Copyright © Gordon S. Novak Jr.
Permission is granted for individuals to make copies of these notes for personal use, or for instructors to make copies for classroom use.
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affix 259
amphion 172
anaphora 258
annotate 124
anonymous function 36
antecedent 222
append 27
assoc 34
associative 326
assocl 95
astronomical software 172
atn 282
atom 139
atomic 353
augmented transition network 282
automaton 275
available 85
backtrack 72
backward chaining 143, 144, 189
bayes theorem 212
bayesian network 216
bigram 263
bijective 323
binary tree recursion 47
binding list 95
binding time analysis 124
bottom-up parser 281
bound 154
bounded depth-first search 69
branching factor 72
buffer 344
buffering 344
busy 85
car 12
case frame 260
cdr 12
certainty factor 220
certainty factor combination 225
chaff 152
chain rule 215
child 40
clojure 5
closure 5
combinator 88
combinatoric explosion 53
commutative 326
compile-time 93
compiler generator 125
complete 164
compositional semantics 299
conceptual island 245
conditional probability 212
confluence 113
conjunction 139
conjunctive normal form 150
consistent 140
constant folding 111
constant propagation 118
context free 277
context-free 266
correctness 112
davis-putnam 152
de morgans laws 141
deduction 172
definite determiner 289
deftrace 17
denote 3
depth bound 69
depth-first search 55, 57, 59, 67, 72
design pattern 19, 24, 48, 90, 97
determiner 289
disjunction 139
disk access 344
do 38
domain 323
doseq 39
dynamic data 118
empty list 10
empty? 20
entail 164
equal 98
euclidean distance 332
eval 52
every 37
every? 37
expression tree 41
external notation 8
finite automaton 276
first child next sibling 45
first-order logic 154
first-order predicate calculus 137
fixpoint 109
flatten 49
fn 36
folding 111
fopc 137
for all 37
free 154
futamura projections 125
gensym 115
grammar notation 273
grammatical ambiguity 257, 270
ground literal 142
hidden markov 264
homograph 270
homoiconic 8
i/o buffer 344
implication 139
in-line 116
inconsistent 140
indefinite determiner 289
inference 136
infinite loop 16
information theory 254
injective 323
inline 116
interior node 40
intersection 31
invalid 140
isomorphism 327
iterative deepening 70
joint probability distribution 214
jvm 5
kleene closure 273
kleene star 273
knowledge base 136
knowledge representation 134
knowledge retrieval 134
knowledge source 248
knowledge-based strategy 203
knuth-bendix 113
language generation 267
language translation 131
leaf 40
left recursion 301
let 35
lexical features 261
lexicon 260
lhs 46
linked list tree 46
list 10
list recursion 20
list tail recursion 23
literal 150
live 85
loop unrolling 93
low-pass filter 242
macro 115
mapcan 329
mapcat 329
mapreduce 333
mapreduce key 336
master 342
member 30
metonymy 258
mix 118
modus ponens 141
morphological analyzer 259
morphology 259
n-gram 263
natural deduction 169
natural language 251
negation 139
nested tree recursion 100
non-terminal 266
nonterminal symbol 274
offline 124
one-to-one 323
online 124
onto 323
op 46
open 116
operators 54
optimization 110
overfitting 250
pagerank 347
pattern matching 102
phrase structure 274
postorder 52
pragmatics 256
precompute 118
predicate 30
predicate calculus 154
prefix 259
println 38
prolog 191
propositional calculus 137
propositional database 187
propositional logic 139
propositional variable 139
quote 9
range 323
reasoning 134
recall 250
recognizer 275
recognizing automaton 275
recursive case 18
recursive descent 301
recursively enumerable 272
reducing 118
reference 289
regular language 276
relaxation 347
representation hypothesis 135
reverse 25
rewrite rule 90
rhs 46
robot mouse 62
root 40
root word 259
rule 207
rule induction 235
rule subsumption 229
rule-based system 207
run-time 93
sat solver 142
search code 57
search design pattern 59
semantic grammar 296
semantic marker 260
sensitivity analysis 232
sentence symbol 274
set 30
set difference 33
shard 325
side effect 4
side-effect 325
simulation 327
skolem constant 156
skolem function 156
skolemization 156
solving equations 73
some 37
sort 39
sound 164
specialize 118
splitting 169
start symbol 274
states 54
static data 118
subst 91
suffix 259
suffix-stripping 259
surjective 323
symbol 3
syntax 256
tail recursion 24
tail recursive 23
tail-call optimization 24
terminal 266
terminal symbol 274
termination 113
there exists 37
token 263
top-down filtering 280
top-down parser 280
trace 17
training set phenomenon 250
transformation 110
transformation rule 106
tree 40
tree nested recursion 49
truth table 142
type 263
unfolding 118
unification 157
unigram 263
union 33
unparsing 114
unrolling 93
unsatisfiable 140
valid 140
variable capture 115
vocabulary 274
walksat 152
well-founded ordering 16
when 38
worker 342
zipfs law 255