
The picture on the left appeared on the front page of the Wall Street Journal on March 23rd, 2006. [read article]

When Amy and Bill Gurley donated $5 million to Texas Robotics in March 2025, I was quoted in the Houston Chronicle article. [read article; UT News version]

I appeared on the Hidden Layers podcast in February 2025, to discuss AI, Robotics, Multi-Agent Systems, and the Road to 2050. [watch podcast]

In February 2025, I was featured on the TechGuide podcast about undergraduate research opportunities. [watch podcast]

UT News quoted me in its coverage about defense-related robotics research at UT in February 2024. [read article]

In January 2025, I was interviewed on KVUE about the announcement that Stargate would build a big AI data center in Texas. [watch video and read story]

An article in the NY Times mentioned our research on Learning from Hallucination in December 2024. [read article]

In December 2024 I was featured on an episode of the See You Now podcast from the American Nurses Association called "AI in Play | Big Picture, Big Questions". [listen to episode; youtube version]

The Austin American Statesman ran a story on our robot parade in November 2024. [read article]

I was featured in CBS Austin's special called "AI in Austin: How Central Texas officials are using it, and how they want to regulate it" in October 2024. [watch video]

In October 2024, I was quoted on about algorithms that learn and adapt. [read story]

The Dallas Morning news ran a story on our launch of a new Robotics undergraduate program in September 2024. [read story; read UT Austin press release; and an article in the Daily Texan]

In August 2024, KXAN ran a story about our RoboCup win. [watch video and read story]

The University of Wisconsin CS Department reported on the win of WisTex United, our joint team between UT Austin and Wisconsin, at RoboCup 2024. [read article]

The Daily Texan covered our RoboCup win in August 2024. [read online or print version]

The Sony AI press release on my promotion to Chief Scientist in July 2024 was picked up by a couple of places. [UT Colelge of Natural Sciences (CNS); Austin Inno]

Our success at RoboCup 2024 was covered on the UT CNS news page in July 2024. [read article]

In June 2024, KXAN featured me in a story about AI and robotics at UT. [watch video and read story]

I was featured on the first episode of the podcast AI for the Rest of Us in June 2024. [listen to episode]

I was quoted in InsideBigData about human-in-the-loop machine learning in April 2024. [read article]

In April 2024 I was on the KSL at night (Utah radio) podcast about AI in education. [listen to episode]

I appeared on the Hot Science - Cool Casts podcast in April 2024. [listen to episode]

The Jewish Herald-Voice wrote an article about an Ethics of AI panel at the Lyon Cohen Symposium in April 2024. [read article]

I was interviewed on an episode of the Generation AI podcast in April 2024. [listen to episode]

In March 2024, KXAN aired a story quoting me on Waymo testing self-driving cars in Austin with out a driver. [watch video and read story]

Texas Engineer Magazine quoted me in an article about Robotics at UT. [read article]

Alcade Magazine quoted me in an article about AI's impact on society. [read article]

In December 2023, KXAN aired a story quoting me on the use of facial recognition software by local law enforcement. [watch video and read story]

I was quoted in Information Week in an article about cobots in December 2023. [read article]

Fox 7 Austin covered the Texas Robotics robot parade in October 2023. [watch video; youtube link]
UT News also covered it. [watch video]

I was quoted in the UT Austin press release and subsequent story on KXAN announcing that Prof. Sam Shorey won the 2023 AI100 Essay Competition in September 2023. [read press release; read story]

In August 2023, I was quoted in an article that appeared on the KUT website about driverless cars in Austin. [read article]

I was quoted in a story about our new course on "The Essentials of AI" that is open to the whole university in a story on the CNS news page in August 2023. [read article]

The Chronicle of Higher Education quoted me several times in a story on the effects of large language models on education in August 2023. [read article]

I was featured on the Sony AI blog in June 2023 with an interview about reinforcement learning. [read article]

In June 2023, I was interviewed on KVUE about the effect of AI on the workplace. [watch video and read story]

I published an editorial in the Ripon Society's June 2023 issue covering The Role of Congress in Regulating Artificial Intelligence. [read article]

Texas CEO Magazine featured me in an article about AI in June 2023. [read article]

The Japanese version of MIT Technology Review published an interview with me in June 2023. [read article in Japanese or translated to English]

In May 2023, KXAN aired a story quoting me on the influence of large language models on education. [watch video]

I was interviewed on NPR's "On Point" by Meghna Chakrabarti in May 2023. [listen to episode]

Education Week ran an interview with me about the impact of AI on edcuation in April 2023. [read article]

In April 2023, I was quoted in the Wall Street Journal in an article about multi-robot systems. [read article]

The Houston Press quoted me in an article about the impact of ChatGPT on jobs in April 2023. [read article]

I was interviewed on CGTN for a story on the state of AI in April 2023. [watch interview]

IEEE Spectrum published an article about the open letter mentioned below, with some quotes from me, in April 2023. [read article]

I was interviewed on NPR's All Things Considered about an open letter from AI researchers advocating a 6-month pause on development of next-generation large language models in March 2023. [listen or read transcript]

I was quoted in Wired about the same open letter, also in March 2023. [read article]

CBS Austin (KEYE TV) ran a feature on the UT CS Department's new online Masters in AI in March 2023. [watch video]

I was quoted in the Daily Texan's article use of AI in the classroom in February 2023. [read article]

I was quoted extensively in the Daily Texan's article about ChatGPT in February 2023. [read article]

I was quoted in the NY Times article about the UT CS Department's new online Masters in AI in January 2023. [read article]

Geektime in Israel mentioned my work with Daniel Urieli at GM in January 2023. [read article (in Hebrew)]

AIthority interviewed me in December 2022. [read article]

The Austin Chronicle quoted me in an article on autonomous vehicles in Austin in November, 2022. [read article]

AI Business interviewed me about RoboCup and GT Sophy in October 2022. [read transcript and listen to podcast]

In September 2022, KXAN aired a story quoting me on autonomous cars in Austin. [watch video and read story]

I was quoted extensively in an article about RoboCup in the World Economic Forum in September 2022. [read article]

Engaget ran a story quoting me about RoboCup 2022 in August 2022. [read article]

GT Sophy was covered by MIT Technology Review (including a quote from me) in July 2022. [read article]

Our UT Austin Villa robot soccer team was covered by Austin Monthly magazine in July 2022. [read article]

I was mentioned in an article about AI100 published by the Edinburgh Futures Institute in July 2022. [read article]

Datamation quoted me in two stories on future trends in deep learning and in AI robotics in June 2022. [read article on deep learning; AI robotics] (also picked up by eweek in October 2022)

I was quoted extensively in an article about RoboCup in Argo's Ground Truth in March 2022. [read article]

GT Sophy was covered by the Daily Texan in March 2022. [read article]

Silicon Hills ran a story about Gran Turismo Sophy in February 2022 that quotes me extensively. [read article]

I was interviewed by David Brown from the Texas Standard on KUT, Austin's NPR station, about Sony AI's Nature article about Gran Turismo Sophy in February 2022. [listen to story]

I was interviewed on German national radio about Sony AI's Nature article about Gran Turismo Sophy in February 2022. [listen to story]

Tech Republic and AIthority both ran articles on Sony AI's predictions for 2022 in December 2021. [read Tech Republic article; read AIthority article]

The Brown Daily Herald quoted me in a nice story about the AI100 Study Panel Report in December 2021. [read article]

In November 2021, Elliott Hauser and I were interviewed about our Living with Robots project on the Good Systems blog. [read article]

I was interviewed on the podcast Flash Forward's episode about robot sports in November 2021. [listen to episode (my segment starts at minute 19 and lasts about 5 minute]

The BBC featured me in an article about robot sports in September 2021. [read article; (a French adaptation); (an Italian adaptation)]

When the second AI100 report was first relased, it was covered in: Geekwire; The Science of Where Magazine; ZDNet; TecTales; Psychology Today; The Clare People; and UT's CNS news, all in September 2021.

KXAN aired a very nice story on our new graduate student training program on ethical robotics in September 2021. [watch video and read story]

UT News quoted me in its coverage about our NSF award of a graduate student training program on ethical robotics in September 2021. [read article]

In June 2021, I was featured in a story about Texas Robotics on the Longhorn Network. [watch video]

In May 2021, I was quoted in a story about AI at UT Austin in The Texas Scientist. [read article]

My AAMAS 2021 Blue Sky Ideas track paper with Reuth Mirsky on The Seeing-Eye Robot Grand Challenge was covered in the German Heise online in May 2021. [read article]

My collaboration with Bosch was covered on the UTCS news page in January 2021. [read article]

My being named an ACM Fellow was covered on the UT CNS news page in January 2021. [read article]

In December 2020, I appeared in my neighborhood association newsletter for my violin playing(!). [read article (on page 9)]

UT News covered the AHG ribbon cutting in November 2020. [read article]

In November 2020, I gave a Distinguished Lecture at Instituto Superior Tecnico in Lisbon, Portugal that was covered in their institution newsletter. [read article (in Portuguese)]

The ribbon cutting of our new robotics research lab at UT Austin was covered by KXAN news in October 2020. [read or watch story]

UT Austin Villa appeared in a National Geographic story about the future of robotics in August 2020. [read article (subscription required)]

After we published our APPLD method for Adaptive Planner Parameter Learning from Demonstration, Army Research lab put out a press release in August 2020 that was picked up by several places, including Science Daily. [read article]

Our IJCAI 2020 paper was featured on the College of Natural Sciences Webpage in August 2020. [read article]

I was quoted in an IEEE Spectrum article about efficient deep reinforcmeent learning in July 2020. [read article]

Cognitive Times featured me on their cover in March 2020. [read article]

My op-ed was picked up by The Hill in February 2020. [read article]
A longer version is on Medium. [read article]

I was quoted in an article in Wired in February 2020. [read article]

When I began my role as head of Sony AI, America the press release was covered first in EE Times and then in a number of other venues, including the Austin American Satesman in November 2019.
[read EE Times article] [read Statesman article; pdf version]
[read related stories from UT Austin CNS (also linked to year-end highlights); slashgear; South African; Unite AI; Trusted Reviews; wccftech]

Elad Liebman's research on DJ-MC with Maytal Saar-Tsechansky and myself was covered in Ma'ariv, a mainstream Israeli newspaper, in November 2019. [read article] [see image]

I was quoted in Stanford's press release about the AI100 report in November 2019. [read article]

I was interviewed for a podcast on "Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence" by Sage Advisory Group in November 2019. [listen]

I was interviewed by John Aielli on KUTX's Eklektikos prior to a "Hot Science, Cool Talks" presentation on robotics in November 2019. [listen]

My article on DJ-MC with Elad Liebman and Maytal Saar-Tsechansky was covered in Science Daily in October 2019. [read article] - [Also covered by Big Ideas from the McCombs School of Business in October 2019.]

I was quoted in the Wall Street Journal about Reinforcement Learning in October 2019. [read article]

I was featured in The Score in an article about robots in sports in August 2019. [read article]

I was interviewed on CBS Austin News before we left for RoboCup in July 2019. [watch video]

My selection as a 2019 Minnie Stevens Piper Professor was featured on the College of Natural Sciences Webpage in May 2019. [read article]

My SXSW panel with Amir Husain, Heather Berlin, and Jennifer Strong was covered in Singularity Hub in March 2019. [read article] - [Also covered by The Good Men Project]

My SXSW panel with Garry Kasparov was covered in Sun News Austin in March 2019. [read article]

Cogitai's release of the Continua platform was covered by MIT Technology Review in March 2019. [read article] - [Also covered by Robot Enthusiast and several other places]

I was quoted in Design News regarding the American AI Initative in February 2019. [read article]

I was interviewed about the difficulty students have getting CS classes by KCBS radio in San Francisco in January 2018. [read CNS article; listen]

My election as a AAAS Fellow was covered on the UT and CNS news pages in December 2018. [read UT article; read CNS article]

The BWI project was covered on the College of Natural Sciences Webpage in December 2018. [read article]

I was quoted in the The Bleacher Report regarding when there would be robot managers in the English Premier League in November 2018. [read article]

A paper from the BWI project was covered by the Daily Texan in October 2018. [read article]

I was quoted in Big Ideas from the McCombs School of Business in September 2018. [read article]

I was interviewed by Matt Ward on the Fringe FM podcast in July 2018. [listen]

Alcade Magazine covered our participation in RoboCup 2018 in July 2018. [read article]

Our work on AIM was covered in an article in Texas Civil Engineer Magazine in March 2018. [read article (page 12)]

I was quoted on the World Economic Forum blog in March 2018. [read blog post]

BBC News covered my lab in March 2018. [read article] [watch video segment]

Charles Isbell, Michael Littman, and I were interviewed on the The Duality podcast in February 2018. [listen]

I was quoted in New Scientist in February 2018. [read article]

Our AAAI paper on Deep TAMER was described in an ARL press release and picked up by techxplore, by Science Daily, by Techheadlines, by Innnovation Toronto, and by The Hindu. [read press release]

I was interviewed by Spectrum News, Austin about the future of AI in December 2017. [watch the story]

I was prominently quoted in the NY Times magazine in November 2017. [read article]

I was quoted in an article in Wired in October 2017. [read article]

Deep TAMER was covered in Jack Clark's Import AI blog in October 2018. [read article]

After my talk at NVIDIA headquarters in September 2017, they blogged about it. [read article]

Manuel Stagars interviewed me for his documentary Digital Transformation in August 2017. [watch interview; read transcript]

I was extensively quoted in an article in Inverse about Microsoft's autonomous gliders in August 2017. [read article]

I was quoted in an article about RoboCup 2017 in Smithsonian Magazine in July 2017. [read article]

Katie Genter's thesis research was covered in an article entitled "Robot birds could help guide flocks to safety" by the Daily Texan. [read article]

My article with Todd Hester on TEXPLORE-VANIR was covered in AAAS's Science magazine in May 2017. [read article]
It was also covered in a Psychology Today blog post. [read blog post]

I was interviewed about Multiagent Systems on the Software Engineering Daily podcast in March 2017. [listen]

AIM was featured in an article on the NBC News website in March 2017. [read article]

I was interviewed by the largest newspaper in South Korea, the Chosunilbo (the Chosun Daily) in March 2017. [see article]

The AI100 report was named one of UT Austin's top research stories of 2016. [read article]

I was quoted in the Austin American Statesman in December 2016. [read article]

I was quoted in Silicon Hills News about Cogitai in December 2016. [read article]

I was interviewed for an article in Austrian magazine Bestseller in December 2016. [read article]

Fast Company covered the AI 100 report in November, 2016. [read article]

I was quoted in the Daily Texan in November, 2016 after UT Austin Villa won a RoboCup competition. [read article]

I was quoted in an article about the AI100 report in India's livemint in November, 2016. [read article]

I was quoted in the Daily Texan about autonomous cars in October, 2016. [read article]

I was featured on the RobotLab blog about using Nao's for teaching in October 2016. [read article]

I was interviewed on Canada's CBC radio's "Spark" about the AI 100 report in September 2016. [listen]

I was interviewed live on NPR's Science Friday about the AI 100 report in September 2016. [listen]

I was interviewed live on BBC radio's Newsday in September 2016. [listen]

I was interviewed by Xconomy about self-driving cars in September 2016. [read article]

When the AI100 report was first relased, it was covered widely including in The New York Times; The Houston Chronicle; Christian Science Monitor; and The Irish Times (as well as in their Innovation electronic magazine, all in September 2016.
Related stories appeared in Nature World News; Computer World; Yahoo News; Science Daily; The Daily Mail; The Straits Times; The Seattle Times; Boston Globe; Beacon Transcript; Austrian Tribune; Christian Science Monitor; Science World Report; ZME Science; Semi Engineering; stgist; Technology Review; Geekwire; the CCC blog; The Daily Texan; and on the UT Austin CNS website.

Our 1st and 2nd place finishes at RoboCup 2016 were featured on the College of Natural Sciences Webpage in July 2016. [read article]

When Sony's investment in Cogitai was released, I got a lot of coverage, such as in Yahoo Finance and in the Japanese press in May 2016. [see article; another; and another]
I also appeared in Nikkei Robotics Magazine (No. 15) in October 2016. [first pages; last page]

My collaboration with Prof. Mike Mauk was featured in The Daily Texan in April 2016. [read article]

Our AIM project was mentioned in IEEE Spectrum in March 2016. [read article]

I was quoted in New Scientist in March 2016. [read article]

Our Robot Soccer team was featured in Texas Monthly in September, 2015. [read article]

Our AIM project was featured in Benedict Evans' blog in August 2015. [read article]

Our IJCAI 2015 paper "Learning to Interpret Natural Language Commands through Human-Robot Dialog" was covered in CXOToday in July 2015. [read article]
Read similar articles from: CIO and H+.

Our AIM project was featured in IEEE Spectrum in July 2015. [read article]

I was featured on Good Day Austin talking about robot soccer in June 2015. [watch interview]

Our AIM project was mentioned in the Urban Transportation Monitor in May 2015. [read article (page 8)]

I was quoted in New Scientist in May 2015. [read article]

I was quoted in The Guardian in April 2015. [read article]

I was quoted in the Wall Street Journal on March 5th, 2015. [read article]

I was quoted in an article about predictions of the future in the Dallas Observer and Houston Press in February 2015. [read article; Houston version]

My lab was featured in lots of press coverage associated with the AAAI 2015 conference that was held in Austin in January 2015, including on KVUE, KLBJ, KEYE, Fox 7, Time Warner Cable, KXAN, and the UT Austin CNS news page. [Time Warner Cable; CNS news]

I published an op ed in the Austin American Statesman on the societal impacts of self-driving cars in July 2014. [see article; read article]
It also appeared in the Dallas Morning News in April 2015. [read article]

I was interviewed on NPR's Morning Edition about robot soccer in January 2014. [listen]

Our robots were featured in Alcade Magazine in January 2014. [read article]

Former student Kurt Dresner was interviewed on NPR about his thesis research in December 2013. [listen]

October 2013: My paper with Brad Knox and Cynthia Breazeal was awarded the best paper award at the 2013 International Conference on Social Robotics. [paper and associated video]

I was interviewed for a podcast of The Big Question in October, 2013. [listen to the episode]

I was featured on the jumbotron at the UT Longhorns football game in August, 2013. [watch the spot]

I did a live radio interview on WWL radio in New Orleans in July, 2013. [listen to interview]

Our AIM project was mentioned in the New York Times in July, 2013. [read article]

Fox News covered Bill Gates' visit to the UT Austin Villa robot soccer lab in March, 2013. [watch story]

I was quoted in TechNewsWorld in September, 2012. [read article]

I was quoted in An Online Soccer Journal in August, 2012. [read article]

I was quoted in The Economist in July, 2012. [read article]

I was interviewed by Techzing in July, 2012. [listen to podcast]

Our victory at RoboCup 2012 was featured in the Austin Business Journal in June, 2012. [read article]

Our victory at RoboCup 2012 was featured in the Daily Texan in June, 2012. [read article]

AIM was featured on Mathematical Moments by the AMS in June, 2012. [listen to podcast]

AIM was featured in Innovation News Daily in May, 2012. [read article]

A video story on AIM went out on Reuters in March, 2012. [watch video]

AIM was covered by KXAN in February, 2012. The story was picked up by CNN. [watch video, CNN version]

AIM was covered by the Chicago Tribune in February, 2012. [read article]
Read similar articles from: PC World; Disovery News; Science Codex; Slashdot; Robotics Trends; The Alcade; The Atlantic Cities; The Austin American Statesman; Texas Science News; The Horn; and The Dish.

I was interviewed about AIM on German Public Radio in February, 2012. [listen to story]

Our victory at RoboCup 2011 was featured in the University of Texas at Austin news release in July, 2011. [read article]

I was quoted in a online article about RoboCup 2010 in June, 2010. [read article]

Our RoboCup@Home research was featured on the Videre Design LLC website in April, 2010. [read article]

Our autonomous vehicle research was featured on the Willow Garage blog in March 2010 because of our use of ROS. [read article]

I was featured in Scientific American Israel in June, 2009. [read article]

I was featured in the Israeli edition of Information Week on February 2nd, 2009. [read article]

Israel channel 1 featured an extensive interview on the lab's research as a part of a science show called "Ma-avada" on April 19th, 2009. [watch video]

Daily Planet from the Canadian Discovery Channel aired a very nice segment on UT Austin Villa on October 6th, 2008. [watch video]

Time Magazine did a photo journal of RoboCup 2007 which includes our RoboCup@Home entry on slide 13. [view photo]

I was quoted in New Scientist in July 2006. [read article]

Fox Soccer Channel covered the RoboCup US Open on May 19th, 2006. [watch video]

Our lab featured in the UT Austin College of Natural Sciences magazine in Spring, 2006. [read article]

I was quoted in New Scientist in April 2006. [read article]

I was quoted in the Austin American Statesman on February 6th, 2006.

Fox Sports World did a segment based on our video from the 2005 US Open in Atlanta. It aired on August 4th, 2005. [watch video]

I was quoted in New Scientist in August 2005. [read article]

The Austin American Statesman ran a story on UT Austin Villa in May 2005. [read article]

I was quoted in the USA Today in August 2004. [read article]

Texas NewsWatch did a TV news segment on us on April 29th, 2004. [watch video]

The lab was featured on the University of Texas at Austin home page in July, 2003. The story includes a video. [read article]

Several Austin stations sent reporters to our lab in June 2003, before the UT Austin Villa team left to compete in RoboCup 2003 in Padua, Italy. [watch video] [Quicktime version]

While the UT Austin Villa team was in Padua, News 8 Austin sent a reporter to our lab. [watch video]

The Austin Chronicle ran a feature on UT Austin Villa in April, 2004. [read article]

During the American Open 2003, the Associated Press interviewed me regarding RoboCup soccer. USA Today carried the story on April 25th, 2003. [read article]

I was quoted in New Scientist in August 2001. [read article]

I was quoted in New Scientist in August 2001. [read article]