The 2012 CNS Career Fair, held on February 2nd at the Frank Erwin Center, had 126 employers in attendance seeking candidates for full-time, part-time, internship and co-op positions. Computer Science students and alumni were in high demand, with 91% (115) of employers interested in them. Seventeen of those employers were our Friends of Computer Science (FoCS) partners. FoCS partners at the Career Fair were recognized with a special FoCS ribbon to drive CS students to their booths.
FoCS partners in attendance this year:
- Amazon
- Dell
- eBay, Inc.
- HomeAway
- Microsoft
- National Instruments
- Qualcomm
- Rackspace
- Sandia National Labratories
- Schlumberger
- Tata Consultancy Services
- Union Pacific Railroad
- Valero
- Yelp
Startup Village
UTCS, UT CNS and the startup community joined together to pilot the first "Startup Village" at the Career Fair. This initial opportunity provided a platform for startup companies to build their brand and provide information about employment opportunities to students. Startup Village, a specially reserved and themed section of the larger Career Fair, enjoyed heavy student traffic as students stopped to talk about entrepreneurial opportunities with a number of companies ranging from gaming to a social media site for families to mobile computing and media to software development.
Companies attending this year:
- Ides of March
- Kin Valley
- Mutual Mobile
- Potomac Fusion
- Spredfast, Inc
- WhaleShark Media
- Evernote
If you are a startup company interested in being considered for the next Startup Village, please email