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Undergraduate Program

Most wanted: Students with technical degrees

05/16/2012 - This year’s graduates in computer science, engineering and accounting are in high demand in the strongest job market for graduates since 2008, says the National Association of Colleges and Employers. NACE shows a 10.2 percent increase in hiring over 2011. - Michael Okoniewsk/Bloomberg News

Game Development Program Is Launched

01/17/2012 - Image AUSTIN, Texas-The College of Natural Sciences is teaming up with two other colleges at the university to launch undergraduate students into an interdisciplin

Where 94% of grads get jobs

01/07/2012 - CNN Video: Where 94% of grads get jobs. Majoring in computer science is hot right now. Enrollment is up, and undergrads are rocking the job market.

Get Started at UT

12/16/2011 - 1 Semester Startup (ISS) is a new practicum course designed to accelerate UT undergraduate students’ startups for degree credit. It allows undergraduates to experience entrepreneurship first-hand while learning from some of the most successful entrepreneurs in Austin. On December 1st, 1SS students presented their startups in five-minute investor pitches to the Austin entrepreneurial community.

Want to Make Games for a Living?

Want to make games for a living?

11/01/2011 - The new Game Development Program is designed to serve undergraduate students in Radio-TV-Film, Fine Arts and Computer Science. Students majoring in these areas will take classes in their discipline, as described below. After gaining that experience, and typically in their senior year at UT, students from these three disciplines will come together in an interdisciplinary Capstone Project class.