
I'm honored to have been selected for the UT Austin Academy of Distinguished Teachers in 2014, as well as for the UT System Regents' Outstanding Teaching Award in 2013.


CS 309: The Essentials of AI for Life and Society (Fall, 2024).
CS 394R: Reinforcement Learning: Theory and Practice (Spring, 2024).
CS 109: The Essentials of AI for Life and Society (Fall, 2023).
CS 394R: Reinforcement Learning - online (Fall, 2023).
CS 395T: Introduction to Ethical Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (Fall, 2022).
CS 394R: Reinforcement Learning - online (Fall, 2022).
CS 394R: Reinforcement Learning: Theory and Practice (Spring, 2022).
CS 343: Artificial Intelligence (Spring, 2021).
CS 394R: Reinforcement Learning - online (Spring, 2021).
CS 394R: Reinforcement Learning - online (Summer, 2020).
CS 394R: Reinforcement Learning - online (Spring, 2020).
CS 394R: Reinforcement Learning: Theory and Practice (Fall, 2019).
CS 393R: Autonomous Robots (Fall, 2018).
CS 343H: Honors Artificial Intelligence (Fall, 2017).
CS 394R: Reinforcement Learning: Theory and Practice (Fall, 2016).
CS 393R: Autonomous Robots (Fall, 2015).
CS 343H: Honors Artificial Intelligence (Spring, 2015).
CS 393R: Autonomous Robots (Fall, 2013).
CS 311H: Discrete Math for Computer Science: Honors (Fall, 2013).
CS 394R: Reinforcement Learning: Theory and Practice (Spring, 2013).
CS 313H: Logic, Sets, and Functions: Honors (Fall, 2012).
CS 343: Artificial Intelligence (Spring, 2012).
CS 393R: Autonomous Robots (Fall, 2011).
CS 394R: Reinforcement Learning: Theory and Practice (Spring, 2011).
CS 344M: Autonomous Multiagent Systems (Fall, 2010).
CS 343: Artificial Intelligence (Spring, 2010).
CS 393R: Autonomous Robots (Fall, 2009).
CS 344M: Autonomous Multiagent Systems (Spring, 2008).
CS 394R: Reinforcement Learning: Theory and Practice (Fall, 2007).
CS 378: Autonomous Vehicles - Driving in Traffic (Spring, 2007).
CS 395T: Agent-Based Electronic Commerce (Fall, 2006).
CS 378: Autonomous Multiagent Systems (Spring, 2006).
CS 395T: Autonomous Robots (Fall, 2005).
CS 378: Autonomous Multiagent Systems (Spring, 2005).
CS 395T: Reinforcement Learning: Theory and Practice (Fall, 2004).
CS 378: Autonomous Multiagent Systems (Spring, 2004).
CS 395T: Agent-Based Electronic Commerce (Fall, 2003).
CS 395T: Multi-Robot Systems: Robotic Soccer with Legged Robots (Spring, 2003).
CS 378: Autonomous Multiagent Systems (Fall, 2002).
Autonomous Multiagent Systems (Fall, 2001 at NYU).

On-line Talks

In August 2024, I gave a keynote at the first Reinforcement Learning Conference (RLC) on Practical Reinforcement Learning: Lessons from 30 Years of Research (1-hour video).

I gave a keynote at the RSS workshop on Robotic Tasks and How to Specify Them? Task Specification for General-Purpose Intelligent Robots on "Human-in-the-Loop Learning for Robot Navigation and Task Learning from Implicit Human Feedback" in July 2024 (30-minute video).

In April 2024, I spoke at Hot Science, Cool Talks on "Humans vs AI: Robot Soccer and Gran Turismo" (1-hour video).

I spoke at the Texas A&M University - Commerce AI initiative on AI and its Effects on Education and Society in October 2023 (45-minute talk plus extensive discussion).

I gave a keynote at Upper Bound on Practical Reinforcement Learning: Lessons from 30 Years of Research in May 2023 (60-minute video).
I gave a slightly abridged version of the talk at the 8th International Conference on Robotics, Control and Automation (ICRCA) in January 2024 (45-minute video).

In March 2023, I gave the keynote at the Machine Learning Expo (MLX23) at Florida State University on AI100: The One Hundred Year Study on AI (60-minute video).

In December 2022, I gave an invited talk in the NeurIPS workshop on Reinforcement Learning for Real Life (RL4RealLife) on "Outracing Champion Gran Turismo Drivers with Deep Reinforcement Learning", based on our article in Nature (30-minute video).

I gave an invited talk at the IROS workshop on Decision Making in Multi-Agent Systems entitled The Value of Communication in Ad Hoc Teamwork in October 2022 (30-minute video).

In July 2022, I gave an invited talk at the first ICML Workshop on Safe Learning for Autonomous Driving (SL4AD) entitled Reward (Mis)design for Autonomous Driving and Accumulating Safety Rules from Catastrophic Action Effects (30-minute video).

In April 2022, I gave an invited talk at the first ICLR workshop on Generalizable Policy Learning in the Physical World entitled Grounded Simulation for Sim2Real (30-minute video).

In April 2022, I gave a CS Distinguished Colloquium at the University of Memphis on "Outracing Champion Gran Turismo Drivers with Deep Reinforcement Learning", based on our article in Nature (1 hour video).

In March 2022, I spoke in the UT Austin Forum for Artificial Intelligence on "Outracing Champion Gran Turismo Drivers with Deep Reinforcement Learning", based on our article in Nature (1-hour video - direct link).

I presented in the USC ISI Artificial Intelligence Seminar about Autonomous Learning Agents and Multiagent Systems for Social Good in March 2022 (1-hour video - direct link).

In September 2021, I gave a (virtual) talk in the Robert Bosch Centre for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (RBCDSAI) LatentView Colloquium Series at IIT, Madras, India on "Machine Learning for Robot Locomotion: Grounded Simulation Learning and Adaptive Planner Parameter Learning" (1-hour video).

In May 2021, I interviewed Amir Husain about his book "The Sentient Machine" as part of the Texas Science Book Club. (1-hour video).

I gave an invited talk on Efficient Robot Skill Learning: Grounded Simulation Learning and Imitation Learning from Observation at the Secondmind Research Labs seminar series in May 2021. (1.5-hour video).

In March 2021, Kristen Grauman and I spoke at an outreach event called Texas Science Festival on Machine Perception and Intelligent Robots (45-minute video).

In February 2021, I gave an invited talk on Topics in Multiagent Learning Motivated by Ad Hoc Teamwork at the virtual seminar series on COMARL: Challenges and Opportunities for Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (1-hour video).

In January 2021, I gave a plenary keynote talk at the IJCAI-PRICAI 2020 conference on Ad Hoc Autonomous Agent Teams: Collaboration without Pre-Coordination (45-minute video).

  • I gave a condensed version of the talk at the AAAI 2021 workshop on Plan, Activity, and Intent Recognition (PAIR) in February 2021 (35-minute video plus 30 minutes Q&A).
  • Both of the above were based on my talk in December 2020 at the NeurIPS Cooperative AI Workshop on Ad Hoc Autonomous Agent Teams: Collaboration without Pre-Coordination (35-minute video plus 15 minutes Q&A).
  • I gave an invited talk on Gounded Simulation Learning For Sim2Real with Connections to Off-policy Reinforcement Learning in the NeurIPS 2020 Deep RL Workshop in December 2020 (30-minute video).

    In October 2020, I gave an invited talk on Task-Motion Navigation Planning with Learning for Adaptable Mobile Service Robots at the ICAPS 2020 workshop on Bridging the Gap between Planning and Reinforcement Learning (PRL) (40-minute video).

    In September 2020, I gave an invited talk on Efficient Robot Skill Learning: Grounded Simulation Learning and Imitation Learning from Observation at the West Virginia University Robotics Seminar Series (1-hour video).

    In September 2020, I spoke to high school students about Artificial Intelligence Research in a talk co-hosted by Youth AI Lab and TheOpenCode Foundation (1.5-hour video).

    In July 2020, I gave an invited talk on Efficient Robot Skill Learning via Grounded Simulation Learning, Imitation Learning from Observation, and Off-Policy Reinforcement Learning at the Institute of Advanced Study's Seminar on Theoretical Machine Learning (1-hour video).

    In June 2020, I gave an invited talk on Efficient Robot Skill Learning: Grounded Simulation Learning and Imitation Learning from Observation at Apptronik (1-hour video).

    In June 2020, I moderated a panel on RL at the Virtual Conference on Reinforcement Learning for Real Life (1-hour video).

    In June 2020, Garrett Warnell presented an invited talk on our joint research about Learning Robot Behaviors from Other Agents at the ICRA workshop on Interactive Robot Learning (30-minute video).

    In August 2019, Eric Horvitz from Microsot research invited me for a fireside chat to discuss my research career and inspirations (50-minute video).

    In April 2019, the U.S. Army officially declared me a "Mad Scientist" in connection with my joint talk with Garrett Warnell on "The Robocup Challenge (2050) and Human in the Loop Machine Learning"" (1-hour video).

    At SXSW In March 2019, I was on a panel with Garry Kasparov and Hiroaki Kitano on "Can AI re-envision Human Creativity?" (1-hour video).

    In January 2019, I participated in an Oxford-style debate at the AAAI conference on the topic of whether the AI community should continue focussing mostly on machine learning (1-hour video).

    In January 2019, I spoke at the REâ¢WORK Deep Learning Summit in San Francisco (17-minute video).

    In February 2018, I moderated the Future Show at the MBN Forum in Seoul, South Korea (17-minute video).

    In September 2017, I delivered the Keynote Address on Robot Skill Learning: From the Real World to Simulation and Back at the NVIDIA NTECH conference (1-hour video).

    In March 2017, I delivered the Keynote Address on Learning and Multiagent Reasoning for Autonomous Robots at the Synopsis SNUG Silicon Valley conference (50-minute video).

    In March 2017, I spoke in the CMU Robotics Institute Seminar about Robot Skill Learning: From the Real World to Simulation and Back (1 hour video).

    In February 2017, I was invited to talk about the AI 100 report by the Prime Minister of Finand (32-minute video).

    In November 2016, I spoke at the Seoul Future Forum about the AI 100 project (13-minute video starting at minute 22).

    In September 2016, I spoke in the UT Austin Forum for Artificial IntelligenceI on "AI and Life in 2030", the first report of the 100 Year Study on Artificial Intelligence (1 hour video).

    My June 2015 invited talk at the The Multi-disciplinary Conference on Reinforcement Learning and Decision Making (RLDM) on "PRISM: Practical RL: Representation, Interaction, Synthesis, and Mortality" (40-minute video).

    In May 2015, I spoke in Yahoo! Labs' Big Thinkers series, about "Learning and Multiagent Reasoning for Autonomous Robots" (1 hour video).

    In November 2014, I was a panelist on WKUT's "In Perspective" about How AI Articulates & Expands Our Understanding of Human Intelligence (45 minutes audio).

    In June 2014, I presented "TEXPLORE: Real-Time Sample-Efficient Reinforcement Learning for Robots" at The International Conference on Planning and Scheduling: ICAPS 2014 (20 minute video).

    In January 2014, I spoke at The University of Michigan's CSE Colloquium on "Learning and Multiagent Reasoning for Autonomous Robots (1 hour video).

    In March 2013, I spoke at TEDxYouth Austin on "Robot Soccer" (14 minute video).

    In February 2013, I presented a "Webinar" about our use of Aldebaran Nao robots in our Champion 2012 RoboCup SPL team. (video format only works in Windows)

    In October 2010, I spoke at Hot Science, Cool Talks on "Autonomous Robots Playing Soccer and Traversing Intersections" (slides and 1-hour archived webcast).

    In April 2010, I spoke at TEDxUT on "Autonomous Robots Playing Soccer and Traversing Intersections" (22 minute video).

    In January 2007, I delivered the IJCAI 2007 Computers and Thought Award talk: "Learning and Multiagent Reasoning for Autonomous Agents."