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Two UTCS Faculty Among the Most Highly Cited Researchers

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Posted by Staci R Norman on Saturday, June 12, 2004

The June 9, 2004 edition of the @Texas Newsletter announced that UT is home to 29 of the most highly cited researchers in the world by the Institute for Scientific Information. Among those listed are two UTCS faculty, Dr. E. Allen Emerson and Dr. Jayadev Misra.

About Dr. Emerson:

Dr. E. Allen Emerson does research in formal methods. He is best known for developing model checking, an algorithmic method of reasoning about nominally finite state concurrent programs, for which he was cowinner of the ACM Kanellakis Theory and Practice Award. He has also contributed to the theory and applications of temporal logics, program synthesis, and automata on infinite objects. He serves on the editorial boards of leading journals in formal methods.

Dr. Emerson received his B.S. degree in Mathematics at UT-Austin, and the Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics at Harvard University.

About Dr. Jayadev Misra:

Dr. Jayadev Misra's research interest is applying formal methods in practice, particularly in the specifications and designs of synchronous and asynchronous systems. His research group, the PSP group, maintains a home page with additional information about his work and electronic access to other papers.

Dr. Misra has received the 1988 John Simon Guggenheim Fellowship. He also is an IEEE Fellow and an ACM Fellow.

Dr. Misra received a Bachelors of Technology from the Indian Institute of Technology in 1969 and his Ph.D. at Johns Hopkins University in 1972.

The Most Highly Cited Researchers at UT