in fn-name fn-body)) (fn-result-expr (if (and fn-body fundef.postcondition) (if recursive-p (make-expression-call :function (make-identifier :name fn-name) :types nil :arguments (typed-variable-list->-expression-variable-list inputs)) fn-body) nil)) (oblig? (if fn-result-expr (non-trivial-proof-obligation (context->obligation-vars ctxt) (append (context->obligation-hyps ctxt) (list (obligation-hyp-binding (make-binding :variables outputs :value fn-result-expr)))) fundef.postcondition fn-body) nil))) (mv nil (append pre-obligs def-obligs post-obligs oblig?)))))
(defthm proof-obligation-listp-of-check-function-definition-top/nontop.obligs (b* (((mv ?err? ?obligs) (check-function-definition-top/nontop fundef ctxt))) (proof-obligation-listp obligs)) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm check-function-definition-top/nontop-of-function-definition-fix-fundef (equal (check-function-definition-top/nontop (function-definition-fix fundef) ctxt) (check-function-definition-top/nontop fundef ctxt)))
(defthm check-function-definition-top/nontop-function-definition-equiv-congruence-on-fundef (implies (function-definition-equiv fundef fundef-equiv) (equal (check-function-definition-top/nontop fundef ctxt) (check-function-definition-top/nontop fundef-equiv ctxt))) :rule-classes :congruence)
(defthm check-function-definition-top/nontop-of-context-fix-ctxt (equal (check-function-definition-top/nontop fundef (context-fix ctxt)) (check-function-definition-top/nontop fundef ctxt)))
(defthm check-function-definition-top/nontop-context-equiv-congruence-on-ctxt (implies (context-equiv ctxt ctxt-equiv) (equal (check-function-definition-top/nontop fundef ctxt) (check-function-definition-top/nontop fundef ctxt-equiv))) :rule-classes :congruence)