CS 307 Test Study Aids
Tests in CS 307 are the major tool for evaluation. Normally 75% of your grade is based on your performance on the midterms and finals. In general tests will be 20 - 30% short answer questions and 70 - 80% coding questions. The coding questions focus on your ability to work with and create abstractions AND create and code algorithms.
The way to maximize your chances for success on the tests and in the class are:
attend lectures
take notes in lecture
attend small sections
start early and complete all assignments
if you get stuck on something (a topic from lecture, an assignment, or a sample test problem) ask for help!
do as many questions from the section handout as you can
take the sample midterms as practice exams, limiting yourself to the time allotted
write out code to question on paper and then check your answers on the computer
study for the test in groups, discussing answers to sample midterms and section handouts
do the assigned reading and review notes from lecture
get help as soon as your have difficulty. (Mike's office hours, TA lab hours, Proctor lab hours, Blackboard discussion group, study groups, UPE tutoring.)
The way to maximize your chance of doing poorly
don't do the things above
wait until 1 or 2 days before the assignment due date to start
study for the test merely by looking over the slides. CS 307 tests are about your ability to create and implement non-trivial algorithms. There is very little simple recall involved. I am testing your critical thinking and problem solving skills.