The right-looking algorithm for implementing this operation can be described by partitioning the matrices where and are scalars. As a result, and are vectors of length n-1 , and and are matrices of size .The indicates the symmetric part of A , which will not be updated. Now, From this we derive the equations An algorithm for computing the Cholesky factorization is now given by
One question that may be asked about the above algorithm is what is stored in the matrix after k steps. We answer this by partitioning where and are .Here ``TL '' , ``BL '', and ``BR '' stand for ``Top-Left'', ``Bottom-Left'', and ``Bottom-Right'', respectively. As seen before so that It can be easily verified that the above algorithm has the effect that after k steps
The bulk of the computation in the above algorithm is in the symmetric rank-1 update, which performs operations on data. It is this ratio of computation to data volume (requiring memory accesses) that stands in the way of high performance. To overcome this, we now show how to reformulate the algorithm in terms of matrix-matrix multiplication (or rank-k updates) which have a more favorable computation to data volume ratio, allowing for more effective use of a microprocessor's cache memory.
Given the derivation of the basic algorithm given above, it is not difficult to derive a blocked (matrix-matrix operation based) algorithm, as is shown in Fig. 1.
Figure 1:
Similarity in the derivation
of a Level-2 (left) and Level-3 (right) BLAS based right-looking Cholesky factorization.
(solved as triangular solve with multiple-right-hand-sides )
Fig. 2 (a)-(b) illustrate how the developed algorithm is translated into a PLAPACK code. It suffices to know that object A references the original matrix to be factored. Object ABR is a view into the current part of the matrix that still needs to be factored ( in previous discussion). The remainder of the code is self explanatory when compared to the algorithm in (a) of that figure. Note that the call to Chol_level2 is a call to a basic (nonblocked) implementation of the Cholesky factorization. That routine itself resembles the presented code in (b) closely.
Figure 2:
Various versions of level-3 BLAS based Cholesky factorization using
While the code presented in Fig. 2 (b) is a straight forward translation of the developed algorithm, it does not provide high performance. The primary reason for this is that the factorization of is being performed as a call to a parallel matrix-vector based routine, which requires an extremely large number of communications. These communications can be avoided by choosing the size of so that it exists entirely on one node.
In Fig. 2 (c) we show how minor modifications to the PLAPACK implementation in (b) allows us to force to exist on one node. To understand the optimizations, one must have a rudimentary understanding of how matrices are distributed by PLAPACK. A given matrix A is partitioned like For understanding the code, the sizes of the blocks are not important. What is important is that these blocks are assigned to an logical mesh of nodes using a two-dimensional cartesian distribution:
Given that the currently active submatrix is distributed to a given logical mesh of nodes, determining a block size so that resides on one node requires us to take the minimum of
Notice that if exists within one node, then exists within one column of nodes. Recognizing that is a row-wise operation and thus parallelizes trivially if is duplicated within the column that owns (and thus ), a further optimization is attained by duplicating within the appropriate column of nodes, and performing the update of locally on those nodes. The resulting PLAPACK code is given in Fig. 2 (c).
To understand further optimizations, one once again needs to know more about some of the principles underlying PLAPACK. Unlike ScaLAPACK, PLAPACK has a distinct approach to distributing vectors. For scalability reasons, parallel dense linear algebra algorithms must be implemented using a logical two-dimensional mesh of nodes [5,11,13,15]. However, for the distribution of vectors, that two-dimensional mesh is linearized by ordering the nodes in column-major order. Assignment of a vector to the nodes is then accomplished by partitioning the vector in blocks and wrapping these blocks onto the linear array of nodes in round-robin fashion. Assignment of matrices is then dictated by the following principle:
Note that as a consequence of the last optimization, all computation required to factor and update is performed within one column of nodes. This is an operation that is very much in the critical path, and thus contributes considerably to the overall time required for the Cholesky factorization. If one views the panel of the matrix as a collection (panel) of columns, then by simultaneously scattering the elements of these columns of matrices within rows of nodes one can redistribute the panel as a collection of vectors (multivector). Subsequently, can be factored as a multivector and, more importantly, considerably more parallelism can be attained during the update of , since the multivector is distributed to nodes using a one-dimensional data distribution.
It should be noted that the volume of data communicated when redistributing (scattering or gathering) a panel of length n and width b is , where r equals the number of rows in the mesh of nodes. The cost of (parallel) computation subsequently performed on the panel is .Thus, if the block size b is relatively large, there is an advantage to redistributing the panel. Furthermore, the multivector distribution is a natural intermediate distribution for the data movement that subsequently must be performed to duplicate the data as part of the parallel symmetric rank-k update [16]. A further optimization of the parallel Cholesky factorization, for which we do not present code in Fig. 2, takes advantage of this fact.
Naturally, one may get the impression that we have merely hidden all complexity and ugliness in routines like PLA_Chol_mv. Actually, each of those routines themselves are coded at the same high level, and are not substantially more complex than the examples presented.