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Awards & Honors

UTCS ACM Sweeps Regional Programming Contest

12/31/2002 - The UTCS ACM Programming Club teams headed to Louisiana to compete in the 2002 ACM South Central USA Programming Contest on November 2nd. The three UTCS teams performed exceptionally well and placed 1st, 2nd and 3rd in this regional competition, beating the other 74 teams from Texas, Oklahoma and Louisiana.

ASE 2002 Best Paper Award

09/27/2002 - The paper "Generating Product-Lines of Product-Families" by Don Batory, Roberto Lopez-Herrejon, and Jean-Phillipe Martin won a best paper award at ASE 2002.

Vicki Almstrum Elected to SIGCSE Board

10/03/2001 - Congratulations to Vicki Almstrum, who has just been elected to the ACM SIGCSE (Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education) Board of Directors.

Bledsoe Honored

09/18/2001 - Prof. J. Siekmann of the University of Saarbruecken , Germany writes today that "We have named one of the halls in the new AI building of the German Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) after Woody Bledsoe."

Tivoli Awards Teaching Grants

08/25/2001 - Tivoli Center of Excellence in Systems Management faculty teaching grants for 2001 were awarded to the following CS Faculty:

Yale Patt Receives Award

02/16/2001 - Professor Yale Patt, appointment in CS and ECE, has been awarded the ACM Karl V. Karlstrom Outstanding Educator Award.

Almstrum Receives Award

10/21/2000 - Vicki Almstrum received well-deserved recognition by the College of Natural Sciences for her teaching ability when she was chosen as a recipient of the College of Natural Sciences Teaching Excellence Award.

IBM Faculty Partnership Awards

09/25/2000 - Congratulations to Martin D. F. Wong and Mohamed G. Gouda, both of whom received an IBM Faculty Partnership Award for 2000.

CS Faculty Awarded Sloans

08/01/2000 - Lorenzo Alvisi, Nina Amenta, Michael Dahlin, and Ana Gál were each awarded an Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship.