Course description
Lecture notes
CS 395T - Design and Analysis of Security Protocols (54302)
Fall 2004
Murphi tips
Tutorial and user manual are in
If you are having problems with compiling Murphi-generated C++ code,
try compiling it with /usr/bin/g++
- Always run your Murphi model with the -ndl option to make sure
verification does not stop once a deadlock state is reached (typically,
deadlock is not an issue for security protocols).
Scalarsets are enumerated types. They are similar
to enum types in C++. For example, type declaration
AgentId:scalarset(5) says that variables of type AgentId
can take one of 5 (unnamed) values. Scalarset types are simply finite,
unordered sets of values.
If you write ruleset i: ScalarType where ScalarType is a
Scalarset type, then the enclosed rule will be executed once for every
possible value of ScalarType. For each execution, the current
value can be accessed as i.
Multisets are data structures. A multiset is a set in
which the same element may be included more than once. Multisets are
similar to arrays, except that they are unordered.
If you write multisetcount(m:mset,P) where mset is declared
as a multiset and P is a predicate (i.e., a function
returning true or false), then P will be applied
to every element of the multiset mset, and the return value of
multisetcount will be the number of elements of mset on
which P evaluated to true. Within the body of P,
the current element (i.e., the element to which the predicate
P is being applied) can be accessed as mset[m].