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E. Allen Emerson

The 2009 Visions of Computing Lecture: Model Checking Over Time

03/02/2009 - March 2 , 2009 from 4:15 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Lecture in Avaya Auditorium, ACES 2.302; private reception for invited guests followed from 5:45 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. The Visions of Computing Lecture Series highlights faculty accomplishments and provides public education about computer science.

Two UTCS Faculty Among the Most Highly Cited Researchers

06/12/2004 - The June 9, 2004 edition of the @Texas Newsletter announced that UT is home to 29 of the most highly cited researchers in the world by the Institute for Scientific Information. Among those listed are two UTCS faculty, Dr. E. Allen Emerson and Dr. Jayadev Misra.

Visions of Computer Sciences Research Lectures

01/25/2002 - The Department of Computer Sciences is proud to announce the annual Visions of Computer Sciences Research Lectures. The first lecture will be held Friday, January 25, 2002. Formal Methods is the topic this year.