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UTCS Wins Award for Work with Women

04/14/2016 - The University of Texas Department of Computer Science (UTCS) has been selected as one of two NCWIT Second Place NEXT Award winners. The department has won this accolade for its achievements in recruiting and retaining women into UTCS and for it’s successful allocation of resources towards building a department-wide culture of support and community for women.

Burnt Orange Outreach

10/22/2015 - The field of computer science is playing a balancing act in our society these days. In some circles, holding a computer science degree immediately brands you as a cool techie who is going to catch the next plane to the promised land that is Silicon Valley. On the other hand, there are still many people who buy into the image of a computer scientist being an antisocial hacker who does genius things with computers

Supporting Women in Computer Science

10/20/2015 - In the past few years, Texas Computer Science students have likely seen an increase in the efforts to support women in computer science. Likewise, the department’s efforts to reach out to the larger community have also grown. There are a number of ways that this has happened, and these efforts have generally been quite successful.

Project Giving Tree Aims to Strengthen CS Community

04/14/2015 - Around this time every year a new group of students begins to prepare themselves to bid farewell to long days of classes and tedious homework assignments and make the shift to post grad life. The soon to be graduates of the UT Computer Science department have left their mark on the school in many ways. And now, through a special program called Project Giving Tree, these students can continue to leave their mark for years and years to come.

Hundreds Explore UT CS At Annual University Wide Event

03/12/2015 - Thousands turned out for the "biggest open house in Texas" on March 10 for the annual Explore UT event. Explore UT is an event put on by the university every spring, that opens it's doors to anyone that would like to explore the campus inside and out. Different colleges host activities throughout the day to get future students of all ages and their parents excited about the endless oppportunities that UT has to provide.

First Bytes 2014

06/27/2014 - The twelfth annual First Bytes Summer Camp, sponsored by UTCS, kicked off on June 15th on the university campus. The free weeklong camp showcases the potential of a career in technology to selected Texas high school girls.

CS Roadshow: Taking CS on the Road to Middle School Students

04/18/2014 - Computer science is one of the fastest-growing majors at UT. This year, we have around 1800 students in the Class of 2017, making computer science one of the largest majors in the College of Natural Science. The problem, though, is that in most cases, middle and high schools don’t actually offer that many CS-related courses. UTCS is trying to change that, however, with CS Roadshow, a program dedicated to educating students all over Austin about computer science.