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FoCS Welcomes New Partners

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Posted by Staci R Norman on Wednesday, January 25, 2012
FoCS Welcomes New Members

The UTCS Friends of Computer Science (FoCS) program welcomes new partners: eBay, PayPal, Rackspace, Rivet Software, Tata Consultancy Services, and Union Pacific Railroad.

The ongoing support of FoCS partners allows UTCS to engage the next generation of computer scientists and provides a rich and diverse experience for students. In addition, FoCS partners support a computer science department that provides talent, research and innovation, which helps to anchor the regional economy with an $8.7 billion dollar annual economic impact (The Perryman Group).

The Friends of Computer Science Program (FoCS) provides a synergistic convergence of computer science academia, industry and student talent for mutual benefit. FoCS partners have the unique opportunity to “live” inside the computer science department through involvement with students, faculty, and industry experts at lectures, conferences and other programs.

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