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Awards & Honors

Robocup Victory for UT

08/15/2017 - Team UT Austin Villa won 3rd place in the Robocup@home competition, in the Domestic Standard Platform League. Other US institutions participating in this league include: UC San Diego, Northeastern, and Berkeley. Three of these teams qualified to compete in Japan (UT Austin, UCSD and Northeastern).

Alison Norman Earns Teaching Excellence Award

Lecturer Alison Norman

08/08/2017 - Alison Norman has been selected to receive a 2017 College of Natural Sciences Teaching Excellence Award. The Teaching Excellence Award is intended to provide recognition of the college’s many exceptional faculty who are committed to teaching at either the undergraduate or graduate level.

Kristen Grauman Named to UT Austin's Academy of Distinguished Teachers

Kristen Grauman

06/01/2017 - Kristen Grauman, associate professor in the Department of Computer Science, has been inducted into The University of Texas at Austin's respected Academy of Distinguished Teachers for 2017. The Academy, one of the first organizations of its kind in the country, was established in 1995 to honor and reward excellence in teaching by recognizing tenured faculty members who have continuously provided significant contributions to education throughout their career, especially at the undergraduate level.

UT Austin Villa Wins at RoboCup U.S. Open

05/03/2017 - Last weekend, UT robot soccer team Austin Villa won the 2017 RoboCup U.S. Open competition hosted by the University of Miami. Four teams competed in the Standard Platform League, including the UT Austin Villa team as well as a mixed team called Team USA made up of robots from UT and the University of Pennsylvania. Austin Villa won every match with a combined score of 32-2; Team USA scored both goals against Austin Villa.

Austin Named Best Cities in the World for Tech

04/25/2017 - "Austin ranks as the world's number one Tech City. IBM, Dell, and AMD all have a long-established presence here, and today low taxes, favourable real estate costs and a strong entrepreneurial culture mean the Texan capital maintains a thriving and innovative start-up scene, with access to some of the world's top talent." City population: 932,000 City GDP per capita: $62,376 Established tech firm office rent per week per sq ft: $54 Prime residential rent per week: $1,002

UT Team Wins Midwest Trading Competition

04/24/2017 - On April 8, the Undergraduate Computational Finance Team, or Texas UCF, consisting of UTCS students Rahul Gupta, Sam Barani and Vishal Gullapalli, won first place in the Midwest Trading Competition. Teams from 35 schools across the US and Canada competed at the event, hosted by the University of Chicago, to create and test trading algorithms in real market conditions. The competition includes two case studies, giving students an opportunity to test their skills against the same conditions as professional traders.

Yu-Chuan Su Awarded Google Ph.D. Fellowship

04/12/2017 - UT Computer Science graduate student Yu-Chuan Su has been awarded a 2017 Google Ph.D. Fellowship in Machine Perception. He is one of 33 recipients from North America, Europe and the Middle East.